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Human skin plays a protective role. It prevents the ingress of harmful substances inside, protects against temperature and humidity. Hair also has a protective property. In the perineum, they are necessary to reduce the likelihood of trash getting on the genitals. But if hygiene is not followed, they can also become a source of infection.
Classification of rashes
In ordinary people and dermatologists, the definition of acne is very different. Doctors distinguish various types of rash, which differ in appearance and content. Patients call most of the internal rashes acne or pimples (these types of rashes can be seen in the photo on the Internet), but this is not always the case.
- Spot. This is a patch of skin that has changed color due to increased blood flow or pigment. Some spots appear due to small point hemorrhages - they are called petechiae, larger ones - purpura.
- Blister. It is accompanied by acute inflammation, rises above healthy skin - the size is from a few millimeters to 10 cm. It is soft to the touch, it has no cavity with contents. After treatment passes without a trace. An example of a blister is a rash with hives.
- Knot. In dermatology - papule. The nodule rises above the skin, can be dense or soft, different in depth and size. Large papules from 3 cm are called plaques. The surface of the nodule can be smooth or scaly. There is no cavity inside the papule.
- Tubercle. This is a delimited dense formation. It protrudes above the skin and can be different in color - from pinkish to cyanotic-crimson. An ulcer forms at the apex, which is replaced by connective tissue with the formation of a scar.
- Node. This is a large "pimple" from 1 to 5 cm in diameter. It spreads to the surface layer of the skin, and then reaches subcutaneous fat. The node may be accompanied by inflammation due to the activity of various microorganisms (syphilistuberculosis).
- The bubble. A small bubble protrudes above the surface of the skin, slightly peels it off. In the formed cavity, liquid serous or blood-mixed (hemorrhagic) contents are collected. The value does not exceed 5 mm.
- Bubble. This is a large cavity in the skin up to 5 cm or more, which is filled with serous, hemorrhagic or purulent contents. May appear with dermatitis, pemphigus.
- An abscess. This strip element with purulent contents, like acne, is most suitable for the definition of acne. May be located around the hair follicle (folliculitis). If the pustules do not affect the follicles, then this is a conflict, involvement in the process of the sebaceous glands - acne.
Why do small acne appear on the labia
Acne on the vagina is a consequence of the infectious process, they can be painful.Pathogens can belong to different types of microorganisms:
- bacteria
- viruses;
- mushrooms.
They can be representatives of opportunistic microflora, which populates the mucous membrane of the vagina and vulva, and is also present on the surface of the skin. These pathogens include many bacteria (E. coli, streptococci, bacteroids, enterococci), as well as fungi of the genus Candida.
Pathogenic microbes include pathogens of syphilis and tuberculosis, which can manifest as skin rashes.
Viruses are not opportunistic pathogens, their appearance is associated with infection from the outside. For the genital area, infection with the following viruses is characteristic:
- herpes simplex of the first type (HSV-1);
- herpes simplex of the second type (HSV-2);
- human papillomavirus.
These pathogens are predominantly sexually transmitted. HSV-1 often affects the area of the face, but with oral sex with sick labial herpes, it can cause rashes on the genitals.
The causes of acne on the labia minora and perineal skin can be as follows.
- Hygiene. Hair in the intimate area in the absence of underwear had a protective function. Currently, women do not need this. Therefore, too thick “vegetation” can become a favorable environment for the reproduction of microbes, especially during menstruation and in hot weather. Rare showers aggravate the situation.
- Frequent shaving. Shaving hair robs microbes of the breeding ground. But it irritates the skin. Therefore, after shaving, small yellow acne may appear as a result of infection entering the hair follicle. Sometimes young hairs cannot overcome the dense layer of the keratinized epidermis, so they begin to grow under the skin. At the same time, they become inflamed, a red spot appears above them, and then an abscess.
- Poor-quality underwear. Underwear should be made of natural "breathable" materials, cotton is most suitable for these purposes. Synthetic, tight underpants do not absorb sweat well, do not allow the skin to breathe. A greenhouse effect is created that is well suited for the propagation of microbes. If additional exposure factors appear, then white acne on the labia is provided.
- Decreased immunity. Diabetes mellitus, pregnancy, long-term antibiotic treatment, radiation therapy, the use of cytostatics and glucocorticoids lead to a decrease in immune defense. In this case, a bacterial, fungal infection can worsen, rashes of herpes appear.
- Subcooling and overheating (colds). For the body, both of these conditions are stress, which requires a strain of protective forces. Therefore, after being in the cold, sitting on cold ground can cause acne.
- Allergy. Acute urticaria is manifested by a rash in the form of blisters. It may appear as a response to cosmetic or hygiene products. Flavored pads, soap, various sprays richly flavored with perfumes and dyes may be to blame. Against the background of an allergic reaction and a decrease in local immunity, a white coating may appear on the rashes - a trace of the multiplication of candida fungus.
- Chemical burn. The use of aggressive chemicals and the special sensitivity of the skin can lead to the appearance of sore acne on the labia.
Diagnosis and treatment
You can treat acne on Pisa yourself, but there is no guarantee that self-diagnosis will be carried out correctly. You should not address an intimate problem to a girlfriend or neighbor, only a doctor can correctly evaluate symptoms and conduct additional diagnostics, in this case a gynecologist or a dermatovenerologist.
Red spots or blisters
Before treatment, you need to independently examine the rashes.If it jumps out in the form of spots and itches, the cause can be sexually transmitted skin parasites - scabies, pubic lice. Itching spots or blisters appear at the site of their bites. The tick is very small and difficult to notice, but lice can be seen. With prolonged pediculosis, dark spots may appear - traces of the activity of lice.
For treatment, they shave their hair and use special medications. Folk methods include the use of vinegar. But it can pinch and burn from places of bites, and the effect will have to wait longer.
An allergic reaction is similarly manifested. Here you can see the connection with the use of a new cosmetic product or the reuse of the pad. Some women are allergic to latex, so symptoms will appear after intercourse using a condom. Hypersensitivity may also occur when using spermicidal contraceptives.
Treatment for allergies is the elimination of the allergen and the use of antihistamines. Prescribed tablets are Cetrin, Fenkarol, Suprastin. Locally you can apply the ointment "Fenistil." Use of hormonal ointments is not recommended. They weaken the local defense, which leads to the development of candidiasis.
Small red spots throughout the body, including on the labia, can be a symptom of syphilis. These acne is painless, but can become a source of infection for another person. Another manifestation of syphilis is ulcers at the site of introduction of the pathogen. Such acne often appears in the vagina, on the cervix - without a special examination by a doctor, they are invisible.
Yellow pustules
The cause of purulent acne on the labia is a bacterial infection. It affects the hair follicles - folliculitis develops. For treatment, it is enough to observe hygiene, treat them with antiseptic solutions. With the spread of infection to the subcutaneous tissue, a boil is formed. It looks like a large pimple on the labia, accompanied by severe pain, impaired general well-being. Pain can be given to the inguinal region, rectum.
A dense formation at the entrance to the vagina, which hurts and interferes with walking, is called bartholinitis - inflammation of the vestibule gland. For boils and bartholinitis, only surgical treatment is provided. The doctor must open the abscess and remove its contents, and rinse the cavity with an antiseptic. Treatment is supplemented with antibiotics, immunomodulators.
The appearance of burning and itching, then a small seal, which is replaced by a bubble with water (serous) contents, are symptoms of herpes. They often appear with weakened immunity:
- after a long illness;
- after menstruation or in front of them;
- with hypothermia.
Such a pimple can be on the mucous membrane of the labia or on the skin of the perineum. Rashes can be accompanied by general weakness, malaise, fever. When a pimple bursts, an ulcer forms in its place, which gradually dries and crusts. After healing, no traces remain.
Painless and dense
Sometimes condylomas and papillomas are taken for acne. They are a consequence of infection with the human papillomavirus (HPV).Some of its types lead to the appearance of overgrowth of the skin, others show oncogenic properties and cause cervical cancer.
Papillomas are of different types, sometimes these are single formations, growths like cauliflower or dense with a subcutaneous part. To eliminate them, resort to surgical methods:
- cryodestruction;
- electrocoagulation;
- laser treatment.
Removing does not resolve the issue. To completely get rid of the virus, treatment with special antiviral drugs, immunostimulants is required.
Small, dense and painless formations in the form of black acne are nevuses. These are benign formations, which are commonly called moles. Sometimes dark acne changes:
- by color;
- form;
- size.
They are injured during shaving, begin to bleed. In this case, the help of an oncologist is needed. It is possible that melanoma forms at the site of the nevus. This is one of the most dangerous tumors that grows rapidly and gives rise to multiple metastases. The treatment in this case is complex, including surgical removal, chemotherapy and radiation.
With a white coating
Red acne on the labia, on the surface of which a white curdled plaque appears, are the result of candidiasis. This is a fungal infection, which is a conditionally pathogenic flora. Symptoms often appear in patients with diabetes due to a decrease in skin immunity, as well as HIV-infected.
Additional signs are itchy skin and dysuric disorders. Treatment is with antifungal agents. Creams with nystatin or clotrimazole may be used. When involved in the process of the vagina use Pimafucin candles, «Clotrimazole"Or the combined preparation"Polygynax", As the microbial association is often present. In some cases, fluconazole (“Diflucan», «Flucostat"," Difluzole ").
Special warnings
The causes of rashes on the genitals are many. But it is difficult for a layman to distinguish between different conditions and choose the right treatment. Allergy, psoriasis and eczema at a certain stage can be very similar to each other, but require completely different treatments. Therefore, when the following symptoms appear, it is better to consult a doctor.
- Time. Self-treatment does not bring effect for a week. The rash intensifies, severe itching and swelling are disturbing. Peeling may join, redness from an acne will spread to a large area.
- General state. Against the background of rashes, the condition gradually worsens, the temperature rises.
- Ulcers. Pimples are replaced by sores that heal for a long time. There is one sore, which gradually increases in size. Additionally, lymph nodes in the groin can swell.
- Sexual contact. If pimples appear after unprotected sex or with a new sexual partner, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The appearance of rashes on the genitals is sometimes an indicator of the general state of immunity. If such manifestations are often disturbed, then specific diagnostics are needed. In addition to determining the causative agent that causes acne on the pubis and labia, an immunogram may be required to detect deviations in protection.