Amber slices of pumpkin, generously powdered with icing sugar, are liked even by those who absolutely do not like dishes made from orange fruit. Sweet "sweets", which during the time of Catherine II were called "dry jam", usually do not linger on a plate. Therefore, deciding to make candied fruits, worry about one thing - that is enough for everyone.
Candied Pumpkin: 6 Cooking Tips
Candied pumpkin is one of the simple dishes. It is not necessary to be a chef or an advanced hostess to make amber sweets yourself. The only thing required is time. Cooking candied fruits takes an average of two to three days. If you first decided to make candied pumpkin, then use six simple tips.
- Pumpkin picker. For the preparation of sweet candied fruits, you can use almost any dessert pumpkin. Fruits should be well ripened, with firm, dense pulp. Feed varieties are not suitable. Sweets from them will have coarse, unpleasant fibers. Delicate and overly juicy varieties are undesirable. The delicacy from such a pumpkin is softened to a state of porridge during the preparation process. The most delicious sweets are obtained from the muscat variety. Visually, such a pumpkin looks like a wine bottle.
- Slicing pieces. The quality of the candied fruit depends on the size of the feedstock. You need to cut the pumpkin pulp in the same slices so that they are evenly soaked and dried. Pieces should not be too big. The optimal size of the slices is cubes with ribs 2-3 cm in size.
- Spoilage prevention. To protect dry jam from spoilage and pests, it is recommended to soak pumpkin slices for 10-15 minutes in saline. Then they are washed under running water, and go on to the cooking process.
- Preparation process. To prevent sweets from falling apart during the manufacturing process, remember one more trick. Before you start drying the sweets, slices of pumpkin must be pickled for about ten hours in syrup.
- Cooking. Dry jam should be prepared by analogy with the classic. Cook the pumpkin in several stages. Put the container on the stove, let it cook for about five minutes. Turn off the fire, wait until it cools completely. Repeat cooking again for five minutes. Continue to cook future candied fruits until the pieces have a characteristic softness.
- Finished raw materials. As soon as you take out the baking sheet of their oven, immediately remove the pumpkin slices. Hot candied fruits easily lag behind the surface. But if you do not have time to remove all the pieces, do not be discouraged. Place the pan in a hot oven and reheat the raw materials. And so that oriental sweets do not stick together, roll them in icing sugar.
8 recipes
There are many recipes for making candied pumpkin. Fragrant orange raw materials can be combined with a variety of fruits, berries, citrus fruits, as well as spices and spices. It all depends on your taste and preferences.
And if you avoid sugar, then replace the sweet component with honey or fructose. In the latter case, candied fruits are allowed even for diabetics.
Description. If you are new to making oriental goodies, then don't start with multi-component variations.To make amber sweets, use the easiest option. A simple recipe for candied pumpkin seeds in the oven, in addition to the main orange component, contains lemon.
- pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
- lemon - one citrus;
- sugar - 0.35 kg;
- icing sugar - 50-60 g.
- Cut the pumpkin into quarters.
- Using a tablespoon, clean the core with seeds.
- Cut the peel from the resulting “boats”.
- And cut the pulp into pieces.
- Dip the orange raw materials into a thick-walled cauldron.
- Cut the lemon into thin slices, discarding all the bones.
- Place citruses in a cauldron on top of pumpkin cubes.
- Pour sugar over the workpiece.
- Stir the mixture, leave to insist for 10-12 hours.
- Pumpkin-lemon harvesting will produce a lot of juice.
- To ensure uniform syrup impregnation, mix the mixture regularly.
- After 12 hours, put the cauldron on a shallow fire, boil.
- Cook for three to five minutes.
- Turn off the fire.
- Wait two to three hours for the workpiece to cool.
- Repeat cooking and cooling twice more, carefully controlling that the pieces do not begin to disintegrate.
- Cover the baking sheet with parchment paper.
- Put candied slices of pumpkin and lemons in one layer on it.
- At a temperature not exceeding 120 ° C and an ajar oven, dry candied fruits for three hours.
- Regularly check readiness by pressing on pieces.
- When they become quite dense, but at the same time springy, you can get raw materials from the oven.
- Remove them from the pan.
- Sprinkle the cooled candied fruits with plenty of powder.
In the electric dryer
Description. Easy to cook candied pumpkin in an electric dryer. Amber sweets, covered with a thin shawl from powder, can be prepared with lemon. If citrus is not at hand, then take citric acid.
- pumpkin pulp - 1.3 kg;
- citric acid - 9 g;
- sugar - 750 g;
- icing sugar - 120 g.
- Divide the pumpkin in half or quarter.
- Peel it from seeds and peel.
- Cut the raw materials into half rings or quarters 5 mm thick.
- Lower the blank into a thick-walled cauldron.
- Sprinkle it with sugar, mix.
- Leave to insist for five to seven hours.
- During this time, a lot of juice will stand out, and sugar will completely dissolve.
- Rearrange the cauldron to the fire.
- Boil over low heat for two or three minutes.
- Cool the workpiece for six hours.
- When boiling for three minutes, pour citric acid into the cauldron.
- Transfer the raw materials to a colander and strain the syrup.
- Put the pumpkin slices on the grill of the electric dryer.
- Dry future candied fruits for five hours.
- Swap grates periodically to ensure even drying.
- Remove the raw material at the moment when it remains resiliently soft, transparent, but no longer sticks to your hands.
- Dip long half rings in icing sugar.
In the microwave
Description. To cook fragrant candied pumpkin, you can resort to using a microwave. This method cannot be called simple. But it allows you to significantly speed up the process.
- pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
- water - 400 ml;
- sugar - 0.5 kg;
- clove - one bud;
- cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
- icing sugar - 120 g.
- Dice the orange flesh.
- Start cooking syrup.
- Pour sugar into a saucepan (which can be used in a microwave oven), pour water.
- Stir the liquid, put in the microwave for two minutes.
- Mix the syrup again and turn on the microwave again for two minutes.
- In a pan with hot syrup, dip the pieces of pumpkin.
- Add cinnamon, add cloves.
- Put the workpiece in the microwave for ten minutes.
- After removing the pan from the oven, wait until it cools completely, and then boil again in the microwave for ten minutes.
- Repeat microwave heating at least five times.
- When the pumpkin slices have a beautiful amber color and become transparent, transfer the workpiece into a colander.
- Wait for all the syrup to drain.
- Put candied fruit on a flat plate, designed for cooking in the microwave, in one layer.
- Bake the amber slices for about five minutes.
- Sprinkle the candied fruit with powdered sugar.
In a slow cooker
Description. The fact that the housewives manage to create almost all the dishes in a smart "miracle pot", today you will not surprise anyone. But the possibility of making candied pumpkin candies without sugar raises many questions. Nevertheless, oriental sweetness can turn out without it not worse than in the classical version.
- pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
- water - 450 ml;
- cinnamon - a third of a teaspoon;
- honey - 65 g;
- fructose - 45 g.
- Peel the pumpkin, remove the seeds.
- Cut the flesh into large pieces.
- Dip them in the multicooker bowl, fill with water.
- Set the mode “Steaming” or “Soup”, and the timer - for 15 minutes.
- This heat treatment will provide slight softening.
- Now cut large pieces into small cubes.
- Pour fructose, cinnamon into water, add honey.
- Cook the syrup by selecting the “Soup” or “Porridge” mode.
- Dip pumpkin raw into the aromatic liquid.
- Cook the workpiece for 15 minutes by setting the mode “Steamer” or “Soup”.
- Soak the aromatic mass for 10-12 hours, so that the pieces have time to soak the syrup as much as possible.
- Then put them in a colander.
- When all the excess syrup has drained, put the cubes on a baking sheet covered with parchment.
- Dry candied fruits in the oven at a temperature of 120-130 ° C for one hour.
In the air grill
Description. You can make delicious sweets quickly, easily and without cooking. This significantly reduces cooking time. For the manufacture of goodies, it is recommended to use an air grill.
- pumpkin - 0.5 kg;
- sugar - 0.3 kg.
- Peel the pumpkin from the peel and seeds.
- Cut it into small pieces.
- Roll the workpiece in sugar.
- Put the pumpkin cubes on the steamer.
- Install it on the grill in the air grill.
- Dry for about an hour at a temperature of 120 ° C, providing high blowing.
- After drying, candied fruit can be sprinkled with powdered sugar.
With oranges
Description. If you add orange juice and zest to the pumpkin, you will get aromatic and mouth-watering sweets. They can be used to make pies, cakes. They are able to complement dessert and can even turn ordinary oatmeal into a treat. To make pumpkin candied fruit with an orange, use this recipe.
- pumpkin pulp - 1 kg;
- sugar - 0.65 kg;
- an orange is one citrus.
- Cut pumpkin flesh into medium-sized cubes.
- Put the raw materials in an enamel pan, pour sugar.
- Shake it lightly.
- Put the billet in the refrigerator for three to four hours.
- Wash the orange thoroughly.
- Cut it into two halves.
- Squeeze the juice.
- Gently peel the zest from the fibers.
- Cut the peel of an orange into thin strips.
- Pour the juice into the pumpkin mixture.
- Put the pot on the fire.
- When the mixture boils, add strips of zest.
- Cook the mass for three to five minutes, gently shaking the pan.
- Cool the orange-pumpkin harvest for two hours.
- Repeat cooking two more times.
- Then drain the syrup.
- Put slices of pumpkin and zest of oranges on a baking sheet with parchment.
- Dry the workpiece in the oven at 120 ° C for four hours and always with the door ajar.
- Cool candied fruit, sprinkle with powdered sugar.
Description. Candied fruits can be prepared from almost any vegetables, fruits, berries. Even from a vegetable marrow, which has neither taste nor aroma, you will get delicious sweets. There are two ways to make an assortment. Initially, mix all the preparations and cook the vegetables together. If you want to maintain the individual taste of each product, then work with each of them separately.
- pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
- zucchini - 0.5 kg;
- carrots - 0.5 kg;
- water - 600 ml;
- sugar - 0.75 kg;
- lemon - two citruses.
- Peel the zucchini, discard large seeds, cut into small cubes.
- Also come with a pumpkin.
- Peel the carrots.
- Cut it into thin slices.
- Connect all the workpieces.
- In a separate pan, boil the syrup by combining water with sugar.
- Cook it over low heat for about five to ten minutes.
- When the syrup begins to thicken, dip vegetable raw materials into it.
- Boil the mass for two to three minutes.
- Turn off the fire.
- Candied vegetable insist for 10-12 hours.
- Repeat the cooking process twice.
- During the last heat treatment, pour lemon juice into the pan.
- Transfer all raw materials to a colander so that the syrup can drain freely.
- On a baking sheet (with a sheet of parchment) put candied fruit in one layer.
- Put them in the oven.
- Dry for about an hour at a temperature of 100-120 ° C.
- Then roll all the cubes in icing sugar.
With quince
Description. The combination of pumpkin and quince is a very successful combination. Such sweets will turn out very tasty and aromatic.
- quince - 0.5 kg;
- pumpkin pulp - 0.5 kg;
- sugar - 1.5 kg;
- lemon - one;
- an orange is one;
- powdered sugar.
- Wash quince, peel, remove all seeds.
- Prepare the pumpkin.
- Cut all the raw materials in equal cubes.
- Fold it in a large cauldron.
- Wash the lemon and orange thoroughly.
- Together with the zest, chop the citruses into thin slices, throwing out the seeds.
- Add them to the pumpkin-quince harvesting.
- Sprinkle with sugar and gently shake the container.
- Leave the mass for two to three hours to let the juice.
- Boil future candied fruits on a low heat for about two to three minutes.
- Then refrigerate for ten hours.
- After the second cooking, drain the syrup, you can use a colander.
- Put transparent slices of fruits and citruses on a baking sheet.
- Dry in the oven for one and a half to two hours.
- Remove candied fruits from a baking sheet, give them time to cool down a little, then pour in powder.
Any recipe for candied pumpkin involves pouring syrup. But do not rush to pour this drink. It can become the basis for making jam from zucchini or serve as a concentrate for creating compotes.
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