See and choose potato recipes for every taste and color. This section presents the most delicious, simple and quick potato recipes with photos for cooking at home. Read more about potatoes ...
How tasty to bake potatoes with brisket in the oven. A simple and affordable recipe with step by step photos. Potato wrap, spices for dishes, useful tips.
How to cook delicious potato stew with pork ribs. An affordable and easy recipe with step by step photos. Selection of vegetables and spices for dishes, tips.
How tasty to bake potatoes with bacon in the oven. A simple step-by-step recipe with photos for cooking an amazingly fragrant dish! Selection of spices, serving.
How delicious to bake potatoes in bacon. A simple and affordable recipe with step by step photos for cooking an incredibly delicious dish! Useful tips, feed.
How to quickly and tasty cook potatoes with stew: a recipe with step by step photos. choice of spices for the dish, especially stewing potatoes, useful tips.
How to cook stewed potatoes deliciously. A simple step by step recipe with a photo. Vegetable processing, additional ingredients, spices, cooking sequence.
How to cook a delicious fried potato in the oven. A simple step by step recipe with a photo. Proper processing of potatoes before baking for a golden brown crust.
How to cook a gentle and light mashed potato. A special recipe with step by step photos. Secrets of cooking potatoes, flavors, consistency.
The recipe for cooking potatoes in their skins in the microwave with step-by-step photos and a detailed video master class. Useful recommendations for cooking and serving.
How to cook potatoes at home. The right recipe with step by step photos. Potato processing, selection of spices. Making the sauce for serving dishes.
The recipe for fried potatoes with meat with step by step photos and a detailed video master class. Useful recommendations for preparation and design.
The recipe for cooking delicious fried potatoes in fat with step-by-step photos and a detailed video master class. Useful recommendations for cooking and serving.
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Read more about potatoes
Potato recipes are very popular and varied. It can rightfully be called the second bread. This vegetable is popular in all countries, and our country is no exception.
Potato dishes have firmly entered our lives. And now it is hardly possible to imagine a day without potatoes. She is the main dish on the festive table, a side dish for breakfast, lunch and dinner. And for vegetarians and fasting people - this is generally an indispensable product.
Potato recipes are delicious and simple. For example, mashed potatoes are a perfect side dish, then you can make pies with potatoes, cook a casserole, mold potato balls or pancakes and fry them in a deep-frying pan. No less tasty potato dishes are obtained if it is cooked. Boiled potatoes are delicious on their own, but with butter and sprinkled with herbs is also beautiful. Almost no meat salad is complete without boiled potatoes.
Dishes with potatoes are prepared both for the first (soups, hot and cold borsch), and for the second dishes (side dishes, salads, snacks). The easiest way to whip up is to feed the family with boiled jacket potatoes in their skins. In this case, you don’t even need to clean it. And so that the peel does not crack during cooking, you need to add 5 drops of vinegar. Another such way is baked potatoes at home in the oven or outdoors in a bonfire. After the bonfire, they called her hot potatoes, and tourists sang songs about such potatoes.
What do you think can be made from potatoes? The flight of imagination, especially among young mothers, can be unlimited: from emoticons cut from potatoes, chips strung on skewers and baked in the oven, to the formation of pigs and hedgehogs from mashed potatoes. Potato recipes can always be diversified by adding greens, cheese, eggs, vegetables, meat.
If you still ask yourself what to cook for dinner with potatoes, then boldly leaf through our recipes with photos, in them you will always find simple recipes with potatoes that can be quickly and tasty cooked.
Whatever you choose, whipped potato dishes or salads, which will take a lot of time to cook, no matter what you cook, in a slow cooker, oven, stove, there will always be one result - delicious potatoes!
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