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Acne always indicates the penetration of bacteria under the skin. They provoke the inflammatory process with subsequent suppuration. If the seal develops without the formation of a purulent papule, the pimple passes by itself. However, ignoring the problem cannot be the way out. Infection tends to spread to nearby tissues, then one pimple becomes the cause of a purulent rash. The more acne in the hair, the more discomfort they give the lady.
Classification of rashes
Acne types are usually well known to cosmetologists and dermatologists, however, even an ordinary person should at least minimally understand the formations that appear on his body. The classification of acne developing in the hair is as follows.
- Boils. The nature of the formation is infectious, leading to purulent-necrotic damage to the hair bulb, sebaceous gland. The surrounding tissue is involved in the inflammatory process. It is characterized by red elevation with a whitish apex.
- Acne Often provoked by an accumulation of skin secretion. Mixing with sweat, dead skin particles, the secret clogs the sebaceous duct, therefore, lard continues to accumulate inside it. After extruding the eel, a deep hole is formed.
- Atheromas. Uninflamed elevations on the skin without a pronounced apex. The contents of a whitish to yellowish tint can be seen through the skin - this is sebum that has accumulated inside the sebaceous gland. Capsules come in impressive sizes - up to 4 cm in diameter.
- Papules. In fact, these are inflamed acne, within which the infection progressed. After cell necrosis, they developed a papule - a capsule with liquid pus. The opened contents are watery. The pimple has a reddish halo. After stripping or self-opening, a depression is found under the formation.
- Pustules. It is such rashes that are most often found on the scalp in women. As a rule, this is a towering pimple with a white top. When trying to get rid of it, only the top with liquid pus is removed, a denser “core” remains inside the skin. After removing the upper part, the risk of re-infection of the tissues and the aggravation of the inflammatory process increase.
- Knotty rashes. These are red acne on the head in the hair, not having a white top. Purulent contents accumulate inside the skin, but do not break out. In this case, the inflammatory press can cover an impressive area of surrounding tissues. As a rule, such formations are eliminated independently or surgically. To squeeze them, it will require remarkable efforts and deliberate damage to the skin - to make a hole for the exit of pus.
Dermatologists and cosmetologists unanimously repeat that it is impossible to crush pimples, regardless of their appearance. Sometimes, surgical intervention may be required to remove acne bumps.Some inflammations can affect the deeper layers of the skin. Opening the papule inside the formation is fraught with the spread of infection and even getting it into the patient’s blood. Yellow acne (popularly referred to as "old") can be combed, leaving behind an unprotected wound surface, where infections easily penetrate.
Why do they appear
Acne under the hair on the head is formed for a reason. They can appear in both an adult and a child. This is a symptom of health problems, especially if they hurt and itch. The root cause can lie very deep: up to disturbances in the intestines. Revealing it is a priority for successful treatment and the complete elimination of the problem.
The main point that unites all types of formations on the skin is the presence of disturbances in the sebaceous glands and infection. As a result, bacterial agents have excellent conditions for their reproduction and development. Sooner or later, they penetrate the epidermis structure, provoking inflammation and necrotization of cells. You can get rid of acne on the head only by eliminating both of these circumstances. Moreover, it is necessary to act precisely on the cause of the appearance of abscesses.
Skin secretion is a mixture of lipid compounds excreted by the sebaceous glands. The main function of the secret is to maintain the lipid barrier and prevent infection from entering the body. But an excessive amount of fat is also not good. Mixed with sweat and skin cells, it becomes an excellent breeding ground for the development of microorganisms. Sooner or later they will find a gap in the lipid mantle (minor damage, scratch, open duct) and penetrate deep into the skin. Inadequate sebaceous gland function provokes:
- physiological hormonal changes - adolescence, menopause, time after childbirth;
- male hormones - testosterone "explosion" in men;
- hypofunction of the ovaries - estradiol deficiency in women;
- improper careExcessive skin irritation (e.g. frequent washing).
In this case, the glands produce too much secret. The result is not only oily scalp, but also an accumulation of fat inside the ducts, the formation of atheromas and blackheads.
Poor hats
If a woman suffers from regular rashes in her hair, she should pay attention to her own hats. They should be made of high-quality natural material, fit in size, protect the head well from cold, heat, wind and other adverse factors.
Cold acne (aka nodules) very often appear on the head in the cold season, when people wear caps. Most often they are localized on the back of the head, temples, in the back of the head behind the ears. These are the places of the greatest sweating with too warm a hat and hypothermia with an improperly selected hat.
External irritation
Acne on the scalp can occur due to a violation of the hydrolipidic barrier of the skin. Aggressive influences from the outside destroy the protective layer of skin secrets, “exposing” the ducts for the penetration of bacteria. The following can be attributed to aggressive influences.
- Shampooing too often. In this case, the lipid mantle simply does not have time to recover.
- Use of chlorinated water. Chlorine and other chemical elements provoke dry skin and the destruction of protective layers.
- Improper care. If you use hair cosmetics without taking into account the type of scalp, there is a risk of aggravating the existing situation and causing additional damage to the skin.
- Constant touch by hand. People who often touch the hair and head are more prone to rashes, because the mass of microorganisms is concentrated on the hands.
- Rough comb. It’s not for nothing that cosmetologists advise using combs made from natural soft bristles, it is these care items that do not harm the skin.
Itching of the head and acne on the head can be triggered by infections. On the scalp, parasites most often wind up or fungal colonies develop. The result of their development is dandruff, dry, oily, having an unpleasant odor, formed on the blisters, accompanied by the appearance of bubbles, weeping areas.
Sometimes you have to deal with scab. In this case, not only the appearance of acne and swelling is possible, but also pronounced hair loss.
Other factors
As medical practice shows, rashes on the head of women are very common, for the following reasons:
- allergy to cosmetics;
- misuse of styling products;
- neglect of shampooing;
- frequent exposure to stress;
- eating disorders;
- avitaminosis;
- disruption of the intestines.
Treatment of acne in the hair on the head in women
If acne on the head is represented by single formations, and not a generalized rash on a vast area, you can try to cope with them yourself. This will require a set of measures.
- Proper washing. Head should be washed twice a week or try to reduce purely “sinks” to this amount. To cleanse the scalp should use a mild shampoo without aggressive surfactants. Apply care products only to the free part of the hair, and even better - to the second half of their length. Dry your hair by wrapping your head in a towel, and after that - in a natural way without using a hairdryer.
- Therapeutic agents. Instead of shampoo, you can use tar soap. It does not smell very good, but it normalizes oily skin, has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. There is an acne shampoo on the head based on pine tar “Algopiks”. Modern soap replacement. If acne is small, with liquid pus inside, constantly combing or creating wet areas, you should use shampoos with the addition of sulfur or zinc. These components will dry the epidermis, accelerate its recovery, and prevent the spread of infection.
- Lightning fast reaction. Before the appearance of a large acne, the patient feels his precursors - pain, itching, constriction, pressure. At this point, it is advisable to use antiseptics. Since applying the ointment to the hair is problematic, it is worth choosing liquids - salicylic alcohol, boric or camphor. They disinfect, eliminate discomfort.
Professional approach
Purulent acne on the head of an impressive size, extensive rashes, coalescing abscesses should be treated only by a doctor. The examination will begin with a medical history - clarification of the characteristics of life, food and hygiene habits of the patient.Further, the doctor may prescribe tests for hormones, liver tests, scrapings to identify the pathogen. You should not neglect the analyzes, since their results will help to identify the exact causes of the problem. The next stage of treatment will be the appointment of specific medications and manipulations. Recommendations may be as follows:
- cosmetics - a complete replacement of her and hygiene devices;
- ration - the exclusion of fatty, fried and sweet foods;
- enterosorbents- to remove toxins;
- hormonal drugs - in accordance with the results of analyzes;
- antihistamines - if the cause of the rash is an allergy;
- vitamins - A, E, C, the whole spectrum Group Bbiotin;
- soothing- for stabilization of the nervous system;
- antimycotic shampoo- to eliminate the fungus.
In some cases, such measures are not enough. With extensive foci of infections and the risk of its spread, the doctor may prescribe systemic antibiotics (Erythromycin, Ciprofloxacin). Together with them will need prem antifungal drugs, as well as stabilizers of the intestinal microflora.
Auxiliary folk ways
You can treat acne on the head with alternative methods. Their use is recommended for home conditions, when acne on the scalp is formed singly and not so often that it could be called an infectious lesion. Also, folk remedies can supplement the therapy prescribed by the doctor. Before applying one of the methods, it should be agreed with a specialist. The most effective folk recommendations are described below.
- Herbal Rinse Aids. Yarrow chamomile, cornflowers, lovage - these herbs can be used for anti-inflammatory rinsing of the scalp after washing. Five tablespoons of dry raw materials are insisted in a liter of boiling water for three hours. After filtering, rinse the head.
- Lotions with dandelion. Tablespoon dandelion roots simmer in a glass of water. After filtering and cooling, gauze is moistened, applied to the affected area for several hours.
- Mask withaloe. Aloe juice in its pure form is applied to the scalp. Wrap in cellophane and insulate with a scarf. After 20 minutes, wash off with plain water.
- Anise mask. Anise seeds are soaked overnight in warm water. In the morning they are rubbed to a homogeneous consistency, applied to the scalp. Withstand the mask for an hour under the film. After thoroughly rinse with water. Repeat every other day for half a month.
- Nut shampoo. Soap nuts, the basis for natural shampoos, can be used to wash your hair in its purest form. Six nuts are soaked in warm water for five hours, grind them in water, filter the substance and use it to wash your hair. The remains of the product are stored in the refrigerator.
If you have to treat acne on the head in the hair, you should think about a lifestyle. Alcohol use, smoking, staying in adverse environmental conditions do not pass without leaving a trace to the skin. Rashes in this case are a regularity, the fight against which will stretch for many years, if decisive measures are not taken.
If acne on the head under the hair is ignored, you can encounter the spread of infection, tissue damage up to the bone, the transition of the rash into granulomatosis. Preventing acne in the form of a healthy lifestyle and observing hygiene rules is much easier than treating complications.For this reason, proper care should be given to scalp care.