And you can serve winter salads from tomatoes for any reason and even without it, they are combined with almost any dish:
- with fried, boiled, baked meat;
- fish
- Fresh vegetables
- cereals;
- pasta;
- potatoes in any form.
They are wonderful as an independent snack. But do not lean too much on canned dishes, you need to take into account the state of your own health, because everything is good in moderation.
Benefit and harm
Fresh tomatoes are a healthy product with a rich composition. But is at least some of the “usefulness” preserved after heat treatment? It remains, and a lot. And this is what canned tomatoes are good for.
- Lycopene. It is a powerful antioxidant and cancer fighter. And tomato is one of the most generous "suppliers" of this substance, because we do not know how to synthesize it on our own. Especially valuable is the use of tomatoes for men - lycopene reduces the risk of developing prostate tumors.
- Vitamin C. Provides vascular elasticity, fights free radicals, maintains immunity, and prevents the formation of cholesterol plaques. With prolonged heat treatment, it breaks down, so choose salad recipes with the shortest cooking time.
- Phenylalanine. Prevents the breakdown of hormones of joy - endorphins. It helps to feel happier and more contented with life.
- Serotonin. Another "source" of joy and good mood. It also improves memory, appetite, affects sexual desire.
- Thiamine. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the nervous system, helps fight stress, and is part of sedatives and sleeping pills.
- Acids Improve digestion and increase appetite.
But there are also disadvantages. Preservation involves the addition of a large amount of salt, which retains fluid in the body, and vinegar, which is the strongest irritant to the gastric mucosa. Therefore, people with the following diseases should be wary of winter preparations:
- hypertension;
- cardiovascular diseases;
- urolithiasis disease;
- pyelonephritis;
- increased acidity of gastric juice;
- pancreatitis
- peptic ulcer;
- gestosis of pregnant women.
Many recipes contain large amounts of sugar, and it is a potential danger to people with diabetes and obesity.
14 recipes for tomato salads for the winter
Our ancestors invented hundreds of canned tomato salads - we can only choose and enjoy the result. Practically any tomato can be put into business: red, brown, green, hard and overripe, sweet and sour - each has its own recipe. And each of them can be adjusted according to their own taste preferences.
With sweet pepper
Features Tomato and pepper salad for the winter is a classic of the genre. They were procured in every Soviet family, everyone remembers its taste from childhood. This one is cooking fast and unpretentious.
What is in the composition:
- ripe tomatoes - 3 kg;
- sweet pepper - 1 kg;
- carrots - 1 kg;
- onions - 1 kg;
- sugar - 300 g;
- salt - 80-90 g;
- sunflower oil - 300 ml;
- vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
- black pepper to taste.
How to cook
- Peppers cut into half rings up to 1 cm thick.
- Tomatoes - slices, and then slices - in half.
- Carrots - in bars.
- Onions - in half rings.
- Put everything in the pan.
- Sprinkle with salt.
- Leave for 12 hours.
- Now add sugar, vinegar, pepper and butter.
- Stew for 40 minutes.
- Sterilize containers and lids.
- Arrange on banks and cork.
- Turn over.
- Cover with a blanket.
- After a day, transfer the salad for storage.
With eggplant
Features A quick salad option for the winter - from tomatoes and eggplant. The largest concentration of “utilities” is in the eggplant peel and immediately below it. Therefore, try to peel as thin a layer as possible.
What is in the composition:
- ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
- eggplant - 2 kg;
- sweet pepper - 2 kg;
- onion - 2 kg;
- carrots - 2 kg;
- favorite greens - 100 g;
- sunflower oil - 200 ml;
- salt - 100 g;
- sugar - 100 g.
How to cook
- Pour the oil into the pan.
- Chop onions and carrots.
- Sauté.
- Peel and chop the eggplant.
- Add to already fried vegetables.
- Pour the hot water over the tomatoes, peel off the skin and chop it too.
- Add them to a common pot.
- Grind the herbs and pour there.
- Now it’s the turn of sugar and salt.
- Tomite 40-50 minutes.
- Stir, otherwise the dish will burn.
- Done. You can lay out the salad in sterile jars.
Features This is another version of eggplant salad. There is nothing dangerous in it. And he got his awesome name because of the outward similarity of the finished dish in a jar with the color of this exotic snake.
What is in the composition:
- ripe tomatoes - 1 kg;
- eggplant - 3 kg;
- sweet pepper - 2 kg;
- hot pepper - 100 g;
- sunflower oil - 200 ml;
- vinegar - 200 ml;
- garlic - 150 g;
- parsley - one bunch (small);
- dill - one bunch (small);
- salt - 20-30 g.
How to cook
- Cut the eggplant into circles 1 cm thick. Do not peel the peel.
- Place in a separate container, fill with warm salted water (to cover the covers completely).
- Soak an hour.
- Finely chop the tomatoes, peppers, garlic and herbs. Better yet, use a meat grinder.
- Add salt and vinegar to the resulting sauce.
- Shuffle.
- Pour oil into a pan with a thick bottom.
- Lay out eggplant and sauce.
- Boil it.
- Tomite another 20 minutes.
- Arrange still boiling salad in sterile jars, seal and cool under a blanket.
With beans
Features Beans are a high-quality vegetable protein with a low calorie content, so this salad will fit perfectly into the diet of people who lose weight. And the interesting taste of the dish will help diversify the daily menu.
What is in the composition:
- ripe tomatoes - 3 kg;
- sweet pepper - 1 kg;
- red beans - two glasses (boil in advance);
- carrots - 1 kg;
- onions - 1 kg;
- sunflower oil - 200 ml;
- vinegar - 100 ml;
- salt - 60 g;
- sugar - 250 g.
How to cook
- Cut the onion into a medium dice.
- Sauté.
- Tomatoes and peppers also cut into medium-sized cubes.
- Grind the carrots.
- Put all the ingredients in the recipe (except vinegar) in a saucepan.
- Simmer a quarter hour over low heat.
- Pour in the vinegar and boil the salad for another five minutes.
- Done.
"Mother-in-law's tongue"
Features Recipe without pre-cooking. Minimum ingredients - maximum taste. A simple, light salad and at the same time - piquantly spicy.Therefore, probably, the name is as sharp as the language of the beloved mother-in-law.
What is in the composition:
- ripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
- onions - 100 g;
- garlic - 100 g;
- hot pepper - 1 pod;
- sunflower oil - 100 ml;
- dill - one bunch (small);
- parsley - one bunch (small);
- vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- salt - 50-60 g.
How to cook
- For tomatoes, remove the "butt."
- If the tomatoes are large - cut them into slices, if the medium - into quarters, small - in half.
- Onions - in half rings.
- Crush the garlic with a press or chop with a blender.
- In an enameled basin, place all the components of the recipe and mix. Gently, do not damage the structure of vegetables.
- Leave on for 30-40 minutes.
- Arrange on pre-sterilized jars and cover with lids. But do not roll up.
- Place a towel on the bottom of the wide container so that the container does not slip.
- Put filled cans.
- Pour water to the "shoulders".
- Boil it.
- Sterilize for 20 minutes.
- Now tighten the lids, turn the cans over and cover them with a blanket. After a day, the cooled salad can be moved to the balcony, to the pantry or to the cellar.
With rice
Features A salad for the winter from tomatoes with rice is the very case where tomatoes that are not suitable for other types of preservation are successfully disposed of - mashed, spoiled, ugly.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- sweet pepper - 0.5 kg;
- carrots - 0.75 kg;
- onions - 0.5 kg;
- rice - one glass;
- sunflower oil - 200 ml;
- vinegar 9% - 40 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- salt - 50 g.
How to cook
- Grind tomatoes and onions with a blender.
- Carrots - grate.
- Peppers - Dice.
- Place everything (except rice) in a large container.
- Boil the hour.
- Rinse the rice and soak.
- When the vegetables are cooked, put in the cereal.
- Shuffle.
- Pour into a sterile container and seal.
In own juice
Features Here you will need two types of tomatoes: beautiful, elastic fruits of about the same size and those that are slightly crumpled, ugly in shape, overripe.
What is in the composition:
- elastic tomatoes - 2 kg;
- overripe tomatoes - 2 kg;
- horseradish - 60 g;
- garlic - one head (large);
- lettuce leaves - one bunch;
- sugar - 100 g;
- salt - 50 g;
- black pepper - 10 g.
How to cook
- Cut the overripe tomatoes into small cubes.
- Cook one and a half to two hours. Stir, otherwise they will burn.
- Pieces should be boiled in mashed potatoes.
- Rinse and chop the lettuce leaves with a blender.
- Horseradish and garlic too.
- Add everything to the smoothie.
- Pour in the same salt and sugar.
- Boil again.
- In a sterile container, place whole tomatoes.
- Now slowly, so as not to form voids, pour the resulting sauce.
- Cover with sterile caps, but do not roll them up.
- Put a piece of cloth in the pan.
- Place jars of tomatoes.
- Pour them with water to the "shoulders".
- Sterilize for 20 minutes.
With zucchini
Features A salad of tomatoes and zucchini for the winter is a great option when you want variety. The advantage of this method is that it does not require long cooking, so the pieces remain textured, and the benefit is maximized.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 1.5 kg;
- zucchini - 1 kg;
- onions - 0.5 kg;
- garlic - 300 g;
- sunflower oil - 80 ml;
- sugar - 50 g;
- salt - 40 g;
- hot pepper - half the pod.
How to cook
- At the zucchini, remove the peel and seeds.
- Cut into half rings 0.5 cm thick.
- Pour into a large container.
- Add butter, sugar, salt.
- Cook a quarter of an hour after boiling.
- Cut the tomatoes into small slices too.
- Add to the total mass.
- Tomite another quarter hour.
- Cut the onion into half rings.
- Dip to the vegetables.
- Grind pepper and garlic.
- Send to a common pot.
- Tomite another five minutes.
- Pour hot into a sterile container and seal.
"Real jam"
Features Tomato salad for the winter “You'll lick your fingers” is not in vain called that. He has more than one generation of admirers. The composition is simple, the cooking is straightforward, and the taste is excellent.Often brine ends even earlier than the rest of the contents.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- onions - 200 g;
- garlic - one head;
- sunflower oil - 50 ml;
- parsley - 1 bunch;
- water - 1 l;
- vinegar 9% - 50 ml;
- salt - 30 g;
- sugar - 80 g;
- allspice and peas - 10 g each
How to cook
- Sterilize containers and lids.
- Chop greens and garlic.
- And put on the bottom of each jar.
- Heat oil.
- And pour 10 ml into each jar.
- Make a hole in the stalk of each tomato with a toothpick.
- Cut the onion rings.
- Place whole tomatoes and onions in containers.
- Add salt, sugar, pepper to a liter of water.
- Boil the marinade until the grains dissolve.
- Pour vinegar into it.
- Pour the hot (but not simmering) marinade into jars of tomato.
- Cover, but do not roll up.
- Place a piece of fabric at the bottom of the wide tank.
- Set the jars and fill with water to the "coat hanger".
- Sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
- Cork, flip and wrap for a day.
With green tomatoes
Features Fans of immature tomatoes will appreciate this method. The salad turns out to be very bright, this will decorate both the daily menu and the festive table.
What is in the composition:
- green tomatoes - 1 kg;
- carrots - 300 g;
- sweet pepper (large) - one red and one yellow each;
- sunflower oil - 120 ml;
- sugar - 60 g;
- salt - 30 g;
- vinegar 9% - 30 ml.
How to cook
- Cut the tomatoes into slices about 0.5 cm thick.
- Onions - in half rings.
- Sweet peppers too.
- Grate the carrots.
- Put everything in a container.
- Add salt, sugar, butter, and vinegar.
- Stir and let marinate for two hours.
- Sterilize containers and lids.
- Put the salad tightly in the jars.
- Cover with sterile lids.
- Place a towel on the bottom of the wide container and set the cans.
- Pour water over the shoulders.
- Sterilize the salad after boiling water for another quarter hour.
- Done. You can roll up and wrap canned food.
With mayonnaise
Features Here you can use any tomatoes: red, brown, green - which you like. You can even mix them to add brightness and contrast to the dish.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 1 kg;
- onions - 300 g;
- carrots - 300 g;
- sweet pepper - 300 g;
- sunflower oil - 100 ml;
- garlic - five cloves;
- salt - 30 g;
- sugar - 100 g;
- mayonnaise - 80 g;
- tomato paste - 80 g;
- vinegar 9% - 10 ml.
How to cook
- Cut the onion into half rings.
- Carrots - in bars.
- Sauté.
- Immerse the tomatoes in boiling water for 15 seconds, separate the skin and chop.
- Send them to fry onions and carrots.
- Remove the seeds from the pepper and cut into half rings.
- Put in the total mass.
- Add the same salt, sugar, mayonnaise, tomato paste.
- Shuffle.
- Stew for half an hour under the lid.
- Last add vinegar and garlic (pass through a press).
- Tomite another quarter hour.
- You can put the salad in a sterile container and seal.
With fish
Features In this recipe, you can use mackerel, herring, herring or even sprats. Such a fish and vegetable salad is self-sufficient - it can be safely served as an independent dish. It is better to take fish fresh or fresh-frozen.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 1.3 kg;
- fish - 5.2 kg;
- sweet pepper - 4.1 kg;
- onions - 3.1 kg;
- carrots - 2.2 kg;
- sunflower oil - 200-250 ml;
- vinegar 9% - 200 ml;
- sugar - 100 g;
- salt - 60 g;
- favorite spices to taste.
How to cook
- Boil the fish.
- Separate the fillet from the bones.
- Tomatoes - grind with a blender.
- Carrots - on a grater.
- Onions and peppers - in half rings.
- Combine the vegetables in a large container and simmer for half an hour.
- Then add fish fillet, salt, sugar, vinegar, oil, spices.
- Tomite another half an hour.
- Put in a sterile container and roll up.
With mushrooms
Features You can put mushrooms that you like here. If there is no mushroom picker experience, it is better to buy champignons in the store. So you can protect yourself and your family from poisoning.
What is in the composition:
- mushrooms - 1.5 kg;
- red tomatoes - 1 kg;
- sweet pepper - 1 kg;
- onions - 0.5 kg;
- carrots - 0.7 kg;
- sunflower oil - 300 ml;
- vinegar 9% - 100 ml;
- sugar - 150 g;
- salt - 50 g;
- favorite spices to taste.
How to cook
- Cut the mushrooms as you like.
- Boil for ten minutes.
- Drain the liquid.
- Turn on the gas and evaporate the remaining moisture.
- Dice the tomatoes.
- Fry in a separate bowl for five minutes in oil. They must give juice.
- Dice the carrots, onions and bell peppers.
- Send vegetables to tomatoes.
- Add salt, sugar and mushrooms there.
- Boil it.
- Tomite another hour.
- Stir the salad so that it does not burn.
- Pour in the vinegar.
- Mix and place in sterile jars.
In gelatin fill
Features An original way of harvesting is a winter salad of red tomatoes in jelly. It looks attractive both in the bank and on the table, but it tastes unique.
What is in the composition:
- tomatoes - 2 kg;
- sweet pepper - 1 kg;
- onions - 500 g;
- water - 1 l;
- garlic, pepper - to taste;
- sugar - 50 g;
- salt - 25 g;
- vinegar 9% - 30 ml;
- gelatin - 30 g.
How to cook
- Cut the tomatoes into quarters.
- Peppers - half rings.
- Onions too.
- Sterilize containers and lids.
- Pour 10 g of dry gelatin into the bottom of each.
- Place and compact the chopped vegetables tightly.
- Add salt and sugar to the water.
- Boil it.
- Slowly pour the marinade into the cans so that there are no voids left.
- Cover with lids.
- Place a towel at the bottom of the wide container.
- Place cans of salad in it.
- Pour water to the "shoulders".
- Sterilize for a quarter of an hour.
- Pour 5 ml of vinegar into each jar.
- Roll up.
Surprised by the abundance of options? But the above recipes for tomato salad for the winter are just the tip of the iceberg. You can take them as a basis and experiment on this basis, create new proportions and combinations of products. Look for your perfect recipe and be sure to find it. Enjoy your meal.
Other salad recipes
Green tomato salad for the winter
Korean carrots
Fried zucchini
Korean style winter tomatoes