Calcium-rich foods: why 0 to 99 years are needed, and what coffee lovers should think about

Products containing calcium (Ca, Calcium) are present in the human diet from birth. First, it’s mother’s milk or a mixture of minerals enriched with minerals. Later, “torture” begins with cottage cheese, which most children do not like. When planning a diet on their own, people sometimes neglect the benefits for the sake of taste. Sooner or later, irrational eating behavior leads to brittle bones, as well as a deterioration in the condition of hair and nails. What foods saturate the body with calcium?
Calcium Products

An adult should daily receive 1 g of calcium. This is exactly the amount of mineral that provides bone strength, tooth strength, posture and hair density. During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the need rises to 1.2-1.5 g. If any system of the body feels a deficiency of the substance, it will begin to scoop it from the bones, making them fragile. Therefore, when planning a diet, study the chemical composition of products for the content of a useful mineral and substances that contribute to its absorption.

What you need to know about the mineral

According to the concentration in the body, calcium takes the fifth place among minerals. It accounts for 2% of the total body weight of a person. Realizing the importance of this substance for health, you will begin to relate differently to nutrition.

Benefits for the body

What foods contain a lot of calcium? If you eat calcium-containing foods, it will be invaluable for bones and other body systems. The human body at any age will not be able to function normally without this mineral.

  • Bone system. 99% of calcium is concentrated in the bones. This is their basis, determining strength. The mineral is especially important for women during pregnancy, because it takes part in the formation of the skeleton of the child.
  • A heart. Calcium is important for a rhythmic heartbeat. It also helps lower blood pressure.
  • The muscles. The mineral provides muscle growth. With a deficiency of substances in the body, the smoothness of movements is lost, weakness is felt.
  • Nervous system. Ca ensures the normal functioning of the nervous system, contributing to the stimulation of the rate of transmission of impulses. If you consume not enough substance, the nerves will “take” it from the bone tissue.

What causes the deficit

Fragility of bones, caries and brittle hair - these are not all the problems that a lack of calcium can provoke. The following five body systems suffer most from mineral deficiency.

  1. Bone system. The risk of osteoporosis increases. With osteoporosis, fragility of bones and their deformation are observed.
  2. Heart and blood vessels. Mineral deficiency negatively affects the work of the heart muscle and can even cause heart failure. Constant jumps in blood pressure can also indicate a lack of a useful substance.
  3. The immune system. The body becomes more susceptible to infections and viruses. Chronic diseases that have not been felt for a long time can become aggravated.
  4. Nervous system. A person becomes restless and irritable. Sleep disturbance may occur.
  5. The visual apparatus. The sharpness of vision is reduced. There is a risk of cataracts.
A sedentary lifestyle can cause calcium deficiency. Moderate physical activity contributes to a more intensive absorption of the mineral from food.And athletes need to increase the concentration of the substance in the diet.

Calcium Products

Food in which calcium is found is very beneficial for the human body. Knowing which foods contain calcium, you can easily solve the problem of deficiency of this mineral. The source of the element is simple and healthy products that will delight both gourmets and lovers of homemade food.

Pieces of cheese


Dairy products are a major source of calcium. They contain a high concentration of a useful mineral, which is almost completely absorbed. It is also important that calcium from dairy products accumulates in tooth enamel, contributing to its remineralization and strengthening. The table contains dairy products, which include calcium.

Table - High Calcium Dairy Products

ProductCalories, Kcal / 100 gCa content, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
Powdered milk4691000100
Russian cheese36490090
Goat cheese29050050
Cream cheese25730030
Cow's milk6430030
Condensed milk32024324
Cottage cheese15920020
Goat's milk6814314
Sour cream11912012
At the moment, doctors have no consensus on the benefits of low-fat dairy products. Therefore, even if you are overweight, give preference to products of medium fat content, because weight loss should not occur to the detriment of health.

Seeds and nuts

Lovers of all kinds of nuts and fragrant seeds, as a rule, are less likely to experience hair loss and brittle nail plate. And all because they are rich in calcium and magnesium. The latter, in turn, contributes to the maximum assimilation of the first. A person needs a large spoonful of seeds or a handful of peeled nuts daily to maintain a normal mineral concentration. In the table you will find foods with the highest calcium content.

Almond kernels

Table - High Ca Seeds and Nuts

ProductCalories, Kcal / 100 gCa content, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
Sunflower seeds57810010
Before eating seeds or nuts, it is recommended that they be fried literally a minute in a hot pan. This will increase the bioavailability of the mineral. It is also useful to bake bread mixed with these products.


In addition to calcium, seafood contains a large amount of vitamins D and K, which increase the bioavailability of the former. Therefore, to strengthen the bones, you need to eat seafood at least two to three times a week. A table of products containing calcium will help you create the right menu.

Table - High Ca Seafood

ProductCalories, Kcal / 100 gCa content, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
The greatest amount of substance is not found in meat, namely in the bones of fish. Therefore, it is recommended to include canned foods or stews in the diet, where the skeleton is softened and suitable for consumption.


Vegetables, fruits and herbs are inferior to other food categories in the amount of useful mineral in the composition. But, given their rich vitamin composition, they must certainly be present in the daily menu. The following table provides a list of herbal products that will be an excellent additional source of matter.

Table - Plant foods containing calcium

ProductCalories, Kcal / 100 gCa content, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
White cabbage2721021
Dried porcini mushrooms3418418
Dried apricots21518018
Dried figs54909
Plant foods contain oxalic acid. It prevents the absorption of many substances. To neutralize its effect and increase the absorption of Ca, foods need to be lightly boiled or steamed.


It is believed that sweets harm health. You can verify the fallacy of this opinion by studying the chemical composition of your favorite treats for children and adults.The table contains all your favorite desserts, which serve as an additional source of vital substances.

Table - Ca-rich sweets

ProductCalories, Kcal / 100 gThe amount of calcium, mg / 100 gThe share of the daily norm,%
Milk chocolate55035235
White chocolate54130030
Halva Sunflower52321121
Ice cream18014815

What Promotes Better Ca Absorption: 5 Tips

The bioavailability of calcium can range from 20 to 90%. The rate of absorption of the mineral depends on many factors, starting from the diet and the presence of substances that help calcium to be absorbed and ending with the state of human health. Guided by five tips, you can get the most out of your products.

  1. Take Vitamin D. Its source can be dietary supplements or products such as liver, eggs, and fatty fish. And even walks in the sun will saturate the body with this useful element.
  2. Take phosphorus and magnesium. They can be gleaned from fresh herbs, cottage cheese and seafood.
  3. Limit mineral washout products. These are caffeinated products, salt, beets, rhubarb, as well as any carbonated drinks. Also, a carbohydrate food has a similar effect.
  4. Watch the health of the digestive tract. If there is a malfunction in the stomach and intestines, the body will receive less nutrients from food and dietary supplements.
  5. Protect yourself from stress. Nervous tension provokes the production of cortisol, which, in turn, promotes the excretion of minerals through the kidneys.
Coffee lovers should keep in mind that it leaches calcium from bones, and therefore it is better to replace it with high-quality tea. If you can’t refuse an invigorating drink, add milk or cream to it.

For good health, it’s important to form a diet based on a list of foods that contain calcium. But external negative factors and internal problems can cause a mineral deficiency even with a balanced diet. In this case, the eggshell will become a worthy alternative to expensive dietary supplements. Wash, dry and grind it well in a coffee grinder. Eating half a teaspoon of such a product for two months, you will completely make up for the lack of a substance in the body.

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