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Metabolism is not just a process of burning calories, as the vast majority of people understand it. This concept is much broader and includes the entire set of biochemical processes in the body. The functioning of absolutely all body systems depends on how quickly and efficiently the metabolism proceeds. Therefore, every person who is responsible for their health should know what foods accelerate metabolism.
Metabolism Accelerating Products
For weight loss, the number of meals and serving size is not so important as their composition. You need to form a diet based on a list of products that accelerate the metabolism in the body. The menu is guaranteed to be delicious and nutritious.
Plant food
Products that accelerate the metabolism for weight loss, mainly of plant origin. Their value lies in their high fiber content. It is not absorbed by the body, but the body spends a lot of energy on its processing. In addition, dietary fiber is a natural “panicle” for the body. Be sure to include the following ten foods in your diet.
- Broccoli. A valuable source of calcium and ascorbic acid, as well as vitamin B9 and antioxidants, which ensure normal metabolism. Eating a serving of broccoli daily, you can cleanse the body of toxins.
- Spinach. The peculiarity of the product is a high content of manganese, which improves blood composition, strengthens bone strength, activates brain activity and stimulates the production of endorphins. The acceleration of digestion and metabolism occurs due to the content of dietary fiber and protein.
- Celery. One of the products that is credited with "negative calories." This is due to the fact that celery perfectly accelerates metabolic processes. Therefore, it is useful to include it in every meal.
- Apples Men and women who are faced with the task of losing weight should eat three apples a day.
- Citrus. The high content of fiber and ascorbic acid makes oranges and grapefruits natural stimulants of metabolism. Eat one orange fruit daily. Also in the morning you can drink a glass of water in which a tablespoon of lemon juice is dissolved.
- Watermelon. Do not focus on the high sugar content in the berry. It is better to pay attention to the presence of arginine in the composition, which gives energy and promotes fat burning.
- Cabbage. It is rich in B vitamins, without which normal metabolism is impossible. Fiber also helps improve digestion.
- Almond. An indispensable source of fatty acids and trace elements. Nuts are the best snack, because they quickly cause a feeling of fullness. In addition, the product supports the heart muscle and stimulates brain activity. The main thing is not to get involved in almonds, because it is very high-calorie.
- Raspberries. Valued for its high content of fruit enzymes that actively break down fats. If you have a feast, eat half a glass of berries, and delicacies will not affect your figure.
- A pineapple. Contains the valuable enzyme bromelain, which is known as a powerful fat burner. In addition, the fruit well dulls the feeling of hunger and replaces harmful sweets.
Animal food
Meat and fish are not only possible, but also need to be eaten to speed up metabolism. It is in these products that protein is found in the greatest amount. The substance acts as a building material for muscle tissue and promotes the transformation of fat into energy. It is especially important to include the following four categories in the diet.
- Turkey and chicken. Light and tender meat is an excellent source of protein and B vitamins, which in combination accelerate vital processes and promote the growth of muscle tissue. It is important to eat meat without skin, as it contains too much fat.
- Beef bones. Rich in protein, minerals, and most importantly - collagen. The latter improves the functional state of the walls of the stomach and intestines - the main participants in the digestion process. Therefore, it is recommended to prepare first courses based on saturated bone broth.
- Salmon. Fish contains fatty acids and protein, which help to intensify metabolic processes, suppress inflammation in the body and reduce the production of stress hormones. Fatty acids also neutralize the hormone leptin, which slows down metabolic processes. It is enough to eat seafood three times a week.
- Milk products. The main source of calcium. It is this mineral that contributes to the accelerated processing and breakdown of fats. Cottage cheese, milk, kefir and yogurt should be present on the menu daily.
In the domestic space, spices are perceived mainly as flavoring additives. But in the East they are well aware of the healing properties of spices. In particular, they have a stimulating effect on metabolism. It is not for nothing that Asians who consume a lot of spices are the most slender and healthy people in the world. The following six aromatic substances have proven themselves particularly well in this regard.
- Hot peppers. Due to the intense blood circulation and increased sweating, metabolic processes are accelerated by 25%. This effect has capsaicin, which is found in almost all types of hot peppers. Scientists also attribute capsaicin to an antitumor effect.
- Turmeric. Like pepper, this spice makes all body systems work faster. Adding a little turmeric to any food (cereals, salads, meat) and drinks, you speed up metabolic processes by 10%.
- Cinnamon. Like most other spices, it warms the body from the inside out, causing it to burn more calories. In addition, the spice reduces the craving for sweets that do not fit into the concept of a healthy diet. A day should use a quarter teaspoon of cinnamon.
- Mustard. This is not just a flavoring supplement. Eastern medicine describes mustard as a means to improve digestion.
- Ginger. It is rich in enzymes that facilitate the breakdown of fats. The product also contributes to the saturation of muscle tissue with oxygen, which is especially important for athletes.
- Cardamom. Great fat burner and antioxidant. In addition, the spice enhances immunity and helps to get out of depressive states.
The drinks
Considering the most effective products to speed up metabolism, one can not help but say about the importance of fluid intake.In the reviews of doctors, it is noted that even slight dehydration affects health, appearance and speed of metabolic processes. Therefore, it is important to consume healthy drinks in sufficient quantities. The following four will help speed up the metabolic processes.
- Green tea.A quality drink is characterized by a high content of antioxidants, which contribute to the removal of cholesterol and toxins. Due to the content of pectins, tea reduces appetite and eliminates the feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Drinking three cups of sugar-free tea daily is recommended.
- Coffee. This is another valuable source of antioxidants and caffeine. The latter enhances blood circulation, which helps to accelerate metabolism by 3-5%. A physically healthy person can drink up to five cups of coffee per day. People with heart problems should be limited to one or two servings.
- Water. As the basis of the human body, it is the starting point of metabolism. To start digestion, drink half a glass of cold water before each meal. Try to gradually increase the amount of clean water in your diet.
- Red wine. Thanks to resveratrol, a protein is synthesized that blocks the formation of fatty deposits. Not only harmless, but also useful to drink half a glass of quality grape drink daily.
Medicinal herbs for metabolism
Menus to speed up the metabolism for women and men can be supplemented with useful herbal infusions. Medicinal plants not only accelerate metabolism, but also solve a number of concomitant health problems. What herbs to drink for metabolism are indicated in the table.
Table - Medicinal plants that accelerate metabolism
Grass | Cooking | Dosage | The number of receptions per day | Contraindications |
St. John's wort | - Pour a tablespoon of grass with a glass of boiling water; - cover the container with a lid and wrap with a towel; - after 40 minutes strain | 1/3 cup | 3 | - Pregnancy and lactation; - simultaneous administration of oral contraceptives; - mental illness and depression; - hypertension; - childhood |
Knotweed | Tablespoon | 3 | - Pregnancy; - kidney disease; - diseases of the genitourinary system; - bronchitis; - hypotension; - thrombosis; - phlebeurysm |
Plantain | 2 tablespoons | 3 | - Increased acidity; - stomach ulcer; - increased blood coagulation |
Linden | Glass | 3-5 | - Allergy | |
Blueberry leaves | A third of a glass | 3 | - Stones in the bladder; - tendency to constipation; - allergy |
Blueberry leaves | Tablespoon | 3 | - Pregnancy and lactation; - stones in the gall bladder; - increased blood coagulation |
Nettle | Half a glass | 3 | - Increased blood coagulability; - phlebeurysm; - hypertension; - kidney disease; - neoplasms |
Parsley | A third of a glass | 4 | - Pregnancy; - kidney disease; - gout |
Rigid diets based on limiting the amount of food slow down the metabolism. The body simply weaned to work, if you give him the installation that you can not eat a lot and satisfying. As you return to your usual diet, lost kilos return twice. Do not deny yourself delicious and wholesome food. Just include metabolic-boosting foods in your menu.