See and choose vegetarian recipes for every taste and color. This section presents the most delicious, simple and quick vegetarian recipes with photos for cooking at home. Learn more about vegetarian recipes.
Vegetarian recipes
The omelet recipe with cottage cheese is suitable for diet food. Secrets of choosing the main ingredients - cottage cheese and eggs. Subtleties of cooking in a pan, in the oven, slow cooker and microwave.
How to fry fried eggs with sausage: 3 simple and delicious recipes. What ingredients diversify the taste of scrambled eggs. 5 subtleties to make the dish juicy and mouth-watering.
How to cook oatmeal, what ingredients to use and how to always get a tasty result? We offer a proven recipe for oatmeal in milk, on water, with pumpkin and raisins.
Charlotte with cabbage - how to quickly and correctly cook it in the oven and slow cooker. The exact proportions of the ingredients. Recipes - classic, dough on kefir, dough with mayonnaise. Charlotte without the use of dough. Useful tips.
Cottage cheese casserole on kefir: simple recipes with semolina, apple, cinnamon. Unsweetened curd cake with cheese and mashed potatoes. 5 tips on how to cook pastries on kefir, so that it turns out high and tasty.
How to cook delicious and tender pancakes from zucchini? We offer 5 simple recipes: a classic dish, as well as cheese, potatoes, sweet and diet!
The brush brush salad recipe for weight loss, the benefits and harms of the dish. How to cook a “Whisk” with cabbage, celery, prunes and dried apricots. Options with citruses, bran, chicken. We use the dish on a fasting day and on a diet. Reviews
We suggest making a pie with cabbage from puff pastry! Recipes with yeast and yeast-free dough, with eggs and mushrooms.
Recipe for cottage cheese casseroles in the oven and 5 secrets of cooking a delicious dish. With sour cream, dried apricots, dates. Step-by-step preparation of an unusual cottage cheese casserole with potatoes.
Cottage cheese and carrot casserole: recipes in the oven and slow cooker. We learn to cook carrot-curd pie, and also choose the right carrots to make the dishes tasty and healthy.
What to cook from semolina? A simple product allows you to diversify the table with unexpected, delicious dishes! We offer a recipe for semolina porridge and other dishes: manna, cutlets, pudding and cream for the cake!
How to salt travushki at home: features of cold and hot methods. Pickle the mushrooms in a pan, barrel, jars, with garlic, without boiling and soaking. Four stages of raw material preparation. Reviews
In the article you will learn how to make pancake dough. We offer simple and quick recipes for dough with milk, kefir and water!
Cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten - classic recipes. How to cook the perfect casserole - tips and basic principles. Mannica recipe without cottage cheese, a quick recipe for casserole of 3 components. Low calorie recipe in the oven.
Learn how to make dough for pasties in milk, kefir, vodka or boiling water so that your pasties turn out deliciously delicious!
Learn how to bake chicken in the oven and get a gorgeous golden crust! We offer 3 simple and original recipes for breaded dishes with Turkish vegetables and lemon-garlic sauce.
How to cook an omelet with milk in a pan. Cooked omelet recipe. Culinary subtleties and cooking tips. How to flip a dish. Calorie content, benefits, harm and nutritional value.
Learn More About Vegetarian Recipes
Every year, more and more people refuse to eat meat. Vegetarianism is especially popular in Western countries. Many restaurants have long had a menu for vegetarians and vegans. There are very significant differences between the two groups: vegans do not eat meat, seafood and fish, but at the same time they consume milk and eggs, and vegans eat only plant-based foods, only occasionally allowing themselves honey. Contrary to popular belief, vegetarian food does not have to be fresh and tasteless. As, however, and vegan dishes. Vegan food is exclusively vegetable products: cereals, vegetables, fruits, nuts. Recipes for vegans are often very simple, and in order to prepare lunch or dinner, sometimes it does not even require heat treatment of the products.
Vegan cuisine is so popular that in many cities there are entire restaurants and cafes serving only vegan dishes or at least a vegetarian menu. In the vast expanses of the network, you can find entire sites dedicated to vegans and vegetarians.There are recipes for vegetarians for every day and even festive dishes for vegans. Also on similar sites you will find a list of products that are allowed for vegans and vegetarians, which is very convenient if a person who does not eat meat appears in your environment. You can easily cook a vegetarian dinner, and this food will certainly be delicious, if cooked with love. It is no secret that vegetarian products with the corresponding mark are somewhat more expensive than usual, so the price of dishes in restaurants is also above average. But culinary sites also have recipes for vegetarians for every day, very often also illustrated step by step photos. Therefore, if you wish, you can cook not only the simplest, but also more complicated dishes at home. The main thing is to adhere to certain principles. Similarly, you can find vegan recipes for every day.
If someone from your loved ones decided to abandon products of animal origin, or a vegan has appeared in your surroundings, this will not at all cause you any inconvenience if you show a bit of patience. Vegetarian recipes are simple and tasty, so it’s easy for you to cook several of these dishes especially for such a person. In fact, it’s not difficult to please a vegan, the main thing is not to pay annoying attention to his culinary preferences.
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