Many people think that pickled mushrooms have nothing valuable but an expressive “snack” taste. However, it is not. Along with porcini mushrooms and champignons, more popular in our country, they are rich in valuable trace elements and vitamins. They contain iron, zinc, calcium and phosphorus, vitamins of groups B and PP, as well as valuable vitamin C, the volume of which is not inferior to blueberries. The use of honey agarics in food promotes proper blood formation and improves the functioning of the thyroid gland. Calorie content is attractive in pickled mushrooms - it is only 18 Kcal per 100 grams of product.
Features of the selection and preparation of mushrooms
Of course, you can buy canned forest mushrooms and not suffer, but sometimes you want to take and preserve yourself. If you buy mushrooms for seaming in a store or from mushroom pickers, you should know how good ones differ from false ones. The latter are toxic and can cause a lot of harm to the body. How to preserve? The correct and simple recipe for pickled mushrooms at home includes mushrooms with a muffled color (poisonous are always bright), scales on a hat, with white flesh (for false ones it is yellow). On the legs of the fungi must be present ring-cuff.
And here are a few more nuances of cooking pickled mushrooms (quick recipes for the winter).
- Pre-soak the mushrooms in salted water with citric acid. Salt will drive all the worms out of them, if they remain in their legs, and citric acid will help maintain their natural color.
- In honey mushrooms, pickled meadow recipes recommend removing the leg. This can not be done completely, leaving 1-2 cm of its length at the cap. From the legs themselves, you can then cook mushroom caviar or simply fry them with onions.
- Hats can be cut or left whole - depends on their size.
- If you cook pickled mushrooms for the winter, recipes do not recommend capping jars with metal lids. To protect against the development of botulism, it is better to boil nylon covers and cover the banks with them. The latter must be sterilized, especially if you plan to keep preservation for several months.
The subtleties of pickling mushrooms
- How many jars of finished product you can roll up, you can determine before you start. So 1 kg of fresh mushrooms fits in 3 liter jars (this is important if you buy them not by weight). At the same time, they fit into a 1 liter can.
- Culinary recommendations on how to pickle mushrooms mushrooms include the use of not only fresh "individuals". For example, for pickled instant mushrooms, frozen ones are also perfect. Before cooking, you do not need to defrost them.
- The correct solution to the question of how to cook pickled mushrooms will be a phased approach to boiling them. Mushrooms should be put in boiling water. 10 minutes after boiling, the first water should be drained, since it is in it that harmful substances will settle, possibly accumulated by fungi. To readiness boil mushrooms should be in the second water. Cooking time takes 30-60 minutes. It is easy to check readiness by the appearance of mushrooms: most of them should settle to the bottom of the pan.
- When cooking, be sure to remove the foam. You will have to do this several times.
- Marinade for honey mushrooms is best done not on water, but on mushroom broth. But if you did not drain the water for the first time, after boiling, you will have to pour the broth.
Pickled mushrooms recipes
So, how to properly and quickly pickle mushrooms? Recipes provide for their quick preparation (in this case, mushrooms should be immediately served on the table or stored in the refrigerator) and canning for the winter.
Pickled honey mushrooms - quick cooking recipes
You will need:
- honey mushrooms - how many are;
- water is a glass;
- vinegar 9% - 30 ml;
- pepper and cloves - 3 pieces each;
- salt - 1.5 tbsp. spoons.
- First you need to cook. Mushrooms bring to readiness in boiling water.
- Transfer to a sterilized jar.
- Strain the broth, add salt, you can have as much sugar, cloves and pepper.
- Boil, remove from heat. After this, pour vinegar and pour the marinade.
- Close the lid.
Autumn mushrooms pickled for winter
This recipe how to deliciously close pickled mushrooms with a bite is offered per 1 liter of marinade.
You will need:
- honey mushrooms - how many are;
- water - 1.5 liters;
- allspice - 8 peas;
- garlic - 2 cloves;
- bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
- table vinegar and salt - 2 tbsp each. spoons;
- sugar - Art. spoon.
- Bring mushrooms to readiness.
- Pour mushroom broth into a clean pan, add the sliced garlic and all the spices. Let the mixture boil and boil for 10 minutes. Remove from the stove, pour in the vinegar.
- Fill the cans to the top with mushrooms, fill with marinade. Close with sterilized lids, leave to cool at room temperature.
Waiting for the pickle, fragrant ingredients are important, the taste of the mushrooms will turn out to be more saturated, bright. For example, you can put cinnamon for a spicy note, leaves of currant and cherry for an expressive smell. These components should be added to the marinade when boiling, and not stacked in jars. So you protect conservation from damage.
Other homemade recipes
Pickled mushrooms for the winter
Mushroom caviar
Pickled butter
Winter mushrooms in jars