Acne on the chin: how to get rid of drugs, diet and features for the care of inflamed skin

Due to the physiology of the skin in the T-zone, this area of ​​the face is most prone to rashes and acne. A large number of open pores and increased activity of the sebaceous glands only contribute to this. Unlike the forehead and nose, black dots and inflamed nodes often appear on the chin. Treatment of acne on the chin in women and men depends on the cause of the rash.
Girl examines her skin through a magnifying glass

Inflamed nodules and whitish pimples most often “adorn” the chin of adolescents. The reason for this is age-related changes in the body that directly affect the hormonal background. It is precisely on the endocrine origin of the rash on the chin that the “acne map”, which is used by dermatologists and cosmetologists to determine the internal causes of the rash, indicates. However, there are many more provocateurs of rash.

Characteristics of rashes

Why beard acne? Despite the fact that all types of acne on the chin have common roots and a similar mechanism of origin, they may differ in their symptoms.

  • Open comedos. They do not bring pain, their contents are visible to the naked eye (black dot). This is provoked by oxidation and contamination of the tight secret inside the pore.
  • Closed comedones. Palpated like tubercles. These are the same clogged pores, only covered with a keratose membrane.

Acne is:

  • pustular - I have a cavity filled with pus;
  • papular - barren, looking like an inflamed nodule on the skin.

They are also formed due to obstruction of the ducts, but are characterized by an inflammatory process. In the case of papules, it is provoked by an infection, and in the case of pustules, a natural reaction of the body to a foreign body in the dermis.

Causes of Acne on the Chin in Women

A large pimple or acne on the chin can appear even in a girl who carefully takes care of herself. It is very difficult to control the activity of an invisible factor - the activity of the sebaceous glands. Beauticians point to a single mechanism for the appearance of acne - clogging of the pores of the skin. Further events can develop in different ways:

  • oxidation occurs - dirt in the pore changes color, forming a black dot;
  • closed comedone formed - pollution remains inside the duct for a long time;
  • infection penetrates into the pores - white pimple is formed on the chin;
  • the body rejects the closed comedone - a knot or pimple cone is formed.

According to dermatologists, there are seven main reasons why acne appears on the chin.

  1. Hormonal changes. They are susceptible to adolescents, pregnant women, women after childbirth, in the premenopausal period. Women face the negative effects of hormones on the skin before menstruation. Endocrine disorders in the form of lesions of the thyroid gland, adrenal glands and ovaries make themselves felt with red acne on the chin.
  2. Unfavourable conditions. Not only bacteria and allergens are concentrated in the air, but also common dust. Additionally, the activity of the sebaceous glands is stimulated by frost, wind, and strong ultraviolet radiation. Cold acne often occurs on weathered skin, which has recently been exposed to low temperatures and wind.
  3. Skin diseases. Most often, acne is the result of the spread of infectious agents in the skin. They can provoke abscesses of different sizes, boils. Herpes lesions are fraught with watery rashes. However, most types of rash are characterized by severe inflammation and pain.
  4. Stress. The reactions of the human body to stress are closely related to the work of the autonomic nervous system and hormonal regulation of the body. It is not surprising that the “emergency” at work can end not only with drops of sweat on the forehead, but also with a fat shine of the chin, with the subsequent formation of acne. A rash from stress appears in 20% of cases.
  5. Improper care. In pursuit of beauty and neatness, ladies tend to use a lot of different cosmetics, the action of which is sometimes completely inappropriate. Some regenerating drugs provoke hyperkeratosis, and antibacterial ones violate the natural barrier of the dermis against infectious agents. At the same time, men become victims of purulent acne on the chin due to the banal disregard for the basic rules of skin care.
  6. Accumulation of toxins. Taking medications, frequent snacks with sweets and junk food is a direct way to skin problems, including sore acne on the chin. Digestive disorders, enzymatic deficiency, a tendency to constipation, and kidney disease also adversely affect the skin condition. Timely removal of toxins from the body is the only way to preserve external beauty.
  7. Allergy. The pathways of allergens into the body can be called innumerable. These are air, water, cosmetics, clothes, food. Even hand cream, after applying which the girl had the imprudence to touch her chin, can be a provocateur of a rash. Small dry acne is a symptom of an allergic reaction of the body.

Ultrasound skin treatment

When self-medication is unacceptable

A cosmetologist or dermatologist is able to determine the causes of acne on the chin in women literally after the first examination. Occupational therapy, as a rule, takes much less time than self-medication. An independent search for the cause of skin problems and ways to eliminate them should stop if:

  • nodes occur on the chin regularly;
  • the rash bothers for a long time;
  • exudate is allocated;
  • acne appeared in the form of red nodes towering above the skin;
  • abscesses are not eliminated after changing cosmetics;
  • refusal of coffee, tea, sweet and fatty does not affect the state of the dermis.

In some cases, for a full cleansing of the skin of the chin from acne, a comprehensive examination of the body is required. It may include a number of analyzes and ultrasounds.

Reducing immunity, as well as diseases of the oral cavity like periodontal disease and thrush, can activate inflammation.

Therapy Basics

In the event that a specialist selects skin rash therapy, his recommendations should be strictly followed. You may have to drink:

  • antibiotics
  • antifungal agents;
  • hormonal drugs;
  • sedative tablets;
  • vitamins.

Small acne on the chin is a common sign of a deficiency in the body of retinol. A doctor should prescribe vitamin A, carefully selecting a dose with a focus on additional symptoms. Preparations with vitamin A have a teratogenic effect, so they are not prescribed for pregnant women and planning to conceive. Until the rash is completely eliminated, the patient has to follow a low-carb diet. It excludes the use of:

  • sweets;
  • fatty foods;
  • smoked meats;
  • sausages.

During diet therapy, the patient should adhere to the drinking regimen. It is the intake of a sufficient amount of water into the body that will provide an accelerated release of toxins and toxins.

If there is a suspicion of a food allergy, in addition to chocolate and various additives, dairy products should be discarded. In some cases, it is sensitive to milk proteins. The patient may not be aware of the existence of such an allergy for years, while suffering from red acne on the skin.

Subcutaneous acne on the chin are often triggered by the action of low temperatures. Prevention of such rashes is provided by protecting the face from adverse conditions and applying special protective cosmetic products.

During treatment with or without medication, the patient must carefully follow the basic rules of skin care:

  • to clean- twice a day with mild detergents;
  • use non-abrasive scrubs- at least twice a week, you can also peel;
  • qualitatively tone - wipe the skin with special fluids;
  • use local antiseptics - for processing the chin;
  • moisturize- regardless of the application of drugs.
With hyperkeratosis and complex skin rashes, a hardware effect on the skin may be required. It is carried out in a cosmetology room or use devices for home use (for example, Darsonval).

Girl with problem skin


Medicines, cosmetics, and cleansing procedures help get rid of acne on the chin. At the beginning of treatment, the rash should completely change the cosmetics that the patient used before. It is worth paying attention to products withsalicylic acid and green tea. Ideally, get a professional line for home care for problem skin. Often, such products contain therapeutic concentrations of active ingredients.

For the speedy elimination of black acne or ulcers, you can use the available means from the pharmacy:

  • talker with zinc;
  • boric acid solution;
  • salicylic acid;
  • chloramphenicol solution;
  • salicylic-zinc ointment.

With these tools you can treat acne pointwise or wipe the entire surface of the chin twice a day.

If a large pimple has jumped on the chin (for example, under the lip or in the center of the jaw), ichthyol ointment, Vishnevsky liniment will help to accelerate its maturation. Redness can be removed with drops for the eyes ("Vizin") or from a runny nose ("Naphthyzin"). They are applied to cotton and applied to the site of redness. A mask with clay can remove acne on the chin. Until the rash is completely eliminated, do at least three times a week.

To think about which organ is not in order, if acne appears on the chin in women, it should be with a regular nodular rash that spreads to the neck. Red solid knots can talk aboutpolycystic ovary, especially if the rash is accompanied by unreasonable weight gain. A pimple on the chin does not mean anything serious if it appears alone shortly before menstruation. In this case, more thorough skin care should be provided during the hormonal “swing” period.

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