For this porridge the rank of democratic was firmly entrenched. It seems impossible to spoil it! To make it liquid, you can simply add more water or milk, and at the very end of cooking, if suddenly thickened. For greater density, you can cook longer, and you get what you need! Semolina porridge on water and milk is so unpretentious that most of us have no idea how to cook it correctly. But in ancient Russia it was considered a whole art! And not by chance.
Manna heaven or food for feasts
Perhaps the expression “manna from heaven” came to us from the Bible. But in Russian culture, it was entrenched precisely in relation to semolina. Until the Soviet period, it was considered not just a “delicacy”, but food for the holidays, feasts. In the XII century, the word porridge, which refers specifically to semolina, was associated exclusively with solemn feasts. Groats were not accessible to ordinary people, therefore only a few knew how to make semolina porridge.
The reason for such a narrow distribution was the technique of producing cereals. Rather, flour, because semolina is a product of wheat processing. Tu grind finely and finely and pass through a sieve. The smallest grains are sifted out and packed up like flour. And a little larger, which do not pass through the sieves, are selected and called semolina.
So, in the XII century, which refers to the first mention of the product in Russian annals, the grinding technology was very expensive. It remained such for a very long time, right up to the Soviet period, when there were a lot of mills and bread became "the property of the people." Since then, semolina has become popular, but the traditions of its preparation have not been preserved. Therefore, it is cooked as it should. According to the culinary theorists, for example, the famous Russian historian and culinary specialist William Pokhlebkin, completely losing the taste and benefit of the product.
The subtleties of cooking
How is semolina cooked? No need to think that the question of how to cook deliciously liquid semolina is extremely simple or akin to art. It has several subtleties that are important to consider. Due to their observance, the dish will turn out without lumps, and without the very hated “foam” that everyone remembers from childhood.
- The proportions of semolina porridge in milk and water are the basis of a good dish. To make it moderately liquid, 100 grams of cereal should be used per 500 ml of water (milk).
- Pour the cereal through a sieve. So you eliminate the appearance of lumps in the dish. Semolina should be dispelled over boiling liquid and mixed vigorously.
- Stir without stopping. It is important that the grains do not stick together into lumps, and the porridge does not stick to the bottom of the pan.
- Cook fast. When asked how much semolina porridge should be boiled, professional chefs answer: no more than two minutes! Pour the cereal into the pan, mix vigorously and turn it off after 2 minutes. Then cover and wrap with a towel. It is under the influence of steam that porridge should reach readiness. By the way, its temperature is higher than the liquid itself when boiling, so that the grains swell faster. Serve porridge can be 10 minutes after the "steam bath".
- Add extra ingredients after the porridge is cooked. A good choice for breakfast is to cook semolina porridge in milk and add butter, honey, fruits or bananas to it. Each ingredient goes well with the delicate flavor of the main product. But perhaps, having cooked the porridge correctly, you don’t want to sprinkle it with anything else but butter!
Delicious recipes
The unpretentiousness of the product is manifested in the possibility of its preparation both on the gas stove and in the microwave, in absolutely any dishes, porridge is cooked with any additives. But only in the pan and under the influence of its own steam does the croup reach perfectly, acquires the optimal consistency. The grains in it are preserved whole, distinguishable, and the taste is saturated and rich.
But if there is no time or desire to warm the milk on the stove or stir the porridge, you can use the microwave. The simplest recipe for liquid semolina porridge is to mix a glass of cold milk with two teaspoons of sugar and a pinch of salt, pour 2 tablespoons of cereal and put in the microwave for 1.5 minutes. After the signal, add a slice of butter and put on for another 1.5 minutes. The quick dish is ready.
We will try how to cook semolina porridge correctly, using the advice of professional chefs. So we find out what is the true taste of cereals, which in Russia was considered the food of the rich and "manna from heaven."
In milk
A great dish for a children's breakfast, the preparation of which will take a minimum of time.
You will need:
- milk - 500 ml;
- semolina - 100 g;
- butter - 20 g;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons.
- Bring the milk to a boil.
- Pour the cereal into a sieve, gradually “develop” over the pan, stirring continuously.
- Boil for 2 minutes without stopping stirring.
- Turn off the gas, cover the pan with a towel.
- Add a slice of butter and sugar after 10 minutes, mix and serve.
In a similar way, a porridge is prepared on water, after cooking it can be flavored not with sugar, but with salt and onion frying. Such a breakfast may seem unusual, but it was in this form that cereals were often served in old Russian cuisine.
With banana
This option of semolina with a banana will diversify the children's menu. And perhaps it will reconcile with her adults, in whose memory semolina remained an unloved porridge from the kindergarten canteen.
You will need:
- milk - 1 l;
- semolina - 200 g;
- butter - 50 g;
- bananas - 2 medium-sized fruits;
- sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons.
- Remove the oil, leave to soften at room temperature.
- Boil the milk, reduce the heat and gradually pour the cereal. Stir for 2 minutes.
- Add sugar, mix, remove from heat, leave under the lid.
- Beat the bananas with butter.
- Put the banana mixture in the porridge, mix.
This recipe is tasty and healthy. Banana will fill the breakfast with valuable elements, because it is rich in potassium and vitamins. The fruit is well absorbed and for a long time supports the feeling of satiety.
With strawberry
In summer, you can try making semolina with fruits or berries. A great choice for porridge is strawberries. You need a lot of berries so that the dish gets a rich taste. And also increase the amount of sugar, because strawberries can give cereal an unpleasant acidity.
You will need:
- milk - 1 l;
- semolina - 200 g;
- strawberries - 500 g;
- sugar - 200 g.
- Pour the cereal into boiling milk. Leave on low heat for a couple of minutes, stirring continuously. Turn off the gas, cover the porridge with a lid.
- Pound sugar with strawberries. It is convenient to whip the mass in a blender.
- Pour in the strawberry mass porridge laid out in portioned plates. Serve warm.
Such a dish can be an unexpected tasty dessert for a children's table. You can decorate it when serving with whole berries.
Now you know what semolina porridge is made of and what are the rules for its preparation. We hope that a tasty and healthy product will be more common on your table!
Other porridge recipes
Semolina porridge in a slow cooker
Spelled porridge
Rice porridge in a slow cooker
Rice milk porridge