See and choose shawarma recipes for every taste and color. This section presents the most delicious, simple and quick shawarma recipes with photos for cooking at home. Read more about shawarma ...
How to cook homemade shawarma according to the classic recipe. How to make shawarma sauce from eggs and butter. What ingredients and kitchen appliances will be needed.
How to make delicious shawarma in pita. An interesting recipe with step by step photos. The right choice of products for the dish, the formation of shawarma. Useful tips, video.
How to cook excellent shawarma meat at home. The main and additional ingredients for the marinade. How to cook meat.
How to make the perfect shawarma sauce at home. An interesting step by step recipe with a photo. The right ingredients and their proportions, spices. Video.
How to make PP shawarma at home and how it differs from the classic version of a popular dish. Step by step recipe with photo. Tips, videos
You will learn the recipe for dietary shawarma. Get step-by-step instructions on how to prepare and chop all the ingredients. Learn how to make tasty and healthy sauce.
How to cook a delicious and satisfying shawarma from chicken in pita bread at home. What stuffing to choose in addition to chicken. Step by step recipe with photo.
How to cook a special ranch sauce. A proven recipe with step by step photos. Sauce ingredients list, cooking sequence, tips
A step-by-step recipe with photos of the preparation of a delicious spicy shawarma filling - with chicken, vegetables, seasonings, aromatic sauce. Cooking tips
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Learn how to bake chicken in the oven and get a gorgeous golden crust! We offer 3 simple and original recipes for breaded dishes with Turkish vegetables and lemon-garlic sauce.
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Read more about shawarma
Shawarma with pita sauce is a favorite dish of many. It doesn’t matter if you make homemade shawarma yourself at home or it will be a purchased shawarma - it will be delicious. Cooking does not take much time, and we cook shawarma with special love.
It is not difficult to make it at all, because the ingredients are simple and the shawarma composition itself can vary depending on your preferences. The filling can be meat or vegan, the main thing is to have delicious pita bread. If you do not like meat, shawarma can be with a bird. Perhaps there are even options for shawarma with fish filling! But still, it’s better to put the chicken if the meat filling does not suit you. You can find delicious recipes for shawarma here and learn how to cook shawarma at home. Few people know that shawarma in pita bread at home is almost as tasty as bought in some special place. All you need to do is find the shawarma recipe at home and then you will have the most delicious shawarma that you have ever tried. We have many different recipes, among which there are both standard and unusual options. Shawarma at home, of course, is slightly different from that prepared in specialized places, but it is still very tasty.
The main thing in the preparation of shawarma is the ingredients for shawarma and meat for shawarma. They must be fresh, then home-made shawarma will definitely turn out delicious. Here you will find everything you need for cooking - shawarma recipes that will help you figure out how to make shawarma at home, as well as a photo of shawarma so that you know what an ideal shawarma looks like. The recipe for homemade shawarma is simple, although it requires the proper preparation of meat. Some even cook this dish with ham or sausage, but then it is not shawarma, but simply pita bread with filling. Real home-made shawarma is a delicious baked or fried meat, fresh vegetables and a delicious sauce. You can make shawarma sauce at home according to the recipe, which is described on our page. Those who love purchased shawarma have long known how to cook shawarma at home so that it turns out to be incredibly tasty.
They also know that it’s possible to deviate a little from the recipe, but the main thing is to keep meat products in it, as well as Korean carrots and cucumbers. And the sauce, of course, should be based on sour cream with mayonnaise, garlic and herbs - this is the most delicious and proper shawarma sauce. Here you will find more than one recipe for shawarma and you can step by step repeat the entire cooking process at home.
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