In how to cook ordinary fried eggs, it would seem that there is no special science. But for many, the dish burns, the yolks blur, the protein is not fried. Before you learn about the secrets of cooking, how to make delicious and fast and how much it is fried, consider what is part of a popular dish.
Composition and nutritional value
In percentage terms, the nutritional value of fried eggs is distributed as follows: fats - 51%, proteins - 46%, carbohydrates - 3%. Due to the fact that eggs are inherently an environment for embryos, they contain everything necessary to ensure normal functioning. Namely, more than fifty bioelements, including oxygen, carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen. Egg yolk is saturated with proteins, which stimulates the growth of muscle mass, vitamins, lipids and minerals. A large amount of phosphorus and calcium strengthens bones, nails and teeth.
Benefit and harm
First of all, the benefits or harms of fried eggs depend on the freshness of the egg. In order to keep the freshness of the eggs longer, you need to keep them in the coolest place of the refrigerator in the trays. The place in the door does not fit - it is the warmest.
Eggs are considered the main source of salmonellosis. Therefore, it is better not to eat them raw or undercooked.
Omelet is not for everyone. This dish is contraindicated for allergy sufferers, people with liver diseases and children up to 1.5-2 years old (the exception is yolk - it can be from 7-8 months). People with high cholesterol should stop eating yolks.
It was previously believed that large amounts of cholesterol in eggs adversely affect the state of the body. But the results of scientific studies have proved that lecithin, which is also part of eggs, prevents the deposition of cholesterol in the vascular cavity.
What else is useful fried eggs, so it is almost complete digestibility (98%). The nutritional value of the composition is equivalent to 250 ml of milk and 60 g of meat. Eggs are especially important in the diet of children. By importance, they take second place after milk.
Calorie Fried Eggs
Are eggs high in calories? Egg is a low-calorie product. The calorie content of fried eggs per 100 g, taking into account vegetable oil, is 158 kcal. By the number of eggs, the calorie content of fried eggs is:
- from 1 egg - 109 kcal;
- out of 2 eggs - 189 kcal;
- out of 3 eggs - 360 kcal.
To get a diet breakfast, you can fry some proteins. Calories in fried eggs without yolk are almost invisible - only 43 kcal per 100 g. But the protein content in the protein of one egg is the daily norm for the body.
Rules for cooking eggs
How to cook delicious scrambled eggs and on which oil should I fry so that it does not burn, is not liquid or stiff? Despite the fact that this is one of the simplest dishes, not everyone can do it perfectly. A few simple rules and tricks will help you easily make scrambled eggs in minutes.
- Pick up the pan. The ideal option is a thick ceramic or cast-iron frying pan. For a large number of eggs, a wide one is suitable, for one or two - a small one, so that the edges of the protein do not spread and burn.
- Use 2 types of oil. In order for food to surely not burn out, and find a pleasant aroma, fry it in vegetable and butter.
- Temperature mode. You need to beat the eggs into a well-heated pan, otherwise they will absorb excess fat and will take a long time to cook. For effective cooking, select medium heat. On the strong - the edges will burn, and the middle will not have time to fry.
- How much to fry fried eggs. It is impossible to determine readiness up to a minute, since different dishes are used, eggs are not the same in size, and the temperature on the stove. A finished dish is considered when the protein has hardened. You can gently try the yolk with your finger. It should not be too soft.
- Cook for several servings. Fried eggs for 2 or more servings are fried unevenly, as one protein covers the other. To eliminate this, cuts should be made in several places on a semi-finished protein.
- Add salt correctly. If you salt in the beginning immediately after driving into the pan, most likely, the yolk will spread and become covered with white spots, so it is better to do this at the end. In addition, if you fry the fried eggs correctly, then you should salt not the yolk, but the protein.
Fried Eggs - 3 Ways
There are several ways to fry fried eggs without oil. After all, food prepared in this way becomes less high-calorie and healthy. This dish can be included in diets for weight loss and digestive system treatment.
- Method 1 Take a cotton pad and moisten with vegetable oil. Squeeze well. Wipe the bottom of the pan. For this method, a ceramic pan or a non-stick coating is suitable. Fry the eggs over low heat, shaking gently so that they do not burn. Such a minimum dose of oil will not harm either the figure or health.
- Method 2 Culinary spray. Due to aerosol, the amount of sprayed fat per serving is negligible. However, food does not burn.
- Method 3 Pour some water into the preheated pan so that it completely covers the bottom. When the water boils, beat the eggs. Fry under the lid over low heat until cooked.
Classic recipe
You will need:
- eggs - 2 pieces;
- vegetable oil - 1 tablespoon;
- salt to taste.
Since you can cook fried eggs from eggs not only in a pan, we will use the cooking method in the oven.
- Heat vegetable oil in a pan.
- Beat the eggs carefully so that the yolks do not spread. Salt.
- Cook for 1-2 minutes. Put in an oven preheated to 180 degrees for another 3-4 minutes.
- Cut the eggs into a squirrel and hold it under a closed lid so that the food does not stick to the pan.
Sweet pepper bacon fried eggs
You will need:
- eggs - 2 pieces;
- bacon (ham) - 2 slices;
- large bell pepper - 1 piece;
- butter - 10 g;
- salt, spices, herbs - to taste.
- Wash pepper, dry. Cut 2 circles with a thickness of 1.5-2 cm from the middle.
- Cut the bacon or ham into small pieces.
- Since frying scrambled eggs in a pan is not long, fry the pepper over medium heat for 1-2 minutes on each side.
- Melt the butter inside the two slices of pepper. Put the bacon firmly in the middle.
- After 2-3 minutes, beat one egg on top. Cover the pan and fry until cooked.
- Turn off the pan and let stand for another 1-2 minutes. During this time, the scrambled eggs will “lag behind” the pan.
- Transfer the finished fried eggs in the "mold" on a plate or sandwich. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. Enjoy your meal!
Fried eggs are the most popular breakfast dish in many countries. Cooking takes a minimum of time, its benefits are obvious, and everyone likes the taste. The only negative is to diversify the cooking is almost impossible. But you can use various additives (ham, bacon, cheese, tomatoes), sauces and herbs.And then everyday fried eggs just do not get bored.
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