Mushroom caviar: recipes for harvesting for the winter and serving with hot heat

Mushrooms are the cornerstone of most cooking disputes. On the one hand, they have a lot of protein and other beneficial substances. On the other hand, the peculiar composition of the product does not allow the benefits contained in it to be properly absorbed by the human body. They are considered heavy food, not recommended for children under 14 years of age. But the caviar recipes from the “hats” are simply obliged to be in the “arsenal” of the hostess. If only because this appetizer is tasty, satisfying and unusual.

1.5 hours
8 servings
Medium difficulty
Mushroom caviar: recipes for harvesting for the winter and serving with hot heat

The very name of the dish - "caviar" - as it implies the purpose of its preparation. It is believed that it is intended for filling baskets, creating canapes and spreading on sandwiches. In fact, the range of applications is much wider. For example, who is stopping to pack ready caviar in portioned vacuum bags to use semi-finished product for making mashed soups in the cold season? Or heat caviar, serve it as a side dish for a meat dish? The main thing is to observe an invariable rule: caviar from forest mushrooms requires preliminary cooking of the main ingredient.

Forest Mushroom Appetizer

From the gourmet point of view, it is forest mushrooms that are considered the most fragrant and delicious. But, probably, the point is still in the prevalence of the product. If a person learned to grow champignons and oyster mushrooms almost in urban apartments, then you need to go to a coniferous or deciduous forest for a forest delicacy. It is noteworthy that the recipes of caviar provide the hostess with a wide field of activity: if there is a fresh product - excellent, there is no fresh - use dried or salted.

100 g of dried mushrooms correspond to 400 g of product brought from the forest.

From fresh

Feature. For the preparation of classic caviar from wild mushrooms, any assortment is suitable. Take a peek into the basket brought from the “silent hunt” and decide which ingredients will be the main ones in your dish. Spin from butter and boletus are prepared according to the same algorithm. Therefore, it is not so important what gifts you managed to find. The classic recipe suggests mixing fresh porcini mushroom, mushrooms, russula and butter. You can change the ingredients depending on what is available.

Grocery set:

  • porcini mushrooms - 0.3 kg;
  • oil - 0.2 kg;
  • mushrooms - 0.2 kg;
  • russula - 0.3 kg;
  • onions - one head;
  • vegetable oil - 30 ml;
  • lemon juice - 20 ml;
  • salt - a teaspoon;
  • garlic - one clove.

What do we do

  1. Thoroughly wash the gifts of the forest, cut them into large pieces.
  2. We well heat the pan, pour a portion of vegetable oil on it and fry the mushroom assortment until all the moisture released from the product evaporates. Usually a quarter of an hour is enough for this.
  3. Cut the onion in half rings, fry in a separate pan until a golden hue appears.
  4. We spread the mushrooms with the onion together in a blender, add salt, lemon juice, pass a clove of garlic through the press and also send it to a common pot. We grind at high speeds, we get the finished product. Ideal serving - with a powder of fresh herbs, salted crackers as a complement.
Porcini mushroom is the only exception to the rule among forest mushrooms: it is not necessary to boil it. And to enhance the taste of caviar, to make it creamier, it is worth replacing vegetable oil with farm sour cream.

From dried

Feature. This dish is considered lean, so even those who at a given moment of time keep themselves in certain culinary frameworks can use it. The main ingredient is pre-soaked to restore its structure, to nourish the mushroom pulp with moisture.If you chose dried chanterelles for caviar, use only hats in the dish. The legs acquire a “rubber” structure during the preparation process. They can be used in first courses or sauces. And if you have chosen morels, be sure to rinse them before you soak them. Sand grains and dust particles often get stuck in the cells of this fungus.

Grocery set:

  • dried chanterelles - two glasses;
  • butter - three tablespoons;
  • onions - two medium onions;
  • cayenne pepper - a teaspoon;
  • ground black pepper - a teaspoon;
  • carrots - one;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • port - two tablespoons;
  • lemon juice - a teaspoon;
  • salt to taste.

What do we do

  1. We start with rehydration: put the dried product in a wide enameled or metal dish, fill it with cool boiling water, cover with a flat plate from above. We organize oppression. It is important that the mushrooms completely sink in the water. After 40 minutes, they will get the desired shape, will be ready for subsequent culinary manipulations.
  2. Melt the butter in a pan, slightly let the onions and carrots on it, add the garlic slices crushed with a knife. Then we send the soaked chanterelles wrung out of excess moisture to vegetables, subject the mixture to heat treatment for a quarter of an hour.
  3. As soon as the contents of the pan become brownish, add salt, two types of pepper, port and lemon juice.
  4. Stew for another 20 minutes, and as soon as the caviar becomes dry, turn off the stove.

From salted

Feature. Since the raw materials are scrolled through a meat grinder, the product is very tender. And for its preparation, it is not necessary to have dried or fresh forest gifts on hand. Mushroom caviar from salted breasts will be a real discovery for many. All that is needed to prepare the main ingredient is to rinse it under running water, throw it in a colander, letting excess liquid drain.

Grocery set:

  • salted breasts - 0.45 kg;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • shallots - two stalks;
  • vegetable oil - three tablespoons;
  • salt and pepper - to regulate the taste.

What do we do

  1. We send salted mushrooms to a meat grinder.
  2. We fry the shallots, chopped in rings, in vegetable oil to a golden hue.
  3. Scroll in a meat grinder garlic and passivated onions.
  4. We mix the ingredients in one dish, add salt and pepper, serve or preserve.
In the old days, raw materials for caviar were chopped in a wooden trough with the help of a special device - chop. Thanks to the simple equipment, the mushrooms retained their structure, and the snack turned out to be grainy, with grains pleasantly elastic to the taste.

Mushroom caviar with a jar

Meadow mushroom blanks

You can pick up a mushroom basket not only in the forest, but also in the meadow. Especially after heavy rains in late August or early September. Not all meadow mushrooms are edible, so they should be collected with special care, sending only what they are 100% sure of in the basket. The most common are honey mushrooms and line-ups.

From the ranks

Feature. Ryadovka gray - agaric mushroom, which received a lot of names among the people. It is called both a sub-base, and a silver ear, and a row of streaks. Most often it is found on sandy soil, as well as in the forest - both coniferous and mixed. To implement the proposed recipe is most convenient in a slow cooker. A high-tech assistant will save you time and effort. First, the row should be thermally processed in the "Cooking" mode, and then switch the device to the "Extinguishing" mode.

Grocery set:

  • gray rowing - 0.5 kg;
  • eggplant - one big fruit;
  • tomato - two large fruits;
  • bell pepper - three medium pods;
  • garlic - two heads;
  • salt and pepper.

What do we do

  1. We cut the pre-cooked rowing, send it to the slow cooker until a golden hue appears.
  2. Empty the multi-cooker bowl, send there for frying half rings of onion and chopped bell pepper noodles.
  3. We send tomatoes chopped in a blender to the mixed vegetables, simmer for a quarter of an hour.
  4. After we introduce into the composition peeled and cut into julienne eggplant.
  5. After 20 minutes, we introduce the fried mushrooms, switch the equipment to the stewing mode.
  6. After the beep, add salt, pepper, chopped garlic, simmer for another 15 minutes.
The recipe can be supplemented with any vegetables - from zucchini to cabbage. The result is a vegetable stew with mushrooms, which due to the abundance of fiber is much better absorbed by the body.

From honey mushrooms

Feature. Honey agarics - lamellar mushrooms, named after the word "stump". It is easy to guess that these organisms live on stumps in the clearing. Common in our country are meadow mushrooms, which are often adjacent to mushrooms, hiding in the lush grass. Honey mushrooms, both meadow and forest, require preliminary boiling. The recipe suggests adding tomatoes to the main ingredient of caviar. Tomatoes can be replaced with a preservative - tomato paste.

Grocery set:

  • honey agarics - 0.5 kg;
  • fresh tomato - three large fruits;
  • onions - two heads;
  • vegetable oil - for frying;
  • pepper and salt.

What do we do

  1. Honey mushrooms are boiled in a pot with boiling water for 15-20 minutes, after which we drain the water, drop the product into a colander, let the water drain.
  2. Pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder or grind in a blender.
  3. In a pan with heated vegetable oil, pass the onions until a golden hue appears.
  4. Blanch the tomatoes in boiling water, carefully remove from the skin.
  5. Add mushrooms, chopped in a meat grinder, to the onion pan, send the tomato pulp chopped with a knife there and simmer until cooked.
  6. We lay eggs in pre-sterilized jars and preserve.
  7. When serving on the table, sprinkle the appetizer with chopped greens, garlic, passed through a press.
You can determine the readiness of the dish by the consistency of onions. If he does not grit his teeth, then caviar can be confidently removed from the fire.


The most popular garden mushrooms are oyster mushrooms and champignons. Both varieties develop on a substrate of non-living plant remains. Growing them is quite simple. In addition, these mushrooms give a high yield. Some townspeople manage to organize mushroom "farms" right on the balcony or loggia. And I must admit, they do it pretty well. Champignons and oyster mushrooms can also be bought in the market and in the supermarket.

Mushroom caviar for the winter

From oyster mushroom

Feature. It is generally accepted that oyster mushroom legs are unsuitable for the culinary process. In the first dishes and side dishes, they really do not look very good. But nothing prevents you from letting them prepare caviar. Unlike chanterelles, this part of the body of oyster mushrooms does not resemble “rubber” in texture. It is quite tender and soft, especially if you grind it in a blender or pass through a meat grinder. Boil oyster mushrooms there is no need - heat treatment in a pan will be quite enough.

Grocery set:

  • oyster mushroom legs - 0.5 kg;
  • carrots - one;
  • onion - one;
  • bell pepper red - one;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • refined sunflower oil - for frying;
  • salt and pepper.

What do we do

  1. Finely chop the mushroom legs, fry in a pan with the addition of vegetable oil under a closed lid for about half an hour.
  2. In a second frying pan, fry finely chopped onions, after five minutes add carrots chopped on a fine grater, and after another five, bell pepper finely chopped into bars.
  3. Mix vegetable assortment with mushroom components, salt, pepper, simmer for two four hours.
  4. Ten minutes before cooking, add chopped garlic to the dish.

From champignons

Feature. An appetizer with a delicate creamy texture instantly melts in your mouth. You can serve the dish as a side dish, preheating it and adding it on a plate with steak or boiled potatoes. Ideally, mayonnaise, which is the liquid base of the appetizer, needs to be prepared independently. A dish with a shop analogue of mayonnaise sauce will be much less useful.

Grocery set:

  • champignons - 0.5 kg;
  • onion - one;
  • a chicken egg is one;
  • carrots - one;
  • garlic - one clove;
  • mayonnaise in olive oil - three tablespoons;
  • chili pepper - one small pod;
  • salt to taste.

What do we do

  1. Dice vegetables and mushrooms.
  2. Fry the mushroom pieces in a pan until the moment when the allocated moisture in the dishes does not remain.
  3. Add a couple of drops of vegetable oil, send vegetable slices to the mushroom component.
  4. Finely chop the chili pepper, having previously removed the seeds, and also fry it along with the other components.
  5. Hard boiled egg.
  6. After fifteen minutes of frying the ingredients, put the mushroom and vegetable mass in a blender, there we send the peeled egg, salt and ground black pepper.
  7. Grind the components, season with mayonnaise and serve.


If you want a flavorful snack to retain its taste as long as possible, preserve the product by adding vinegar to it at the final stage of preparation. Pre-prepare glass containers by sterilizing them in a water bath or in the oven.

When the caviar is packaged in glass jars, put them in a wide metal basin. Fill it with water so that the liquid reaches the shoulders, turn on the stove. A half-liter container with caviar should be sterilized before being rolled under a tin lid for about a quarter of an hour.

Cleaning hats and legs

Fresh mushrooms must be cleaned immediately. If you put this matter aside for a long time, the product may become unfit for food due to the impossibility of high-quality cleaning. You do not need to wash the product before cleaning, otherwise the mushrooms will slip out of your hands. The table will give precise recommendations for cleaning different types of edible mushrooms.

Table - Methods for cleaning edible mushrooms

ViewCleaning method
Oiler- Remove the film from the cap;
- remove sand from the foot
BoletusWith a knife, remove the top layer from the foot with dirt
ChampignonWipe with a damp sponge
White mushroom (boletus)- Wipe the hat with a sponge;
- cut the lower tier of the legs;
- scrape off the ground from the leg;
- soak in the presence of heavy impurities
GingerRinse under the tap
Fox- Cut the lower tier of the legs;
- soak, rinse under running water
Honey agaric- Remove the leg with soil residues;
- soak in warm water
The breast- Soak for a day;
- remove dirt with a soft brush
Oyster mushroomCut dark areas and uneven edges

Canned Mushroom Caviar

Storage time

As can be seen from the table, the shelf life of eggs depends on the method of storage.

Table - Shelf life of mushroom caviar

Storage methodTaraDuration, months
Freezer- Vacuum package;
- Plastic container
Fridge- Glass;
- plastic
PantrySterilized glass under a tin lid12
Sterilized glass under a glass lid24
In the pantry, you can only store the preservation, which was prepared by pickling - by adding acid, which inhibits the growth of microorganisms inside the container.

If in the autumn you froze the gifts of the forest, then caviar can also be made from them. You do not need to defrost the main ingredient beforehand - just put it in a preheated pan, fry until the moisture evaporates completely.


Mushrooms, or mushroom preparations, can be covered with metal lids, but you must add vinegar to the preparation. The causative agent of botulism does not develop in an acidic environment. I recall mushroom caviar, which was sold in stores during the Soviet era. She closed the ball with iron caps. And now they are selling canned mushrooms under iron covers.

Evgeny Stadukhin,

Caviar can be made from anyone, but I often make large mushrooms that do not go to the marinade (pots, white, pickers, foxes, butter, etc.). Sometimes it happens like this: I put my legs on caviar, and hats go to marinades. This is convenient when the hats are small, strong, and the legs are thick with a hand.

I pack the prepared caviar in hot, dry jars that are sterilized either in a water bath or in the oven (I sterilized for 30 minutes at 150 ° C, 0.5 l cans). I roll up the banks and wrap them with a blanket for the night.


I just love mushroom dishes, so I prepared mushroom caviar, a whole bunch, 10 jars for sure. For such cases, I already purchased an electric meat grinder, domestic Axion, with a vegetable cutter attachment. I pass the mushrooms through a meat grinder, and vegetables - onions, carrots through the nozzle for shredding, you can cook a lot at a time and not spend half a day


Why spoil mushroom caviar with tomatoes? The taste of mushrooms goes bad. I do this: boil the mushrooms, twist in a meat grinder, overcook the onions, then add the mushrooms and carcass, stirring constantly. Salt and pepper to taste. I turn off and add garlic to taste. In the cooking process, you must constantly try. I don’t cook a lot, so they don’t have time to spoil. And if there are a lot of mushrooms, you can boil them and freeze them. And when necessary - he took out and prepared a portion of caviar.


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