Samsa with puff pastry pumpkin - a simple and delicious recipe

Today you will learn how to make homemade samsa with pumpkin. Get a complete list of products that make delicious toppings. Check out the puff pastry recipe, which is made very quickly and easily. You will learn how to make beautiful triangular blanks and what happens after baking. After studying the detailed instructions, you can cook delicious pastries in 30 minutes.

30 min
8 servings
Medium difficulty
Samsa with puff pastry pumpkin - a simple and delicious recipe

Kitchen appliances and utensils: bowl, cling film, kitchen towel or lid, baking dish, parchment paper, oven, spoon.


Water 175 ml
Salt ½ tsp
Butter 50 g
Pumpkin 400 g
Bow 200 g (2 pcs.)
Lamb fat 100 g
Ground coriander 1 tsp
Ground black pepper ½ tsp
Ground red pepper ½ tsp
Salt 1-2 tsp
Black sesame seeds 1 tsp
Black sesame seeds 1 tsp
Egg yolk 1 PC.

Step cooking

  1. At the beginning of cooking the mass with pumpkin, knead the dough. To do this, dissolve half a teaspoon of salt in 175 ml of warm water. Sift 250 g of flour into a deep bowl, pour water and knead the dough. Knead first with a spoon, then with your hands until the flour takes all the water into itself. Sprinkle the working surface with flour, spread the dough and knead for 5-7 minutes until a supple, flexible mass is obtained. We form a ball of dough, sprinkle flour on top. Cover with a bowl and leave to rest on demand. At this time, we will do the stuffing.
    For the preparation of samsa with pumpkin, prepare the ingredients
  2. We peel 400 g of pumpkin, rinse, cut into small cubes. The smaller the cubes, the tastier the filling. Send the pumpkin into a deep bowl.
    To prepare samsa with pumpkin, chop the ingredients
  3. We peel two onions, rinse, cut into small cubes and send to the pumpkin. To make samsa juicy, we need 100 g of lamb fat. If you do not have lamb, use beef or pork fat without peel. Cut the fat into small cubes, send to the already chopped ingredients.
    To cook samsa with pumpkin, chop the onion
  4. Add one teaspoon of ground coriander to the filling, half a teaspoon of red pepper. And be sure to add black pepper and salt to taste. We recommend making the filling a little salted. During baking, the pumpkin absorbs spices, and the taste normalizes. Stir the filling and go to the test.
    To make samsa with pumpkin, prepare the filling
  5. During this time, it became elastic, supple. We send the working surface with flour, spread the dough. Knead with your hands, form a cake. Then we roll out the dough with a rolling pin 2-3 mm thick. Melt in a microwave or water bath 50 g of butter, let it cool slightly and lubricate the entire surface of the dough evenly.
    To make samsa with pumpkin, prepare the dough
  6. Now you need to roll the dough into a tight roll. We begin to carefully roll it from the bottom up. Sprinkle flour on top of the roll and fold the snail. We put it on a plate and send it to the refrigerator for 20 minutes.
    To make samsa with pumpkin, roll out the dough
  7. Then we take out the dough, unwind it again with an even roll, fold it in half, and make an incision on the bend. Then divide the knife into 8 parts. Thanks to these manipulations, we get ready-made pieces of mass of the same size. Now take each piece of dough and crush it with your hand vertically. This is important so that as a result we get beautiful layers of dough with a pattern. We can immediately divide the filling into eight parts, so that the same amount goes to each samsa.
    To make samsa with pumpkin, divide the dough
  8. Roll out thin cakes from the dough. In the middle we put 1/8 of the filling. Raise the edges of the dough and connect them in the center. Then, pinch the edges of the dough over the filling. Thus we get samsa in the shape of a triangle. Turn over and put so far on a work surface or a cutting board, sprinkled with flour. We repeat such manipulations with the whole test and filling. How to form blanks, look at the photo.
    To prepare samsa with pumpkin, put the filling on the dough
  9. We cover the baking sheet with parchment paper, lay out the semi-finished products.Add a little water to the egg yolk, mix. Using a silicone brush with this solution, lubricate the surface of the workpieces. For beauty, we can sprinkle black and / or white sesame seeds on top.
    Samsa with pumpkin according to a step by step recipe with photo
  10. We send to the oven and bake at a temperature of 180 degrees 30 minutes. Then we get it, put it on a serving plate and serve.

Video recipe

To learn more about the process of making homemade samsa with pumpkin, we suggest watching a short video. You will learn how the finished dough turns out. How to chop the ingredients for the filling. How to form blanks from the filling and dough, what is the finished samsa.

Dear readers, judging by the reviews of consumers, samsa according to this recipe turns out to be very beautiful and tasty. We recommend using the cooking recommendations, and in the comments leave your opinion about the dish received. Do you like the taste of samsa with pumpkin?

Other recipes for puff pastry dishes

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