The name “okroshka” comes from the word “crumble”, which fully reveals the essence of the dish. It is enough to chop and mix everything finely in a saucepan, and it is ready! With external simplicity, the soup turns out to be tasty and very light. Just the way it is suitable for lunch in the summer heat. Because of this, as well as the wide distribution of its ingredients, the dish has always been popular in the cuisines of Russia and Ukraine. And does not leave its position today!
We cook okroshka correctly
How to season okroshka? The classic version of cold soup uses kvass. However, kefir will not be superfluous in it. The fact is that it is fermented milk drinks that make the dish not only hearty and healthy, but also truly healing.
Judge for yourself: kefir speeds up digestion, improves bowel cleansing processes. Even if you cook such a soup without sparing meat, you will not cause any harm to the figure. Indeed, for okroshka on kefir, calorie content does not exceed 60-70 Kcal per 100 grams of weight. A large number of vegetables and herbs complement the beneficial effects on the body, endow it with countless vitamins and minerals. In general, solid health benefits. And how tasty and pleasant in the heat!
It is only important to know how to cook okroshka on kefir correctly. Here are the main recommendations.
- Use low-fat kefir. A high-fat drink is thick, which can turn soup into porridge. Although if you come across a fat yogurt, you can simply dilute the dish in a bowl with mineral water to the desired consistency.
- Pre-soak vegetables in water. This applies to cucumbers, radishes, as well as herbs. Firstly, it will help slightly withered fruits and leaves to become tight and beautiful again. And secondly, it will allow you to get rid of the nitrates they contain in order to eliminate the risk of poisoning.
- Use lean meat. The recipe for okroshka on whey, kefir and other dairy products is a model of health benefits. Do not spoil it with fatty pork or beef. Boiled veal, chicken breast, turkey, even rabbit will do. If the dish is cooked in haste, you can find cooked sausage or sausages in the refrigerator for it.
- Mix the chopped ingredients with dressing, and only then add the kefir. This should be done so that the vegetables are saturated with the tastes of dressing, which can be sour or pungent. So the classic version of dressing in the recipe, how to make okroshka on kefir, can be considered boiled yolks, mashed with mustard. They add a little pepper and sugar, a little sour cream or the same kefir.
- Refill the dish half an hour before serving - no sooner, no later. The fact is that a long wait for a finished okroshka can stratify its structure. And fill the plate with kefir and immediately serve it, which means not to let the dish get enough of tastes.
The simplest recipe for okroshka on kefir
You will need:
- fresh cucumber - 3 pcs.;
- greens and green onion - 1 bunch each;
- boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
- boiled eggs - 3 pcs.;
- cooked sausage - 300 g;
- lemon juice or vinegar - 2 tablespoons;
- kefir - 1 liter;
- water - by consistency;
- salt.
Cooking step by step
- Start with green onions. It should be cut into rings, pour into a saucepan and grate it with salt in a crush.
- Add julienne radishes and cucumbers.
- Chop 3 potatoes into a cube and send to the mass. Crush one with a fork and pour in the same for density.
- Dice eggs and sausage, add to other ingredients.
- Pour in the kefir.It is advisable to add water, so that the okroshka on kefir and mineral water will not be too thick.
- Add a little more salt and add vinegar or lemon juice. Refrigerate for 20-30 minutes and serve.
Tasty and healthy: a dish with dairy products
Not only the recipe for okroshka on kefir will be appropriate in the summer heat. There are many options for dishes with equally healthy sour-milk products. For example, you can try making okroshka with serum - the recipe is very simple! Or use the popular drinks of Caucasian cuisine.
Serum okroshka
You will need:
- serum - 2 l;
- boiled potatoes - 4 pcs.;
- sour cream - 0.5 l;
- dill and green onions - in a bunch;
- fresh cucumber - 2 pcs.;
- eggs - 5 pcs.;
- boiled meat or sausage to taste - 300 g;
- citric acid, mustard, salt.
- Dice all the ingredients.
- Prepare the fill: mix whey and sour cream in a container. Thoroughly dissolve. Add 2/3 teaspoon of salt, about the same amount of citric acid.
- Pour the mixture with the ingredients and cool. You can add mustard to the vegetables themselves, then the taste will be sweetish-bitter.
Okroshka in Tan
With this sour diet dish you can tasty and enjoy losing weight!
You will need:
- potatoes - 200 g;
- chicken fillet - 200 g;
- cucumbers - 200 g;
- eggs - 4 pcs.;
- radish - 150 g;
- mustard - 2 tsp;
- green onions and dill - 30 g each;
- salt - half tsp;
- non-carbonated tan - liter.
- Boil potatoes, eggs and chicken, peel. Remove the yolks from the eggs.
- Finely chop the squirrels, potatoes, chicken, cucumbers and radishes.
- Mash yolks with mustard, and chopped greens with salt.
- Combine all the components, you can add a little sour cream.
- Pour in the tan, cool and serve.
Now, the question of how to cook okroshka with kefir, there are no secrets for you! Try it - it will be delicious!
We also recommend articles on the topic of okroshka:
- Various recipes for okroshka (on kvass, with tomato juice, on mayonnaise, winter okroshka)
- Mineral water okroshka (classic, with kefir, with vinegar, sour cream)
- Classic recipe okroshka with kvass - 5 secrets of the dish
- Diet okrosha for weight loss (on kefir, according to Dukan, with chicken)