Sea buckthorn oil: healing properties and methods of cooking at home

Valuable properties of sea buckthorn are recognized by official and traditional medicine. Oil from the fruits of the plant is added to many medicinal preparations for internal and external use, it is in demand in dermatology and cosmetology. What unique qualities does a wonderful berry have? How to make sea buckthorn oil at home? And why should it be in the home medicine cabinet?

5 minutes
1 serving
Very easy to cook
Sea buckthorn oil: healing properties and methods of cooking at home

Sea buckthorn has long been valued in Tibetan medicine, using not only berries, but also leaves, bark and roots of the bush. The plant contains high concentrations of organic acids, vitamins and minerals. To provide a positive effect on the human body per day, it is necessary to use about 100 g of the fruits of the plant, however, because of the specific taste of the berries, this is not possible for all people.

A good alternative is sea buckthorn oil, which you can cook yourself. It is enough to apply it in small doses, and the result will be the same. Outwardly, it is an oily liquid of a reddish-orange color with a characteristic aroma and sour taste. If the technique of preparing sea buckthorn oil at home is fully respected, then the product will retain the maximum nutrients of the plant, and will not be inferior in effectiveness to the pharmacy option.

The healing power of the plant

Sea buckthorn berries have a unique chemical composition, which can be found in the table below. The content of vitamin C is second only to rose hips.

Table - Useful composition of sea buckthorn berries per 100 g of product

ComponentAmount mg
B vitamins0,35
Vitamin A1,5
Vitamin C200
Vitamin E5
Vitamin H, Biotin1,6
Vitamin PP, NE0,5
Saturated Fatty Acids2,2
Calories, kcal82

Active substances ideally balanced in sea buckthorn oil reduce inflammatory foci in the body, normalize the metabolism of carbohydrates, proteins and fats. The product is characterized by a powerful bactericidal effect, it is useful for vitamin deficiencies, disorders of the nervous, autonomic systems and the treatment of a number of diseases.

  • The cardiovascular system. The content of fatty acids in the product increases the elasticity of the walls of blood vessels, prevents thrombosis, the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques and inflammation. Regular consumption of oil reduces blood cholesterol, normalizes blood pressure. As an adjuvant, take one small spoon twice a day shortly before meals.
  • Digestive system. Sea buckthorn oil is able to effectively heal ulcers of the walls of the stomach and duodenum - it is enough to take 5 ml three times a day half an hour before meals. A natural remedy reduces the acidity of gastric juice, improves the pancreas and the metabolism of fats in the liver. The product is used in the treatment of gastritis, hemorrhoids, is a good prevention of cholelithiasis.
  • Organs of vision. Regular use of healing oil prevents glaucoma, cataracts, is used to treat conjunctivitis, with injuries of the cornea and burns of the mucous membrane. Useful components accumulate in the eye tissues and protect against negative external influences, ensuring the proper functioning of the organ of vision.
  • Skin covering. Helps in the treatment of acne, abscesses, acne and trophic ulcers, as well as psoriasis, eczema, neurodermatitis. It promotes the healing of wounds, bedsores, various types of burns, frostbite, and the tightening of postoperative sutures.In such cases, the oil should be applied to damaged skin areas previously treated with an antiseptic, or use gauze dressings soaked in oil.
  • Nasopharynx, ears. It is used in the complex treatment of respiratory diseases: laryngitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, pharyngitis. Fifteen-minute inhalations with oil and lubrication of the mucous membranes of the nose and mouth are useful. In addition, one small spoonful of oil and honey should be diluted in a glass of warm water, taken three to four times a day until the symptoms of the disease completely disappear. Sea buckthorn also eliminates sulfur plugs in the ears and treats otitis media. To do this, an oiled turunda is injected into the sore ear for 20 minutes before bedtime.

Sea-buckthorn remedy actively copes with diaper rash in infants - problem areas can be lubricated or applied with compresses. By wiping the gums and the oral cavity with oil, they treat thrush in newborns, pain and inflammation during the appearance of the first teeth.

The cosmetic properties of the sea buckthorn product are quite wide - the oil increases elasticity and nourishes the skin, eliminates facial wrinkles, brightens age spots.

Sea buckthorn oil contributes to the active removal of radionuclides from the body in people living in places with a high level of radiation. In oncology of the esophagus system, the drug is recommended to be taken during chemotherapy and for three weeks after graduation.

Sea buckthorn oil in a spoon

How to make sea buckthorn oil: 3 ways

There are several ways to make sea buckthorn oil at home. The simplest is to squeeze the juice and let it stand for several days. When an oily film appears on its surface - this is valuable sea buckthorn oil. Such a product is the highest quality, but it turns out a little. Therefore, there are three more options how to cook homemade sea buckthorn oil. Next are step-by-step recipes.

To properly make sea buckthorn oil from sea buckthorn berries, it is better to use fresh, undamaged fruits, but frozen ones will do.

From fresh cake

Features To prepare sea buckthorn oil from oilcake, it is not recommended to use metal containers and spoons, since metal reduces the amount of useful components in the product.


  1. Wash and dry the berries thoroughly from moisture, spreading them on paper sheets in one layer.
  2. Separate the juice from the cake by squeezing using a juicer or press.
  3. Place the cake in a container of glass, pour vegetable oil in a ratio of 1: 1.
  4. Close tightly and place in a dark, warm place. You can use a thermos for this.
  5. After seven days, strain.
  6. Repeat the procedure four to five times, pouring fresh cake in newly filtered oil.
The resulting product can be used after the first infusion, but after a few procedures it will become stronger. From strained juice, you can prepare delicious blanks for the winter to support immunity.

From dried berries

Features This recipe for sea buckthorn oil at home is characterized by a high level of concentration of nutrients. When using the resulting product inside, it will be necessary to reduce the dosage by half.


  1. Place whole, clean berries in a single layer on a baking sheet.
  2. Dry in the oven until solid.
  3. Grind fruits in a blender or coffee grinder.
  4. Heat olive oil to 30 degrees.
  5. Pour in berry flour: for 100 g of dried berries, you need 200 ml of oil.
  6. Stir the mixture thoroughly and place in a dark place for two weeks.
  7. Stir the mass daily throughout the entire period of infusion.
  8. Strain through a thick layer of bandage.
  9. After a day, separate the precipitate formed at the bottom, pouring the oil into a clean container.
It is necessary to dry sea buckthorn at a temperature of no higher than 50aboutC to prevent burning berries. The oil will have a large number of healing substances if you repeat the infusion procedure several times, as in the previous method.

Sea buckthorn oil in a bottle


Features Cooking sea buckthorn oil at home can be made from fruit seeds - this is the product that is considered the most valuable. The oil will turn out to be quite light due to the lack of carotene in the seeds, which provides the orange color to the sea buckthorn berries.


  1. Squeeze juice from the berry mass.
  2. Dry the cake well in a ventilated area, spreading a thin layer on paper.
  3. It is easy to separate the bones, rubbing the cake with palms.
  4. Grind the seeds of sea buckthorn in a coffee grinder.
  5. Pour with purified oil - sunflower, corn or olive. One glass of dry raw material will take two glasses of oil.
  6. Insist 60 days in a dark place, shake the mixture once every three days.
  7. After two months, strain and apply for medicinal purposes.
Store preferably in a refrigerator in a dark glass container. Transparent glass containers should be wrapped with thick dark paper or cloth. So a natural product will retain its healing properties for up to two years.

If you make sea buckthorn oil yourself, you can be completely sure of its high quality. However, people suffering from chronic diseases, for example, cholecystitis, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis or allergies, the use of a natural product should always be agreed with a doctor.

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