There lived during the time of Alexander I a certain count, who was also the Minister of Finance. His name was Dmitry Alexandrovich Guryev. He had various merits to the Fatherland. Many of them have already been forgotten, but I remember the porridge. Of course, it was not the minister who invented this dish, but the skilled chef. According to one version, his name was Zakhar Kuzmin. Once at a dinner with a friend Guriev tasted an unusual dessert and was delighted. Without thinking twice, the count bought the serf cook, along with the recipe, at the same time as the whole family. Over time, the exquisite gourmet Guryev made the culinary brand out of this porridge - timeless, satisfying and tasty.
Five subtleties of cooking - just about complicated
The famous Guryev porridge recipe does not differ in strict canons. Here you can just show culinary imagination and not be afraid of experiments. However, there are a few basic things that you need to pay attention to.
- Moody semolina. To make semolina tender, choose small cereals from soft wheat varieties. Pour it into a slightly boiling milk in a thin stream, stirring thoroughly so that there are no lumps. For the preparation of semolina, there is one unspoken rule: it is better to not enough grains than to pour. It is important to remember: any porridge loves to stew, "reach." To improve the taste of semolina, you can add a pinch of salt. You can cook porridge with cream. Of course, the fatter - the tastier.
- Tiring longing. Stewing in the oven (now in the oven) is one of the most common and useful types of food processing in the Russian culinary tradition. The technology for making Guryev’s porridge only seems complicated at first glance. It involves two types of languor: first, cream is doused to produce a froth (kaymak), then the already cooked, layered porridge is languished. It is advisable to use cream with at least 20% fat content. Get ready for the fact that the process takes time - at least an hour. The more you want to remove the foam - the more time and cream will be needed. Choose the dishes suitable for baking in the oven - metal, glass, ceramic. The easiest option is a cast-iron pan with thick sides and bottom. Remember that cream should not boil, just gently whisk.
- Mysterious Maseduan. Maceduan (from Fr. macédoine "Macedonian", "motley") - pieces of various fruits cooked in sugar syrup. Maseduan is used for the layer of Guryev porridge. This French element in the recipe appeared in the legendary book of Pelageya Alexandrova-Ignatieva “The Practical Basics of Culinary Arts”, published in 1899. You can simplify the task and save time by replacing the fruits cooked in syrup with fresh fruit assortment. But the syrup is still tastier. And so in French.
- Variations on the theme of interlayer. For a layer choose any seasonal or exotic fruit. You can also use several types of jam, various dried fruits, candied fruits and nuts. An excellent classic combination - raisins and dried apricots. Almonds and hazelnuts are well combined from nuts. For the most daring culinary specialists, Guryev’s porridge can turn into the famous “Irish stew”, when all available delicacies can be used. Who does not take risks, he does not eat Guryev’s.
- Dessert in the pan. Guryev porridge - a delicious dessert. It is customary to serve not hot, but warm. In some restaurants, Guryevskaya is brought in small personal pans.This is so in Russian! Usually, the cooled dessert is transferred to a large dish, divided into portions, served with any fruit sauce or watered with jam.
Classic porridge recipe
Many have heard about this culinary delight and want to learn how to properly cook Guryev’s porridge. Count Guryev was not able to keep secret the tricks of cooking and the basic ingredients of the recipe. Each cook, professional or amateur, in his own way tries to improve and diversify it.
You will need:
- milk - 0.5 liters;
- semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- cream - 1.5 liters;
- sugar (for syrup) - 300 g;
- sugar (for semolina) - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- water - 3 glasses;
- vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- almonds, hazelnuts - 100 g;
- apples, pears - 500 g.
- Boil milk, add sugar, vanilla sugar. Cook the semolina.
- Cover the pan with something warm and let the porridge fry.
- Peel apples and pears, cut into small slices. Boil water with sugar. Boil the fruit for 10 minutes in syrup over low heat.
- Peel, chop nuts.
- Pour the cream into the pan. Stew them in the oven at a temperature of 90–100 °, until a creamy foam is formed.
- As the cream boils, peel the froths one by one from the surface. Gently lay on a flat dish.
- Put the first layer of foam on the bottom of the pan (or any other baking dish in the oven). Put a layer of semolina on it. Repeat several times.
- On a layer of semolina, put fruit cooked in syrup, chopped nuts. Put a layer of porridge on top, a layer of foam on it, etc.
- The last layer should be semolina porridge. Put the remaining fruits and nuts on it.
- Cook the dish in the oven for no more than 10 minutes at the same temperature.
A simplified version - cook in a slow cooker
The modern version of cooking is Guryev porridge in a slow cooker. Fast, tasty, healthy and less high in calories.
You will need:
- milk - 0.5 liters;
- semolina - 3 tbsp. spoons;
- sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
- vanilla sugar - 1 tbsp. spoon;
- salt to taste;
- eggs - 2 pcs.;
- chopped walnuts — 50 g;
- fruit to taste - 200 g.
- Pour semolina into the capacity of the multicooker. Put a pinch of salt, vanilla sugar. Mix well.
- Add milk, stir. Cook on the program "milk porridge".
- Put the finished decoy from the container so that it cools down.
- Separate the whites from the yolks. Beat the yolks first, then the whites with sugar into a thick foam. Combine the two masses into one, whisk again.
- Put the whipped mass in the semolina. Add nuts, mix gently.
- Lay a layer of porridge at the bottom of the container, and a layer of fruit on top. Lay out 4-5 layers in this way.
- Turn on the Porridge program.
- Garnish the finished dish with the remaining fruits and nuts.
Culinary find for a cozy Sunday breakfast!
Want to change your mind about semolina? Try Guryev’s porridge recipe. Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it preserves the best traditions of Russian cuisine. At the same time, it has a French zest.
Other porridge recipes
Millet porridge with pumpkin
Garbage porridge
Barley porridge
Barley porridge in a slow cooker