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To squeeze a pimple in the ear, people have adapted to use cosmetic curettes, tweezers, ear sticks. Someone even manages to get into the outer ear with a finger. In fact, it’s not worth it yourself to crush a pimple in such a difficult place. The reason is the location of the hearing aid. In close proximity are vital sensory organs, the brain. A breakthrough of an abscess inward or infection of nearby areas is fraught with serious consequences.
Why acne appears in the ear
Acne on the human body usually develops according to one mechanism - the duct of the sebaceous gland becomes clogged, the infection penetrates into it, the inflammatory process in the form of eels, large and small, begins. Less commonly, inflammation comes from the hair follicle, which for some reason is infected. Many people believe in meaningless signs: what does it mean if a pimple crawls out in the left ear canal? It doesn’t matter of acceptance, it’s a problem and it needs to be solved differently. If a pimple popped up in a child’s ear, could it be a cold? Let's figure it out.
In the ears, as well as on the face, there can be all kinds of rashes associated with increased activity of the sebaceous glands, among them:
- closed and open comedones (black acne);
- pustular acne;
- subcutaneous nodular acne
- white
- papules.
A common prerequisite for the occurrence of acne of all types is an excessive amount of sebum. Mixing with sweat, dust, keratinized skin cells, it clogs the ducts. This is irrelevant only for the urine - in this area, the hair follicles are more often inflamed. For the same reason, inflammation occurs on the tragus of the ear.
The causes of acne in the ear can be as follows.
- Neglect of hygiene. With insufficient cleansing of the skin inside the auricle and around it, oily skin secretion accumulates, which clogs the pores in the ear and around it. Hygiene procedures include caring for all surfaces in contact with the ear - headgear cloth, mobile phone screen. Acne often comes from headphones. Since they accumulate a huge number of bacteria.
- Skin damage. To acne on the ears, lovers tend to scratch them. The sticks, toothpicks, hairpins and even nails used can be a breeding ground for infection. It easily penetrates the structure of damaged skin and provokes inflammatory processes.
- Hypothermia. A cold acne can develop without the appearance of pus, while delivering tremendous physical discomfort. Empty inflammation hurts and itches, can provoke swelling of the entire auricle. The reason often lies in neglecting to wear a hat during the season.
- Hormonal surge. Red acne in the ears can occur during puberty, as well as a result of hormonal changes that accompany women during pregnancy or after childbirth. Often, hormonal acne in the ear appears regularly and is very difficult to eliminate.
- Allergic reaction. An allergic rash can be not only urticaria. Even small acne, accompanied by the appearance of a purulent apex, can indicate the sensitivity of the body.It can be provoked by cosmetics, styling products for hair, shampoo or face masks and hair.
- Stress factors. Frequent exposure to emotional stress can result not only in overeating and insomnia. Acne in the shell of the ear often accompanies human unrest. Even scientists have not yet been able to establish reliably, the reason for this is the hormones released in a stressful situation, or the behavior of a person in stress (touching the ears, scratching his head, covering his ears with his hands).
- Wrong way of life. Red acne on the neck and ear zone indicates violations of the rules of a healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet. The abuse of sweets, smoked meats, alcohol leads to the appearance of acne on different parts of the body. Lack of sleep and lack of rest exacerbate this problem.
- Diseases of the internal organs. Damage to the liver, intestines, urinary system can manifest itself with acne near the ears and on them. In this case, slagging of the body instantly affects the places of improved blood supply - on the face and ears.
- Infectious provocateurs. Watery rashes in the ears may be evidence of a skin lesion by a bacterial or viral infection. Among the "suspects" - herpes, measles, rubella. Staphylococcus aureus - the main causative agent of furunculosis, can provoke the formation of a large purulent acne in the ear. The contents of the inflammation may be odorless, and the pus itself may have a greenish or brownish tint. In this case, swelling in the area of the lymph nodes is often observed.
Treatment rules
Before treating acne in the ear yourself, you should adequately assess the severity of the situation. If acne near the ears and inside the shells appears in a plurality, regularly, despite good skin cleansing and a healthy lifestyle, then you should consult a doctor with a problem. A serious rash can indicate severe damage to the internal organs.
If an internal pimple or acne has appeared in your ears for the first time or is periodically manifesting itself, you can try to cope with the trouble on your own. In this case, it is important not to harm yourself and prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
Disinfectant measures
Acne behind the ears of any kind requires antiseptic treatment. This will prevent the spread of infection and inflammation. For the treatment of the outer ear are suitable:
- tincture calendula;
- salicylic alcohol;
- chloramphenicol alcohol;
- chlorhexidine.
Any of these products is applied to a cotton pad, they wipe the area near the ears and the shells themselves after hygiene procedures.
If the pimple inside the ear causes discomfort, it should also be treated. You can do this with salicylic alcohol, soaking a cotton swab in it and applying it to the site of inflammation for ten seconds. For lesions in the back of the ear, it is advisable to carry out disinfecting compresses with boric alcohol. To do this, turundas are twisted from sterile gauze, moistened with an alcohol solution of boric acid. Insert into ears for a couple of hours. Such manipulation accelerates the maturation and resorption of acne.
Ointments and gels
Ointments and gels for the treatment of acne are usually inappropriate when treatment for acne on the ears is necessary. Such popular remedies as Baziron and Skinoren help to eliminate acne, and not inflammatory processes. To remove a ripe white pimple in the ear or an inflamed node on it, you should use an ointment with an antibacterial component, suitable for the treatment of purulent-inflammatory skin lesions.The best options:
- Vishnevsky ointment;
- ichthyol ointment;
- Isotrexin.
The listed funds are applied locally to the site of inflammation. If there is access, the place of application can be covered with a small piece of gauze or cotton wool to prevent the erasure of the ointment. The first procedure is usually effective. One night is enough with the Vishnevsky liniment for the full maturation of an acne or a significant reduction in the inflammatory process.
If the pimple in the ear hurts, itches, is accompanied by swelling of the tissues and does not mature at all, you can use a tool with a combined composition. Better if it will include hormonal, antibacterial and antifungal components (Triderm). A simpler option is salicylic-zinc paste, which has anti-inflammatory and drying effect.
Folk methods
From such an annoying phenomenon as a pimple in the ear, there are a lot of folk ways. It is even recommended to apply a warm cake of dough with vodka, crushed radish, mashed boiled egg to the inflamed ear. Little is known about the effectiveness of such methods, but the help of medicinal herbs and infusions is very much appreciated. There are four proven ways to eliminate inflammation in the ear.
- Pot plants. A piece of cut sheet should be attached to the site of inflammation. aloe, Kalanchoe or money tree. These succulents contain a large amount of juice rich in medicinal components, and therefore perfectly cope with inflammation, have a cooling and moisturizing effect. Change the leaflet on the ear should be every two hours. If possible, the compress should be extended for the night. At the same time, there is no need to change the night sheet.
- Herbal lotions. It is necessary to prepare a strong infusion of any available herb with anti-inflammatory properties. Will fit chamomile, series, celandine, sage. Two tablespoons of raw material is poured with a glass of boiling water. After an hour of infusion, the product is filtered. Make lotions with a cotton pad up to six times a day.
- Garlic therapy. If a pimple jumped on the earlobe, you can glue a thin plate of fresh garlic to it. Although its smell is unpleasant, one day of therapy will certainly relieve the patient of pain and itching, and soon the inflammation will completely disappear.
- Cinnamon honey mixture. Honey and powder cinnamon mixed in equal proportions. The resulting product is applied pointwise to acne instead of ointment. It is not recommended to use a similar mixture for acne inside the ear, but on the outside of the sink and in the parotid region, a cinnamon compress will be very appropriate.
If you have to push
Fully ripened sore acne (whitish, but without signs of inflammation), can cause discomfort, itch, create the feeling of a foreign body in the sink. The pores on the skin in it are quite deep and their contents are not always removed during hygiene procedures.
If the eel or ripened pimple is clearly visible from the outside, you can try squeezing it out. After a successful and complete removal, the skin will quickly recover, and any discomfort will pass. There are several ways to squeeze acne in the auricle.
- Using two sticks. High-quality hygiene products are made of durable plastic. Pressing with cotton buds on both sides, you can gradually remove the eel. Pressure should increase gradually.
- With tweezers. With boiled and alcohol-treated tweezers, you can try to extract the contents of the pore. To do this, from two sides press on the area around it with the lateral surface of the expanded part of the tweezers.
- Using a loop. A special cosmetic device is available at cosmetics and household chemical stores. The eel will quickly come out after a simple pressure and pulling the device to the side.
Before squeezing an acne, you should treat the skin in the ear with an antiseptic. The same should be done with the surface of the hands. It is worth starting independent removal only if there is complete confidence that the pimple is completely squeezed out. If in doubt, contact a beauty parlor.
The most reasonable thing to do if a pimple in your ear hurts is to see a doctor. In the absence of such an opportunity, you can use the proven methods of home treatment. If abscesses on the ears occur regularly, are very worried and are accompanied by an extensive inflammatory process, it is necessary to go to a specialist urgently. Boils that develop in the inner part of the ear (as in the photo) are an indication for hospitalization.
It was so. It is necessary to wipe with some alcohol, preferably, of course, at the initial stage, as soon as the pimple begins to hurt and has not yet risen above the surface of the skin. An asterisk also helps.
It happened to me too ... I like to swim and I usually swim in a swimmer’s cap, and she squeezes her ears very hard and on this basis I constantly had inflammations and I usually wiped it with alcohol so that it would mature more quickly and with baziron, if it doesn’t really hurt I don’t touch it at all.
I have a bigger problem ((((pimples appear after removing them, balls remain under the skin and then a tumor appears and it hurts very badly (((((sleep is not possible !!!! 4 times already cut out ((((((
It’s not such a pleasant thing for me: My beloved husband started on Monday, his ear started to hurt (shoot), got agitated by Friday - he went to the doctor. They were diagnosed with a boil (if not mistaken) of the outer ear. The prescribed treatment (antibiotic, ointment levomekol and peroxide) But at night her husband felt very sick, he didn’t sleep in pain, and I still got a bastard, I took it yesterday, the guys are all like that, a bit locked up - they’re building a dying swan out of themselves - like that, the temperature seems to be right now burst .. Here he stopped complaining. I looked at the ear, a boil came out behind his ear, which is my question: Now is the weekend ahead, do not go to the doctor, there seems to be no reason to call an ambulance. There is no temperature, only pain in the ear. How to relieve pain? What medicinal tours can do? The doctor also prescribed dry warming, but I did not understand what dry warming is, and my husband doesn’t remember!
Svetlana Pavlikova,