Look and choose sauces recipes for every taste and color. This section presents the most delicious, simple and quick recipes sauces with photos for cooking at home. Learn more about sauces ...
How to cook chicken marinade in the oven and how to properly marinate the carcass? Learn the intricacies of delicious cooking at lady.bigbadmole.com/en/.
Potato casserole with minced meat as in kindergarten. The classic recipe in the oven and in the slow cooker. What products can be replaced or added. 3 recipes for delicious casserole sauces.
Recipes for pasta sauces: a selection of seven delicious dressings. Four secrets to making the perfect sauce. Options with cheese, meat, vegetables, seafood. Three tricks to help make pasta a culinary masterpiece.
The classic recipe for bolognese sauce: the steps of cooking step by step. What ingredients are needed, in what dish and for how long to cook. Dietary and lean sauce options. Is it possible to replace tomatoes with tomato paste, and meat with mushrooms.
Recipe for garlic sauce with mayonnaise, sour cream and vegetable oil. Options with lemon juice, walnut and tomato paste. How to adjust the density. The benefits of liquid seasoning, and reviews of "experienced" chefs.
The recipe for satsebel sauce in the classic version and the variety of dressing with tomatoes, plums, nuts, cherry plum, blackberry. A variant of hot Georgian seasoning and harvesting for the winter. The nuances of cooking with tomato paste, vinegar.
The recipe for cheese sauce at home step by step: from solid, processed, blue varieties. What dishes to serve. Which dressing is best for spaghetti, and which for steak. Six tips for those who are preparing such a sauce for the first time.
DIY homemade mayonnaise recipe: what is the difference from industrial. A selection of recipes: classic, diet, "lazy", children's. Shelf life, and whether it can be used for baking.
Tabasco sauce recipe at home: classic, spicy, green, red. History of seasoning. Cooking with garlic, spices, tomatoes, herbs, pepper. What they eat, how much they keep ready.
The classic Caesar sauce recipe step by step. Necessary ingredients and their preparation. A way to weld eggs. Features storage refills. Is it possible to freeze. How to replace Dijon mustard and Worcester sauce. Reviews
Spicy zucchini in tomato for the winter: recipes with garlic, beans, rice, pepper, carrots. Spin options without vinegar and sterilization. Billets with pasta, sauce, pouring. Features of the choice of vegetables, spices and spices.
Creamy sauce recipe in classic and alternative versions. French dressing with cheese, bacon, wine, onions and mushrooms. Calorie Gravy. How much is the finished product stored. How to secure yourself from lumps.
In the article you will learn how to make pancake dough. We offer simple and quick recipes for dough with milk, kefir and water!
Cottage cheese casserole as in kindergarten - classic recipes. How to cook the perfect casserole - tips and basic principles. Mannica recipe without cottage cheese, a quick recipe for casserole of 3 components. Low calorie recipe in the oven.
Learn how to make dough for pasties in milk, kefir, vodka or boiling water so that your pasties turn out deliciously delicious!
Learn how to bake chicken in the oven and get a gorgeous golden crust! We offer 3 simple and original recipes for breaded dishes with Turkish vegetables and lemon-garlic sauce.
How to cook an omelet with milk in a pan. Cooked omelet recipe. Culinary subtleties and cooking tips. How to flip a dish. Calorie content, benefits, harm and nutritional value.
More about sauces
Any dish at home can be made much tastier by preparing some kind of sauce for it. Sauce means gravy or liquid seasoning, which usually complements the main course. You can also cook in different forms sauce for meat dishes or fish. The gravy recipe was originally coined in France, where a similar ingredient is better known as sauce. Now you can find on the Internet many ways and a variation on how to make gravy according to the recipes of the best culinary specialists of the world. There are different sauces, the recipes at home are quite simple, so every housewife can serve meat or another dish with some kind of gravy, which will make the food juicier and give it a more intense taste. Which sauce recipe you choose depends on your taste, as well as on which meat you want to serve it or for which side dish you make the sauce.
Delicious gravy for meat can be prepared from different ingredients, while their proportions you can independently adjust depending on your taste. There are different types of sauces, but the most popular are Tartar, Pesto, Bechamel, Teriyaki.Any housewife in the kitchen can prepare a simple and tasty sauce, while many of them are made with the addition of flour and other products. Thus, the sauce for meat or any other dishes turns out a thicker and more pleasant consistency. This section presents a variety of meat sauces, the best recipes may contain only a few ingredients that every housewife will find in the kitchen.
If you do not know how to make gravy for the second courses and which one to choose, then try to make tomato sauce. It is one of the universal and goes well with meat, especially with barbecue. You will need a little tomato ketchup, vegetable oil, a couple of cloves of garlic and salt with spices to taste. This is almost the simplest recipe, guided by which, you will learn how to cook gravy for the second dish. There is another popular recipe for which the sauce is prepared simply and is suitable for many main dishes. Such a meat sauce at home is prepared from sour cream, mustard, mayonnaise, honey and garlic. If you don’t know how to make the gravy to make it slightly sour, add a few drops of lemon juice at the end of the sauce. If you do not know how to make a sauce for fish dishes, then you can cook it according to a similar recipe, since such gravy has a universal aftertaste, and it goes well not only with meat, but also with fish dishes.
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