Recipe for rice porridge in a slow cooker in milk, with apples, mushrooms

Is milk rice porridge difficult to cook in a slow cooker? Not at all if you know a couple of subtleties in choosing and preparing the ingredients. And our culinary assistant is well able to cook a delicious dish with apples, a fragrant dinner with chicken and a side dish with mushrooms!

50 min
3 servings
Easy to cook
Recipe for rice porridge in a slow cooker in milk, with apples, mushrooms

Rice took root well in Russian culinary, although it was an “exotic” in Russia four centuries ago. He came to us from the East, and in China, India and Japan they are preparing it in a completely different way. In China, a rough, unpolished product that is boiled in water is valued. In India, they add a sea of ​​spices to it, because of which it acquires a bright, simply sunny color and sharpness, which is incredible for a Russian person. And in Japan, if we are not talking about sushi, but about other dishes with rice, cooking is done with an egg, which is driven raw into the porridge during cooking.

Our dishes are less aggressive, much simpler. But from this they do not become less tasty! The presence in the house of a kitchen assistant Philips or Panasonic does not just simplify the culinary process, but makes it perfect. After all, only in a slow cooker can you cook porridge in milk, which you cannot even call porridge. Just a gentle, airy and magical mousse of some kind!

The subtleties of cooking

When using a slow cooker, the requirements for preparing rice are preserved. Rinse thoroughly. And this should be done only in cold water. It is important to put the cereal in cold water, and you can salt it right away, since salt does not affect bringing rice to readiness.

A slow cooker provides other advantages: it protects the product from burning, which happens in a conventional pan. Cooking rice porridge in a slow cooker does not require mixing, and from this the dish turns out only better, more steamed, homogeneous.

Here are a few more details of preparing products.

  • Choose the appropriate rice variety. Aquatic, basmati, black, jasmine ... We heard about them somewhere, but usually do not use in cooking. And rightly so, if you cook in a slow cooker! For liquid milk porridge with a perfectly homogeneous structure, they are not suitable. The best option for her is round polished, which costs less than the other varieties. They grow it in the Krasnodar Territory, as well as a long-grain, which is ideal for making crumbly side dishes.
  • Do not use steamed rice for milk porridge. Steaming retains 80% of the nutrients in the product, but it becomes so dense that it requires prolonged boiling. In addition, when cooking, it does not lose shape, does not secrete gluten, does not stick together, and remains "a grain to a grain." This can be considered an advantage when you need to cook pilaf or crumbly side dish. And the disadvantage is when they make milk porridge from it.
  • Cook in appropriate mode.. It should fit your tasks. For example, in the “Rice” mode, the Redmont aggregate instantly pumps up the temperature and allows the croup to reach in just 15 minutes. During this time, you can get only a dense, crumbly grain, while a homogeneous porridge does not have time to cook. It will be cooked by the “Milk Porridge” mode (available in Polaris slow cookers) or simply “Porridge” (Vitek, Mulineks).
  • Keep proportions. Need a loose side dish, pour 2 cups of liquid into a glass of cereal. Need a liquid porridge - double the proportion of water.
Do not be alarmed if the manufacturer recommends using a 1: 6 ratio for rice porridge in a slow cooker with milk. It seems like a lot! But choosing round rice and keeping the porridge for the entire duration of the regimen, you will get a perfectly delicate and uniform consistency of the dish with barely distinguishable grains.This is achieved by regulating the temperature (it rises to 100 °, then drops by 90 °) and evaporation in a confined space of the pressure cooker.

Recipe with milk

It is such an unusually tender porridge that we offer you to cook. By the way, using the same technology, you can cook other cereals with similar intensity of liquid absorption: millet and barley.

Tender Rice Pudding with ButterYou will need:

  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 3 glasses;
  • butter - 20 g;
  • water - 3 glasses;
  • salt - ¼ teaspoon.


  1. Pour the cereal into the bowl.
  2. Pour in water with milk, add sugar, salt. Put a slice of butter and mix.
  3. Turn on the "Porridge" mode. Depending on the model, its time is 50 minutes - 2 hours.
  4. Serve immediately after the signal.

Regular or multi-glass can be used in the recipe, depending on the required volume. A multi-cup will provide a smaller volume of finished porridge. It turns out to be liquid, tender, ideal for a children's breakfast. Due to this consistency, it can be stored in the refrigerator without the risk of thickening and served even the next day.

Recipes for breakfast and dinner

The special charm of the multicooker is that it allows you to cook delicious and different dishes. For example, tender rice porridge for breakfast and crumbly side dish with juicy meat for dinner. We suggest you use our simple recipes to fully enjoy the capabilities of your culinary assistant Scarlet, Redmont and any other model.

With apples

A great option for milk porridge with fresh fruits. By the way, the latter can be replaced with other products, for example, prepare a dish with banana or raisins. In each case, you fill the breakfast with new tastes and additional benefits. Indeed, in winter, these products serve as the best suppliers of vitamins and essential fiber to the body.

Rice, apples and cinnamon on a plate with a blue borderYou will need:

  • round rice - 1 cup;
  • apples - 2 fruits;
  • milk - 2 glasses;
  • butter;
  • sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon.


  1. Pour the prepared rice into the bowl.
  2. Pour in cold milk, add butter, sugar.
  3. Cook in rice mode.
  4. Peel and chop the apples.
  5. Put the apples in the bowl after the tap, mix.
  6. Cook in baking for 15 minutes.

Such porridge will turn out friable, with dense grains. If you need a soft, more boiled one, use the “Porridge” mode and simmer the dish for 50 minutes. Add fruit at the end and set to “Bake” for 10 minutes. Serving a dish with apples is better, of course, for breakfast.

With mushrooms

A very simple recipe that allows you to cook an unusual porridge from rice. The dish is light, aromatic, especially when using forest mushrooms. But if there are none, the usual urban oyster mushrooms and champignons will do.

Large slices of mushrooms lie on a rice padYou will need:

  • long rice - 2 glasses;
  • tomato juice - 1 cup;
  • water - 2 glasses;
  • mushrooms - 400 g;
  • bell pepper - 1 fruit;
  • onions and carrots - 1 root crop;
  • salt, pepper, spices.


  1. Peel vegetables, chop.
  2. Put the onions in a bowl, fry in the "Frying" mode for 5 minutes.
  3. Add carrots, after 3 minutes pepper and mushrooms. Rinse for 15 minutes.
  4. Pour rice.
  5. Pour in cold water, tomato juice. Shuffle.
  6. Set the "Pilaf" or "Porridge" mode.
  7. After the signal, you can serve the dish.

Thanks to the use of long rice, we get a crumbly dish with mushrooms. The round variety is not suitable for him, otherwise the porridge will stick together, become too thick.

With Chiken

This dish can be called pilaf, but only if seasoned with spices, garlic, onions. We are preparing a diet dish, ideal for a children's table. Therefore, we use long unboiled rice, combine it with chicken (diet fillet) and carrots.

Chicken with rice and two cups of sauce for every tasteYou will need:

  • rice - 2 glasses;
  • water - 4 glasses;
  • chicken fillet - 500 g;
  • carrots - 1 root vegetable;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil.


  1. Peel the carrots, chop.
  2. Dice the fillet.
  3. Put in a pan, cook in the “Baking” mode for 40 minutes with the lid closed. Stir 1 time.
  4. Put rice in a bowl, pour in water, salt.
  5. Set the "Pilaf" mode.
  6. Shuffle after signal.

This technique allows you to use other types of meat, for example, beef, but it should be stewed for longer, up to 1 hour. Pork and lamb are not suitable for the children's menu, but the rabbit and turkey will become a satisfying and useful addition to the baby’s table.

What a recipe for rice porridge in a slow cooker will become a favorite in your family, only experience will show! Try each of them, and delight your loved ones with a delicious new breakfast, a hearty and healthy dinner.

Other porridge recipes

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