How to collect mercury from a broken thermometer and where to throw it away

If you ask a pharmacy about a thermometer, then your eyes just run up, how many different thermometers exist. They can offer an electronic device, a thermometer-pacifier, which is easy to measure the temperature in infants, an infrared thermometer. And, despite such a variety, a classic mercury thermometer necessarily lies in a home medicine cabinet. After all, this device is the most accurate and never fails ... until it accidentally falls to the floor. And here the questions arise: "What should I do if the thermometer in the apartment crashes?" And "How dangerous is this?"

A broken mercury thermometer is a time bomb. What does mercury look like in a thermometer? Liquid metal has the ability to instantly crush into many small silver balls that easily scatter throughout the room, penetrating carpets, contaminating furniture, lingering on animal hair. Meanwhile, mercury in terms of toxicity belongs to the dangerous first class. You can see photos of mercury on the Internet.

Thermometer to smithereens: no big deal or really dangerous

There is an opinion that all talk about the high toxicity of mercury is greatly exaggerated. Elderly nurses in hospitals like to repeat this, explaining that many thermometers have already been interrupted in their lifetime. Therefore, the question arises: is a broken thermometer really toxic? In addition, the rolling silver balls of mercury that jumped out of the thermometer did not provoke an instant deterioration in health and did not lead to death. Such an erroneous opinion often leads to wrong actions.

And this is fraught with the development of very serious consequences. Mercury vapors from the silver balls remaining in the floor gaps gradually accumulate, affecting the nervous system, lungs, and kidneys. But the negative symptoms of intoxication will make itself felt only after years. Therefore, in most cases, it does not even bind to a once broken thermometer.

Scientists, analyzing why mercury from a thermometer is dangerous for humans, came to the conclusion that it is this liquid metal that often underlies the development of pathologies such as:

  • hand tremor;
  • gum disease;
  • insomnia, memory impairment;
  • anxiety, anxiety, depression;
  • chronic pneumonia;
  • thyroid enlargement;
  • heart rhythm disturbance;
  • irreversible changes in the kidneys.

Formidable symptoms

Mercury vapor causes gradual intoxication of the body. But sometimes acute poisoning is possible. This phenomenon may occur when liquid metal comes into contact with a hot radiator or water.

The following symptoms indicate acute mercury poisoning from a thermometer. With this symptomatology, it is necessary to deliver the victim to the hospital as soon as possible.

  • sharp weakness, lethargy;
  • stomach ache;
  • diarrhea;
  • bleeding gums;
  • retardation;
  • nausea, vomiting is possible.

If a thermometer crashes in an apartment: what should be done

How to understand that the thermometer is broken? When the thermometer fell out of hands, and even with a loud bang it hit the floor, this does not mean that it crashed. Thermometers are made of fairly durable glass. How to understand that the thermometer crashed? Carefully inspect the place of the "accident" and the device itself.

  • The thermometer is not damaged. If, having picked up a thermometer from the floor and examined, you did not notice any cracks or chips on it, and the device itself functions normally, you are lucky! You can put the thermometer in the case and hide it in the medicine cabinet.
  • Minor damage. If a crack appears on the thermometer, then such a device should not be kept in the house. Excessive “cleaning” is not required, however, a thermometer can be dangerous. Therefore, it must be disposed of.
  • Partially crashed. Quite often there is a situation where the tip of a thermometer crashes, but mercury does not leak. In this case, it is necessary to carefully collect all the fragments and thoroughly rinse the floors with potassium permanganate. Then open the doors and windows wide to ventilate the room.
  • Completely crashed. If you have fragments and silver balls in front of you, then you are unlikely to have a question about whether the thermometer really crashed. It’s more important to understand how to collect mercury from a broken thermometer. The main thing is not to panic. After all, panic is an extremely bad adviser, and often provokes completely wrong actions.
If it is very difficult to concentrate on the situation, then it is best to call the Ministry of Emergencies. The person on duty will listen to you and recommend a service that collects and disposes of mercury. They will explain to you how to proceed before the brigade arrives and what should not be done.


Mercury spilled, thermometer crashed? Ask for a free consultation with a specialist! Demercurization is the business of professionals.

Prior to the arrival of an expert, provide ventilation and isolate the contaminated room. Urgently call if a thermometer crashes!

24 HOUR LINE - specialist in your area!

MERCURY SERVICE MOSCOW and MO 24/7: +7(495)128-95-95

SERVICE OF MERCURY ST. PETERSBURG 24 /7: +7(812) 243-15-59

License for demercurization. Measurement of mercury vapor SI State Register. Search for hidden sources. Specialists with a higher chemical education will identify and completely neutralize mercury and harmful fumes. Control metering is free of charge.

How to protect yourself and loved ones

So what to do if a thermometer crashes at home? Initially, you need to take all measures to protect your body and all residents from the harmful effects of mercury vapor. For this, such activities are recommended.

  • Wash hands thoroughly. If the child crashes the thermometer, then wash his hands thoroughly with soap and water. And then wipe them with a soda solution.
  • Remove all residents from the premises. Children, pregnant women and the elderly are most susceptible to the negative effects of mercury. Such persons must immediately leave the apartment. Do not leave animals indoors. Balls of mercury can stick to paws or wool. In this case, toxic microparticles will be easily transferred to other rooms.
  • Reduce room temperature. From a school chemistry course, it is known that mercury melts at a temperature of 38.8 ° C. Therefore, try to create cool air in the room. For example, open a window. Do not turn on the air conditioner. It will create air ventilation, causing the balls of mercury to fly around the room.
  • Close the door tightly. To prevent the penetration of mercury vapor into other rooms, it is necessary to tightly close the room in which the "accident" occurred. And in order not to create an increased concentration of a toxic substance in the room, open a window onto the street. But do not create drafts, otherwise the balls of mercury will have to be collected throughout the house.
After the residents left the room and the room was tightly closed, you can take up the phone and call the service that conducts mercury demercurization at home. For example, SES. The advantages of this step are quite obvious. Specialists will thoroughly clean the room of mercury, check the air for pollution by vapors. After this "cleaning" you will be completely sure that neither you nor your loved ones are in danger.

Mercury vapors are poison class I hazard. Do not waste your time!

Specialist in your area! Removal of mercury and vapors.

MERCURY SERVICE MOSCOW and MO 24/7: +7(495)128-95-95

SERVICE OF MERCURY ST. PETERSBURG 24/7: +7(812) 243-15-59

Broom and scoop

Proper preparation for cleaning

But you can go the other way, and collect the mercury yourself. In this case, you need to take care of your safety and prepare the appropriate "inventory". Be sure to close the windows in other rooms, so that during the opening of the doors do not provoke a draft.

For mercury removal, personal protective equipment must be worn.

  • Rubber slippers. Wear those that you can easily throw away. Slippers in contact with mercury should not be washed. Do not wear rag shoes on your feet. If there was nothing suitable at hand, pull plastic bags over the slippers.
  • Synthetic clothing. Such fabrics are not breathable. Typically, these properties cause severe discomfort. But in this situation, they will protect the person from toxic fumes.
  • Rubber gloves. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to choose a medical one. They tightly clasp a brush and do not hamper the movements. And in household gloves, as the reviews show, it is much more difficult to perform delicate manipulations.
  • Gauze bandage on the face. To protect the lungs from the penetration of vapors, you need to put on a wet bandage, tying your nose and mouth. If there is no dressing, you can use a diaper or a damp towel.

Armed with “work clothes”, it is necessary to prepare the appropriate tools for cleaning mercury from a broken thermometer:

  • strong solution of potassium permanganate in a plastic bucket;
  • rags;
  • a three-liter jar half filled with a solution of potassium permanganate or ordinary cold water;
  • soap-soda solution in a plastic bucket;
  • a syringe, pear or a large syringe without a needle;
  • two sheets of paper (wet);
  • knitting needle or awl;
  • convenient flashlight;
  • a brush or pieces of cotton;
  • electrical tape, adhesive tape, patch.
The question often arises as to how much mercury is in the thermometer? A standard thermometer contains 1 g of molten metal. Sometimes there are thermometers in which the amount of mercury is increased to 2 g. At first glance, a little. But this amount is enough to poison about 6,000 m³ of air.

Handling the “accident” site

When all safety measures have been taken, you can start cleaning the room. The following procedure is recommended.

  • Close the slot under the door. A large rag must be moistened in a solution of potassium permanganate. They put her on the threshold of the room and carefully close the door. This will reduce the spread of fumes to neighboring rooms.
  • Collect the shards. To neutralize mercury from a broken thermometer, all the debris is carefully collected and placed in a pot of potassium permanganate. Try to work carefully so as not to cause the release of mercury remaining in the thermometer.
  • Form a mercury ball. Using paper, all mercury balls push toward one, the largest. Silver lumps will merge. When one large ball forms, it is gently pushed onto the paper, using a piece of cotton or a brush and gently lowered into a jar. This method collects all visible mercury particles from the floor.
  • Go over the surface with masking tape. To eliminate small balls that are impossible to see with the human eye, you must use tape or tape. The adhesive surface is carefully glued to the floor at the place where the thermometer crashed. So they treat the entire surface. Used tape containing particles of mercury is also thrown into a jar.
  • Enlighten inaccessible places. Do not forget that mercury balls could easily roll under a sofa or bed, under a table, and sometimes even under a baseboard. Inspect the entire surface by shining a flashlight. In a stream of light, you will easily notice balls of mercury that will shine. To get them out of hard-to-reach places, you can use a spoke. You will greatly facilitate your work if you dismantle the baseboard.You can also remove silver balls from hard-to-reach places using a syringe or a syringe.
  • Seal the container. The jar is carefully corked with a lid. Where to throw a mercury thermometer in such a bank? Remember: it is not thrown into the trash can or into the toilet!

It is sometimes recommended that mercury be collected from a thermometer using sulfur (matchstick head). The effectiveness of this method raises many doubts, because the metal-sulfur reaction is not able to neutralize the toxic substance.

If the mercury collection procedure is delayed for a long time, then it is necessary to go out into the fresh air every 15 minutes. This will reduce the likelihood of poisoning the body with mercury vapor. Be sure to remove gloves, slippers, and a mask from yourself and leave them in a “contaminated” room.

Mopping the floor

Closing events

Only after making sure that all the mercury balls are collected, can we proceed to the final stage. It includes the following five steps.

  1. Mop the floor. Initially, the entire surface is carefully washed out with a concentrated solution of potassium permanganate (potassium permanganate). Particular attention is paid to the place where the thermometer was broken. This zone can be washed with a solution of iodine (10 ml of pharmacy drug per 10 liters of water). Experts say that iodine is able to attract mercury like a magnet.
  2. Mop the floor again. The area of ​​the floor on which the “accident” occurred is washed repeatedly. But now they are already using bleach to cleanse mercury.
  3. Get rid of your clothes. Remove all items, including a mask, gloves, slippers, and put them in a bag. Tie it carefully. You should also do with the equipment that you used to collect the fragments.
  4. Take a shower. After cleaning the thermometer and mercury, be sure to stand under a cool shower. Cleanse your body with soap. Rinse your mouth well with soda solution. Be sure to take three tablets of activated charcoal and try to drink more fluid to ensure that mercury vapors are eliminated from the body through the kidneys.
  5. Hand in mercury, splinters, and a bag of things for disposal. Now it's time to find out how to properly dispose of a mercury thermometer. Call the Ministry of Emergencies. The Emergency Situations Officer will tell you where in your area you need to take and hand over a jar and a bag of poisonous contents. In some regions, communal management companies and DEZs (directorates for the operation of buildings) deal with this issue.
Be sure to leave the windows open. How much does mercury disappear from the room where the broken thermometer was cleaned? It is usually recommended to air the room for one week. And for seven days, after cleaning the broken thermometer, it is necessary to daily wash the floor in the room with bleach or whiteness

Broken thermometer

What to do with carpet, appliances and furniture

In general, cleaning a broken thermometer is not such a difficult procedure. However, the event can be seriously complicated if the thermometer shatters in the “problem” zone, for example, near a bed or carpet. In this case, use these recommendations.

  • Carpet and carpet. If silver balls are entangled in a long pile, then no matter how pathetic the carpet is, it is best to part with it. The same goes for carpet. If this is not possible, then tune in to the long process of purification from mercury. After collecting the balls with a rubber bulb or tape, the surface is treated with potassium permanganate or a solution of laundry soap and soda ash. Then they are hung out for airing in a place where you are infrequent so as not to inhale mercury vapor. You can hang it in the attic or in the barn. In the case of a carpet, it is necessary to dismantle the baseboard to remove the coating. The weathering process should last at least three months. Then the carpet is dry cleaned.
  • Cushioned furniture. The algorithm of actions is approximately the same. A sofa or chair contaminated with mercury is initially recommended to be treated with a solution of manganese, iodine or soap and soda.Of course, such products will leave stains on the surface, but when choosing between safety and beauty, it is obvious that the former is preferable. Then the furniture is transferred to a garage, a barn or to the attic and provide good wind blowing for three months.
  • Bed. Remove bedding contaminated with mercury and take it away for disposal or hang up for three-month weathering. With a bed, do the same as with a sofa.
  • Valuables. Items that have been mercury are ideally thrown away. But what if, for example, a laptop? Balls must be collected using a pear or Velcro. And then contact the SES for demercurization.
The simplest and safest way to "disinfect" furniture and carpeting is professional demercurization. Large cities have private mercury collection companies that provide cleaning services for personal items, jewelry, household appliances, and computer equipment. They promise to save even the same vacuum cleaner that you unknowingly could use to collect dangerous balls.

How not to do

Finally, it is necessary to dwell on those points that are strictly contraindicated if a thermometer crashed in the apartment.

  • Throw away the thermometer. Very often, people do not even think about where to take the crashed thermometer. They collect glass, mercury balls and throw them into the trash or toilet. This is strictly prohibited. After all, mercury will not be washed off by water and will not disappear from the garbage disposal. She will still spread fumes and poison the body.
  • Use a vacuum cleaner or a broom. Such devices will not help in cleaning a broken thermometer, but will do much harm. The broom will ensure the dispersion of mercury balls throughout the room. A vacuum cleaner, carefully drawing in the metal, heats it and accelerates the process of vapor distribution. In addition, such a vacuum cleaner will become a new source of mercury contamination.
  • Clean clothes in the washing machine. This is another common mistake. Things in which the broken thermometer was cleaned, like the jar with debris, must be disposed of.

Remember one tip. To prevent the thermometer with mercury from breaking, store it in a special case, do not put the thermometer in the hands of babies and do not leave pets in the reach zone.

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