Acne on the sternum in women: how to eliminate the causes of rashes and feel free to wear outfits with a neckline

Acne on the chest in women can pretty much ruin your life. The neckline area for ladies is as important as the face. It is not surprising, because men recognize this part of the body as the most sexual. Nevertheless, cosmetologists and dermatologists consider acne to be normal, albeit unsightly. However, the problem cannot be ignored.
Girl with a bare bust

Almost every person is faced with acne. Someone is familiar with teenage rashes, and someone with allergic ones. Statistics show that for every (even completely healthy) person, acne can occur periodically on different parts of the body. The skin is a mirror of the body and any changes in its functioning instantly appear on it. This is especially true for women: change is part of their nature.

Rash formation mechanism

Human skin is streaked with various glands, their ducts, hair follicles and other structures. Sebum and the hydrolipidic barrier formed by it protect these elements from infection inside. The epidermal cells themselves are constantly dividing, growing, dying, exfoliating. This is an endless process.

Mixing with sebum and sweat, keratinized skin particles form a natural “dirt” that a person rinses off during hygiene procedures. It would seem that everything in this mechanism is thought out and perfect ...

But getting rid of the natural “dirt” is not so simple. Surfactants used by humans often dry the skin and spoil the lipid mantle. The result - the epidermis and the structures concentrated in it become vulnerable to external stimuli. They are all the same "dirt" and bacteria, among which there are pathogens.

The channels of the sebaceous and sweat glands are often clogged. A secret begins to accumulate in them, blackheads form - pores clogged with dirt and fat. If a pathogenic microorganism takes part in the clogging process, the inflammatory process begins. This is a pimple. Red, inflamed, with pus inside.

Why are pores clogged

Sebaceous glands are present in all areas of the skin. In some zones they are active, in others they are practically inactive. Acne in the décolleté area can appear regardless of the type of facial skin. Even girls with a dry type suffer from rashes on the chest. The reason is the increased production of sebum by the sebaceous glands.

If they work actively, a lot of oily skin secretion is produced. The skin on the chest is less subject to friction. Accordingly, keratinized particles are stored on its surface and, mixed with fat, clog the ducts. The possible causes of acne on the chest in women are so diverse that sometimes medical attention is required to identify the pathogenesis of rashes.

Hormone racing

Hormonal background affects the condition of the entire female body. The skin, like a mirror, reflects all hormonal fluctuations. This applies to the phase of the menstrual cycle, when there are progesterone-estradiol "swings", the period of pregnancy, menopause. Often there are large-scale rashes in women after childbirth. Even weight gain can provoke the appearance of abscesses, since the hormonal background partially depends on the amount of subcutaneous fat in the body.

Sometimes the décolleté area pours due to the appearance of gynecological problems, since all of them, partially or completely, change the level of sex hormones. Significant changes in background are observed when endometriosis, polycystic neoplasmsinflammatory processes.

Hormonal acne appears suddenly. Just yesterday, the skin was clean, and in the morning a woman notices inflamed red tubercles, sometimes with the formation of white tops. Often, along with the breast, the rash affects the surface of the neck, especially under the chin and along the back of the hairline. Inflammations can be knotty and resemble red seals more than acne, which is usual for our understanding.

Other endocrine disorders

The appearance of female skin can be affected not only by the gonads. The thyroid gland, the pituitary gland and the adrenal glands are the three main provocateurs of the appearance of a rash on the chest. The reason is their effect on metabolic processes and the course of inflammatory reactions in the body.

Red acne on the chest often provokes jumps in testosterone. This purely male hormone is in the female body in small concentrations. Its increase leads to the activity of the sebaceous glands, as a result - the pores clog faster, and a favorable environment for the development of microorganisms appears on the skin.

Hormonal acne accompanies a woman almost all her life. Many even get used to changing phases of “exacerbation” and “calm”. Regularity is the main difference between hormonal rashes and other types of acne on the chest. Hormones fluctuations are manifested not by one painful formation, but by their entire groups (as in the photo).

Pin on the girl's chest


Hygiene of the décolleté zone is much more complicated than it seems. The soul twice a day may not be enough to fully eliminate pollution and keratinized epithelium. Especially few of these manipulations for ladies who sweat heavily or already have hormonal disorders. The result of poor cleansing is numerous white abscesses throughout the sternum.

For women with large breast sizes, it is important to process the area directly in the fold under the breast and between several times a day. Slow evaporation of sweat in this place provokes the penetration of bacteria into the skin with the subsequent appearance of acne and small purulent pimples.

Small pimples pimples on the nipples in women, the so-called closed comedones, can appear due to the rapid renewal of the skin with a lack of cleansing. It is categorically impossible to crush the rash on the nipples and in the area around them.

Unsuitable bra

High-quality underwear is an important condition for maintaining the health of the skin of the decollete zone. The busts are in direct contact with the thin epidermis and give a certain position to the chest.

Acne on the sternum is most often formed in ladies with a third and larger size, as well as among lovers of a spectacular decollete. Women tend to intentionally acquire those models of bras that bring breasts unnaturally close together. The effectiveness of the neckline with a large subcutaneous acne is doubtful, so watch out, the linen did not compress the mammary glands.

The material from which the product is made is also important. Even the most beautiful linen should have a natural layer in contact with delicate skin.


If acne on the chest is scratched - this is an occasion for an urgent visit to the doctor, since often the chest is poured due to the spread of infection. Acne can pass to the chest from the abdomen, armpits, back and indicate the development of:

  • chickenpox;
  • rubella;
  • scarlet fever;
  • scabies;
  • streptoderma;
  • tick-borne lesions.
Often, infectious acne is small, red, without a white apex. Inside, watery serous contents can be seen.


It also happens that the chest spilled acne after a walk in a revealing outfit. This is the result of a protective skin reaction to excessive cold irritation. The skin actively secreted fat to protect the epidermis of such important parts of the body.Once warm, the woman’s body did not so quickly rebuild to complete rest. The woman sweated, sweat mixed with sebum, closed the ducts, a thick rash or single red nodes appeared.

A common acne can reach a diameter of over 5 mm. It develops completely without the formation of the apex within one to two weeks. If the pimple does not self-destruct during this time, a boil is suspected.

Allergic reaction

Most people imagine an allergic reaction to the skin in the form of urticaria. This is the appearance of red spots with elevated outlines and the possible presence of bubbles on the surface. When it comes to contact or food allergies, this is the case.

But as practice shows, a rash can also appear from the sun, perfume, fabric of a new sweatshirt or dye used to saturate its color. In this case, the rash may look like a scattering of small ulcers, sometimes reaching the area of ​​the shoulders or neck. As a rule, they are accompanied by itching.


Regular exposure to stressful situations causes hormonal surges in a woman's body. They cannot pass without leaving a trace for the skin. Sometimes the constantly present acne on the chest indicates a total lack of rest and healthy sleep, since these moments of life also affect the state of metabolic processes. Nervous shocks cause sweating, which only accelerates the formation of pimples.


Regular nutrition and quality food contribute to a young and healthy person. Regarding the skin of the neck, this rule is also valid. The use of fatty, smoked, salty, sweet, spicy dishes provokes the formation of acne on the chest, face, shoulders, back. Getting rid of bad eating habits, enriching the diet with enough vegetables and observing the drinking regime are the main auxiliary factors for eliminating any rash.

Do not forget about the harmful effects of alcohol and tobacco on the skin condition. These substances contribute to the appearance of acne, since they alter the metabolism, disrupt the functioning of the sebaceous glands, and provoke hormonal imbalance.

Breast massage

Acne on the chest in women: How to remove, medical methods of treatment ...

If the rash occupies an impressive area of ​​the decollete, appears regularly or does not disappear for a long time, you should consult a doctor. The reasons for an urgent trip to a dermatologist should also be:

  • itchy skin;
  • suspected allergies;
  • acne soreness;
  • suspicion of herpetic eruptions;
  • the formation of large black comedones;
  • blue tint of formations.

If a suspicious pimple popped up or acne appeared, it is important to consult a specialist to accurately determine the causes of the rash. The doctor conducts an examination, collects an anamnesis and compiles a list of alleged provocateurs of the problem. Finally and accurately determine its pathogenesis help special tests, which are also prescribed by a doctor.

This is followed by treatment. Doctors prescribe:

  • local antiseptics;
  • special procedures (grinding, radiation, sunbathing);
  • hormonal drugs;
  • systemic antibiotics;
  • sedatives;
  • ointments with antibacterial components;
  • low carb diet.

The success of treatment depends on compliance with the recommendations of the doctor.

... and home

If acne rarely appears, are single in nature and are not accompanied by threatening symptoms, you can fight them yourself. As a rule, rashes will pass without special efforts in a few days. However, the woman has the power to prevent a second encounter with the problem. To do this, you must:

  • wear quality underwear;
  • Avoid synthetic garments;
  • take a shower twice a day;
  • use a scrub every three days;
  • eat right;
  • protect skin from cold and wind in a timely manner;
  • get enough sleep.

If a big pimple jumped up, then quick-acting remedies - zinc ointment, salicylic alcohol, gel with clindamycin will help to get rid of an acne on the sternum urgently.With these means, purulent acne on the chest can be treated pointwise. The use of high-quality cosmetics will provide reliable prevention of rash.

It is impossible to squeeze out acne and blackheads. A hot shower and a hard washcloth are the only pore cleansers available at home.

Treatment of acne on the sternum in women will be quick and effective if you respond to the problem in time and determine its cause exactly. Directed action, the complete elimination of provoking factors will provide not only a beautiful neckline, but also a good physical and mental state.

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