How to pickle butter for the winter: preparing raw materials and basic recipes

Examining the delicious pickled butter through a transparent glass jar, I immediately recall a trip to a “quiet hunt” in a pine forest. And when you feel the mouth-watering crunch of snacks on your teeth, you can feel the heady aroma of pine needles and the rays of the sun breaking through the branches of trees. And, of course, the taste of home canned mushrooms does not compare with anything.

40 min
6 servings
Difficult to cook
How to pickle butter for the winter: preparing raw materials and basic recipes

Those who at least once dealt with oils, it immediately becomes clear why these mushrooms received such a name. Their hats are covered with a shiny film that has an oily texture. If you cut the mushroom in half, inside you will see a yellow-white pulp, which also causes associations with butter. In some regions, the name of the fungus sounds slightly different, but it is certainly associated with oil: “masleha”, “Pancake week”, “butterfish”. It has long been a favorite of mushroom pickers due to its pleasant texture, mouth-watering taste and an abundance of simple pickling recipes.

The effect of the product on the body

Before you include a product in your diet, it will be worthwhile to find out about the specifics of its effect on the body. It's nice when your favorite food makes you healthier. But do not forget about contraindications.

Composition and benefits

Oil cans are low-calorie foods (only 19 kcal per 100 g). Despite the fact that 85-95% of the product consists of water, it contains many vitamins and minerals. Scientists came to the conclusion that the protein contained in the oils is very similar to the animal. Therefore, such mushrooms are recommended for people who are on a diet or fasting. The product is characterized by a rich chemical composition, the description of which is given in the table.

Table - Nutrient nutrients

SubstanceAmount, mg / 100gThe share of the daily norm,%Effect on the body
Vitamin B10,032- Stimulates metabolic processes;
- promotes glucose transport;
- normalizes heart rate;
- strengthens the walls of blood vessels
Vitamin B20,2715- Participates in the synthesis of red blood cells and hemoglobin;
- strengthens the immune system;
- stimulates the production of antibodies and macrophages;
- activates metabolism;
- relieves nervous tension;
- normalizes the condition of tissues and mucous membranes;
- stimulates the production of thyroid hormones
Vitamin B60,315- Lowers cholesterol;
- stabilizes the central nervous system;
- stimulates the synthesis of red blood cells;
- normalizes water balance;
- activates brain activity;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- normalizes the level of sex hormones
Vitamin B90,038- Normalizes the work of the heart and blood vessels;
- strengthens the immune system;
- contributes to the normal course of pregnancy
Vitamin C1213- Stimulates the synthesis of its own collagen;
- cleanses the body of toxins;
- supports the normal functioning of the liver;
- strengthens the immune system;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- accelerates tissue regeneration
Vitamin PP420- Stimulates the transformation of fats and carbohydrates into energy;
- lowers cholesterol;
- normalizes the digestive tract;
- normalizes the production of sex hormones
Vitamin D0.0540- Participates in bone growth;
- normalizes blood coagulation;
- strengthens the immune system;
- prevents muscle weakness;
- struggles with chronic fatigue;
- suppresses inflammatory processes
Iron47- Participates in the synthesis of hemoglobin;
- facilitates cellular respiration;
- normalizes the liver;
- lowers cholesterol;
- stimulates the synthesis of thyroid hormones;
- improves the functional state of the skin
Phosphorus577- Normalizes energy metabolism;
- dulls pain with arthritis;
- strengthens bones and tooth enamel;
- accelerates metabolism;
- normalizes acid-base balance
Potassium50620- Normalizes the water-salt balance;
- accelerates the process of transmission of nerve impulses;
- activates the work of enzymes;
- normalizes kidney function;
- normalizes intestinal motility
Zinc0,716- Accelerates metabolism;
- strengthens the immune system;
- fights infections;
- accelerates cell regeneration;
- contributes to the normalization of memory;
- supports visual acuity;
- normalizes the reproductive system
Manganese0,315- Takes part in the transmission of nerve impulses;
- neutralizes free radicals;
- stimulates the growth of muscle tissue;
- promotes bone formation;
- regulates blood sugar;
- prevents fatty degeneration of the liver;
- stimulates the production of female sex hormones
Selenium0,0024- Strengthens the immune system;
- reduces pain with arthritis;
- reduces the risk of ischemia;
- stimulates reproductive function
Oils contain unique resinous substances that are not destroyed even by heat treatment. They have an analgesic effect and help relieve migraine symptoms.


Despite the fact that butterflies are considered one of the most useful mushrooms, there are contraindications to their use.

  • Gastrointestinal diseases. In mushrooms, there is a lot of fiber saturated with quinine. The substance impedes digestion and irritates the gastric mucosa.
  • Individual intolerance. Mushrooms are allergenic foods. Their use can cause rashes and other manifestations of the negative reaction of the body.
  • Pregnancy, lactation and children under seven years of age. Of all the mushrooms, oleagins have the most pronounced absorbent properties. They can accumulate harmful radionuclides. This negatively affects the development of the child.

Oil in the basket

Memo for beginner mushroom pickers

Walking through the supermarkets, fresh butter you will not meet. Unless marinated in glass jars. If you want to make a blank yourself, you will have to “hunt” for raw materials. Experienced mushroom pickers know well where, when and which mushrooms to pick. And beginners will have to start with theory.

Oil mushrooms are tubular mushrooms that belong to the Boletovy family. They grow in groups within a radius of 2 m from the trees, so finding and collecting them is easy enough. There are more than 50 types of olives, but not all can be found in domestic latitudes and not all are safe. The table provides information on the most common edible types of oils.

Table - Description of edible types of oil

ViewDescriptionCollection periodWhere to collect
Bellini- Smooth hemispherical hat of white or brown color with a diameter of 6-14 cm;
- short massive leg 3-6 cm high, curved at the base
August-November In the pine forests
Belted (Clinton)- Smooth convex hat of brown color with a diameter of 5-15 cm;
- long leg 5-12 cm high;
- a two-layer ring (externally membranous, and inside the mucous membrane)
July-OctoberIn places of growth of Siberian larch
Swamp (yellowish)- Smooth convex hat of dirty yellow or ocher color;
- the leg is thin and dense;
- gray-yellow hymenophore;
- jelly ring texture
May-NovemberIn mixed and coniferous forests on sandy soils
Granular (summer, early)- Smooth convex hat of brown or ocher color with a diameter of 2-20 cm;
- a dense leg 4-8 cm high with granular nodules;
- accreted hymenophore white-yellow
June-OctoberIn places of growth of common pine on sandy soils, clearings, along roads
Common (late, yellow, present, autumn)- Smooth, strongly mucous convex or flat hat of brown color with a diameter of 3-14 cm;
- longitudinally fibrous leg 3-11 cm high;
- The grown hymenophore of yellow color;
- black brown film ring
June-October (peak yield in September)In pine, pine-birch, pine-oak forests with sandy soil
under coniferous litter or in heather thickets (next to russula, chanterelles, porcini mushrooms)
White (pale, soft)- Smooth convex, flat or concave hat is pale yellow in diameter with 5-12 cm;
- a cylindrical or spindle-shaped leg of curved shape with a height of 3-9 cm;
- accreted or descending hymenophore of white-yellow or olive color
June-November (peak yield in August-September)In mixed forests, where European cedar grows, weimouth pine, Siberian cedar, cedar elfin
Yellow-brown (variegated, sandy)- Convex scaly hat of olive, yellow, orange or brown color with a diameter of 6-10 cm;
- smooth thick leg 3-9 cm high;
- adhered gimenofor orange, brown or yellow-olive color
June-NovemberIn mixed and coniferous forests on sandy soils

*** Gimenofor - the inner surface of the cap of the mushroom.

Conditionally edible and poisonous oils can be distinguished by a subtle purple hue of the hat. If you are not completely sure of your knowledge, boil the harvested crop together with the peeled onion. If the vegetable darkens, then the mushrooms are unsafe.

Cooking technology

If you learn to salt the butter, you will never have problems with how to consume a rich crop of mushrooms, and on the shelf there will always be a couple of cans with a delicious snack for fried potatoes or alcohol. And the workpiece can be used for salads, as a filling for pancakes, pizza, tartlets.

Raw material preparation

Oil cans are a perishable product. They should be processed immediately after collection, having previously been laid out in a single layer on newspapers or dry cloth. If there is no time, you can put the "crop" in the refrigerator, but not more than 12 hours. Next, prepare the raw materials, which involves six steps.

  1. Hand protection. First put on household or medical gloves. Mushroom juice stains the skin and nails in a dark brown color, which is then very difficult to remove.
  2. Cleaning up. Lubricants should be cleaned dry. If you pre-soak them in water, they will become terribly slippery and it will be practically impossible to remove the film from them. And from a dry hat and legs, it leaves easily. It is enough to pry the film with a small sharp knife. You also need to cut off the lower part of the leg and all the darkened areas from the mushroom.
  3. The washing up. To remove the remains of sand and forest debris, you need to place mushrooms in a basin with cold water with a small amount of salt for half an hour. After that, rinse the oil under the tap another three to four times.
  4. Preparation for cooking. Large mushrooms are best cut into two or four parts, depending on size. Small can be cooked unchanged.
  5. Cooking. Dip the mushrooms and peeled onion in salted water, add a couple drops of vinegar so that the flesh does not darken, and bring to a boil. Opinions differ on cooking time. Someone believes that five minutes is enough, and someone claims that you need to cook mushrooms for at least 40 minutes. As practice shows, 20 minutes is enough for the butter to cook and acquire a pleasant crunch.
  6. Drying out. Throw the mushrooms in a colander so that they are completely glass of water. The broth needs to be poured, and the bulb discarded.
Before starting to clean the mushrooms, grease the blade of the knife with sunflower oil. This will greatly facilitate the process of peeling.

Marinating process oily


In order for the workpiece to be stored for a long time and delighted with a bright taste for a whole year, you must strictly adhere to the technology consisting of six stages.

  1. Cooking marinade. In an enameled pan, boil water with spices.
  2. Mushroom processing. Dip the prepared mushrooms in a pan with marinade and boil for a quarter of an hour.
  3. Additional ingredients. Add a preservative (vinegar or citric acid) and additional spices to the pan. Boil another ten minutes.
  4. Filling cans. Remove the mushrooms from the pan with a slotted spoon and distribute them in jars.Top with hot marinade. It is better to preserve in a half-liter container.
  5. Sterilization. Lay a towel at the bottom of a large pan, place the jars and cover them with seaming lids. Pour water into the pan so that to the edge of the cans there remains 1.5-2 cm. From the moment of boiling, a half-liter can is sterilized for 30 minutes, and a liter - 40 minutes.
  6. Sunset. Roll up the jars, wrap them in a warm blanket, and leave them in this form for two days. Move the workpiece for storage to a pantry or other cool place.
Despite the fact that canned food is sterilized, do not forget about the preliminary processing of containers. Jars should be washed well with soda, and the lids should be boiled.

Recipe Table

To make the workpiece tasty, you need to add a few spices and spices. The table shows the popular recipes. The ingredients for the marinade are indicated per 1 liter of water. This volume of liquid is enough for 1-1.5 kg of prepared mushrooms.

Table - Recipes marinating butter

RecipeFor marinade PreservativeExtra spices
Classical- 60 g of salt;
- 40 g of sugar;
- 2 bay leaves
10 ml of vinegar essence- 10 g of coriander;
- 6 peas of black pepper;
- 6 clove inflorescences
Cinnamon- 20 g of salt;
- 25 g of sugar;
- 4 bay leaves;
5 g of citric acid- 2 inflorescences of cloves;
- 3 g of cinnamon;
- 6 peas of black pepper
With horseradish- 35 g of salt;
- 15 g of sugar;
30 ml vinegar- 2 umbrellas of dry dill;
- 6 cloves of garlic;
- 25 g horseradish
With mustard- 20 g of salt;
- 15 g of sugar;
- 5 bay leaves
25 ml vinegar- 15 g of mustard seeds;
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 5 peas of allspice
With ginger- 30 g of salt;
- a tablespoon of grated ginger;
- 100 ml of wine vinegar;
- a tablespoon of lemon juice
- 5 cloves of garlic;
- 2 carnation inflorescences

Express snack

If there is no time or desire to make complex manipulations in the kitchen, you will need a recipe for pickled instant butter. In this way, you can cook both boiled and frozen mushrooms.

You will need

  • 1 kg of prepared oil;
  • glass of water;
  • seven cloves of garlic;
  • bulb;
  • 25 g seasoning for Korean carrots;
  • 7 g of paprika;
  • 12 g of salt;
  • a quarter cup of vinegar;
  • a glass of vegetable oil.


  1. Chop the onions finely and fry in oil until golden brown.
  2. Add loose ingredients, vinegar to the water and bring to a boil.
  3. Combine the marinade with oil and onion and pour the mixture of mushrooms.
  4. Tighten the container with the film and send it to the refrigerator for a day.
  5. Transfer the oil to the jar and close the lid.
Mushrooms prepared without sterilization can only be stored in the refrigerator. The product retains its properties for no longer than three months.

Pickled butter

Buying canned foods

Being a mushroom picker is a talent. You need to know where and when to pick mushrooms, how they look and how to distinguish a good product from a poisonous one. If you are not confident in your knowledge, you should not risk it. It is better to purchase ready-made pickled butter. Pay attention to six parameters.

  1. Packaging. Mushrooms should be packaged in transparent glass jars, allowing a good view of the contents. If the container is ribbed or has a large label that makes it difficult to evaluate the product, it is better to refuse the purchase.
  2. Marinade. Must be transparent. If it is dark, then the mushrooms are not peeled. There should not be traces of sand or any forest debris at the bottom.
  3. Main product. The bank should have at least 60% mushrooms. It is important that the oil is the same size. The smallest are the tastiest.
  4. Composition. In addition to mushrooms, only spices, salt, sugar and vinegar should be present in the jar. There should be no synthetic flavors or preservatives.
  5. Date of manufacture. Must coincide with the mushroom picking period. This is the middle of summer - the end of autumn.
  6. Cap. Must be closed tightly. If it is swollen, rusty or deformed, harmful microorganisms can live in the bank.

It is not forbidden to preserve oil in tandem with other "relatives".Slippery mushrooms go well with boletus, boletus, mushrooms, chanterelles, mushrooms and mushrooms.

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