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In the body of a healthy person, up to 30 g of magnesium is stably present. More than half of the macronutrient is located in the bones, the rest is concentrated in the liquid medium, as well as in the liver, kidneys, heart and muscles.
Role in the body
Magnesium is an integral part of tissues and cells. It performs the following functions:
- stabilizes heart rate - It also normalizes blood pressure and reduces the likelihood of blood clots;
- helps to remove bad cholesterol - and cleanses blood vessels;
- improves intestinal motility - normalizes the digestion process, removes toxins and toxins from the body;
- involved in bone formation - and supports dental health;
- involved in protein synthesis - activates metabolic processes;
- reduces CNS excitability - protects against stress, relieves psycho-emotional stress, helps prevent migraines.
This macro-element prevents the appearance of cramps in the muscles. Recent studies have proven the role of the element in the prevention of diabetes. Magnesium also has the ability to remove radionuclides and salts of heavy metals from the body. The mineral normalizes the functioning of the reproductive organs and facilitates premenstrual condition.
Signs of deficiency
Lack of macronutrient causes global changes in the work of the heart, brain, endocrine system. A prolonged lack of substance leads to inhibition of metabolic processes and poor absorption of vitamins. As a result, the stability of the nervous system suffers, and performance decreases. The following signs of a lack of mineral are distinguished:
- muscle cramps and cramps;
- uncontrolled irritability;
- sleep disturbance;
- loss of strength, tearfulness;
- hypersensitivity;
- cardiac arrhythmia;
- failures in the digestive tract;
- epilepsy attacks.
Factors that increase the risk of hypomagnesemia
Foods high in magnesium are essential for the body, but a lack of a chemical compound can occur even if they are sufficiently consumed. There are a number of factors due to which the body may experience hypomagnesemia (a decrease in total magnesium in the blood serum), namely:
- constant stress and strong mental stress;
- pregnancy;
- drinking and smoking;
- increased physical activity;
- excessive consumption of coffee and black tea;
- unbalanced diet;
- taking certain pharmaceuticals (hormone pills, antibiotics, diuretics);
- failures in the process of absorption of the mineral due to metabolic disorders.
Products containing magnesium
The amount of macronutrient in the body depends on the diet. Most often, people who torture themselves with strict diets suffer from a deficit. To replenish the supply of a chemical element, you need to know which products contain magnesium.
The leaders
Most magnesium is found in plant foods. Leaders in Mg content:
- bran - 590 mg per 100 g;
- pumpkin seeds- 535 mg per 100 g;
- cocoa- 499 mg per 100 g.
It is important that these products make it possible to fill the deficit, despite the time of year.
What else to include in the menu
Among plant foods rich in Mg, it is worth highlighting nuts, rice, buckwheat, and beans. There is also magnesium in animal products. These are eggs, herring, sardines, meat and dairy products. To maintain the maximum amount of mineral during heat treatment, nutritionists advise baking, boiling and steaming these products. The quantitative content of macroelement in these and other affordable products is reflected in the following table.
Table - List of foods containing high amounts of magnesium
Name | Amount (mg per 100 g) |
Wheat grains (sprouted) | 320 |
Sesame | 320 |
Cashew nuts | 270 |
Buckwheat | 258 |
Soybean | 247 |
Almond | 234 |
Pistachios | 190 |
Peanut | 185 |
Unpolished rice | 160 |
Cereals | 140 |
Millet groats | 130 |
Green peas (fresh) | 107 |
Beans | 103 |
White bread with bran | 92 |
Parsley | 85 |
Dates | 85 |
Spinach | 82 |
Dill | 70 |
Rye bread with bran | 70 |
Persimmon | 60 |
Hard cheese | 50 |
Eggs | 47 |
Prunes | 44 |
Bananas | 40 |
Chicken meat | 37 |
Raisins | 31 |
Herring | 31 |
Pork | 27 |
Beef | 27 |
Broccoli | 24 |
Asparagus | 20 |
Milk | 12 |
"Sports" element
Magnesium is an indispensable element in the nutrition of athletes. The mineral is involved in the synthesis of protein, activating the growth of lean muscle mass. In addition, it provides the bodybuilder with energy, helps to avoid the symptom of overtraining.
According to reviews, athletes have a great need for magnesium, because the macrocell leaves the body with sweat during heavy training. And under the influence of adrenaline rush during training, its consumption increases significantly.
All this makes products with the highest magnesium content the demanded food in the sports environment.
Norms for children and adults
The exact doses of the mineral necessary for the body are individual and depend on gender, age, weight category, height and physical activity of a person. The need for a mineral increases with heavy physical and mental stress, protein diets. A large number of macronutrients are required for adolescents - the norm reaches 410 mg. The need for magnesium increases to 400 mg during pregnancy and with breastfeeding. In people after 30 years, the daily norm of the mineral also rises. It is important that in order to ensure the normal functioning of the musculoskeletal system, central nervous system and heart.
How does an excess of mineral manifest
Getting excess minerals from food is very difficult. But you can inadvertently "sort out" with special preparations based on magnesium. Magnesium retention in the body can also provoke the intake of laxatives, renal failure, or thyroid pathology. Signs of "overdose":
- lethargy;
- slow heart rate;
- impaired coordination of movements;
- lingering nausea, loose stools;
- dry mouth.
Remember that the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes with magnesium must be agreed with the doctor. In general, doctors insist that the ideal option if the mineral will be ingested in its natural form with food. So it is absorbed best. You always have time to buy pills - first try to pay attention to foods rich in magnesium.