List of protein products: tables of protein in meat, fish, cereals, nuts and milk

Protein-containing foods must be present regularly in the human diet. These macromolecular compounds are an integral part of metabolism, which means that they are concentrated in more or less in food of plant and animal origin. It is important to consume protein-rich foods to support your body tone, rapid weight loss and muscle building.
Meat, fish, dairy products

With all the value of the protein, its amount should correspond to the individual norm. Diets based only on protein foods can cause serious disruptions to the human body. How to make a protein diet, what foods will help you achieve your goals faster?

Needs calculation

Protein diets are interested in athletes and losing weight. The ability of proteins to help burn fat and prevent their accumulation, as well as accelerate muscle gain, is known.

To lose extra pounds and increase muscle, you will need to include high-protein foods in your diet. High energy costs when digesting proteins and a long feeling of satiety will help those who are losing weight, and bodybuilders can use the protein received from the outside for muscle synthesis. In this case, it is necessary to correctly calculate the dose of pure protein, which will be delivered per day along with food products.

Athletes will need 2 g of protein per kilogram of body weight, losing weight - 1.5 g. Ordinary people leading a moderately active lifestyle, need 0.5 g of pure protein per kilogram of body weight per day.

Discord protein

It turns out that not all foods containing proteins can benefit the body. The amount of pure proteins in food and the body's ability to fully absorb the protein received with food are important. To assess the quality of proteins, scientists have developed a system for indexing them. More useful and preferable, to improve health there will be a product whose absorption coefficient is closer to one.

  • Milk protein. The absorption coefficient is equal to one. The content of pure protein in milk is only 3%, but its composition is absorbed by the body completely. The exception is individual intolerance. Milk contains lysine, methionine, leucine, tryptophan, leucine, valine, vitamins and minerals, carbohydrate compounds. Sour-milk products are appreciated by nutritionists more than whole milk, as they are enriched with enzymes and bacteria that improve the absorption and facilitate the digestion of proteins. The leaders in protein content are sour cream and cream, but due to their fat content, it is recommended that those who lose weight should limit their use. Whey is useful as an ideal source of essential amino acids.
  • Soy protein. The coefficient is one. It is considered one of the most useful substances, because it contains all the essential amino acids in sufficient quantities to support health. Soy protein makes up about 36% of the total mass of the product and is absorbed by the body almost completely, creating competition for meat products. The composition contains the amino acid arginine, which is a simulator of the synthesis of anabolic hormones. Therefore, the set of muscle mass in athletes is particularly active.
  • Egg white. It is considered one of the most useful types of natural protein. The absorption coefficient is one. 90% of the protein consists of water, the remaining 10% is pure protein, amino acids in the form of polypeptide chains. It is rich in ovoalbumin, ovomucin, lysozyme, as well as vitamins A, E, D and group B.
The coefficient of assimilation of beef is close to unity (0.92), but the wheat protein contained in gluten has an indicator of 0.46. Therefore, wheat products are not suitable for dietary nutrition. Another disadvantage of wheat is the high content of carbohydrates, which are not consumed to cover the body’s energy expenditures, but are converted into body fat.

Products containing protein: choose for diet

In dietetics and bodybuilding, animal protein is most valued. Its amino acid composition completely provides the body with those polypeptides that are not synthesized by it on its own.


Meat products are good for a protein diet. The percentage of protein in them ranges from 12 to 20%. Extractives contribute to the production of gastric juice and provide improved digestion. The meat is rich in essential amino acids, vitamins and macronutrients, therefore it is an indispensable product for the diet of every person.

But the choice of meat should be approached with particular responsibility. Some pork varieties contain only 2% protein with 50% fat, which means they only contribute to obesity. If pork is used to draw up a diet plan, it is best to prefer tenderloin. There is only 2% fat.

Leading in dietary value is skinless chicken breast. Almost 21% of pure protein and a minimum of fat make it an excellent tool for satisfying hunger on a diet. Beef is not inferior in protein value (19%). However, the best tastes are veal of the first grade. Also suitable for diet is turkey and rabbit meat. The latter is considered the most beneficial for human health. Using the table, you can compare the protein content in different varieties of meat.

Table - Amount of protein in meat products

Type of meatThe protein content (g) in 100 g of the product
Rabbit meat20,7
Beef liver17,4
Boiled sausage12,8
Offal is also appreciated in dietetics: liver, stomachs, heart. The best of them are bird offal. Being on a diet, it is not recommended to eat fatty pork, duck, lamb, sausages, except diet ham. Ideal methods of heat treatment for meat is baking in the oven, on the grill, steaming.

A fish

Among the products containing protein in large quantities, there is fish. Its meat consists of 16% protein, the exact content depends on the variety. The value of fish products lies in the unique amino acid and mineral composition. It is a source of iodine, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium. Fish proteins are absorbed by the human body more easily than meat proteins, and the low content of connective tissue turns almost any fish meat into a soft and tasty dish, with minimal heat treatment.

Fish is rich in natural collagen, which is part of the connective tissue of the human body. Fish oil - a source of vitamin D and a natural stimulant of immunity, is not deposited on the sides, as it consists of polyunsaturated fatty acids. It is interesting that losing weight on the famous Ducan diet does not prohibit the use of even salted and smoked fish.

Separately in the diet are seafood. A large percentage of proteins, as well as a minimum amount of fatty compounds make them a source of easily digestible amino acids.

The protein content differs depending on the variety of fish, the table shows information about the most popular of them.

Table - Amount of protein in fish products

Type of fishThe protein content (g) in 100 g of the product
Pink salmon21
Sturgeon caviar28,9
When dieting, it is better to choose tuna, hake, pollock, salmon, sardines, squid and shrimp. To preserve all nutrients, it is recommended to bake fish.

Milk products


The protein and vitamin composition of eggs is considered ideal for the human body.They are fully absorbed, contain not only valuable amino acids, vitamins, minerals, but also healthy fats, as well as enzymes. Eggs are products with the highest protein content - about 17%. However, for the diet, it is worth using the protein part directly: the yolk is a source of cholesterol and additional calories.

When using the whole egg, it is better to give preference to quail, and eat chicken no more than three or four per week. During cooking, the egg does not lose its beneficial properties at all, since its contents protect the shell.

If you follow a diet, it is ideal to cook eggs for dinner. Steamed omelet or fried without fat is considered to be a satisfying, tasty and low-calorie dish.


When listing foods rich in protein, do not forget about a variety of dairy dishes. The fattest and most harmful for the figure are cream, fatty varieties of cheese, whole homemade milk. Fat-free dairy products are ideal for dietary nutrition:

  • serum;
  • cottage cheese;
  • sour cream;
  • yogurt without additives;
  • kefir.

Casein protein, which contains a large amount of essential amino acids, calcium and phosphorus, is of particular value. This polypeptide provides a long feeling of satiety when eating cottage cheese. But it creates difficulties in the digestion of milk with enzymatic deficiency. Therefore, nutritionists highly value whey - a source of easily digestible protein. In it, the polypeptide chains are in half-split form, there are enough enzymes and lactic acids that provide a feeling of lightness, fast digestion, and an acceleration of metabolism.

A separate place in the diet belongs to cheese - a concentrate of milk proteins and fats. To comply with the diet, preference should be given to low-fat varieties (feta, feta cheese), to use them in the morning. Focusing on the table, you can choose for yourself the most suitable dairy product.

Table - Amount of protein in dairy products

Type of dairy productThe protein content (g) in 100 g of the product
Low fat kefir3
Low fat cottage cheese18
Natural yogurt5
Dutch cheese26,8

Beans in bowls


Protein products of plant origin contain much less protein than meat or fish, but they have their advantages. Their amino acid composition is rich in steroid substances, cereals provide the body with some amino acids synthesized only by plants. They are easily and fully absorbed by the body.

The leading positions in protein content are occupied by legumes. Soy contains about 40%, peas, lentils, beans - 17-20%. Recently, soybeans have ceased to be included in the list of products recommended for athletes and bodybuilders, due to the content of phytoestrogens (female hormone-like substances). The theory of reducing muscle mass under their influence is not proven. But men who seek to build muscle with soybean nutrition are now wary of it. For those seeking to lose weight, this high-protein product is simply irreplaceable.

Buckwheat, millet, barley, oatmeal, barley - relate to low-carb cereals. They contain 2-3% protein, and due to the reduced calorie content, they will serve as a useful side dish when following a protein diet. The table contains the most popular cereal products.

Table - The amount of protein in cereals

Type of cerealThe protein content (g) in 100 g of the product
Whole peas23


The list of products containing protein, nutritionists always supplement with nuts. High-calorie kernels not only quickly satisfy hunger, but also contain a large number of valuable protein compounds. It is best to eat raw nuts containing the maximum amount of healthy compounds. Unsaturated fats of valuable vegetable oil have healing properties. The amount of protein in different types of nuts can be found in the table.

Table - The amount of protein in nuts

Kind of nutsThe protein content (g) in 100 g of the product
Sunflower seeds21
Cashew nuts18
Pine nut12
Using nuts as a product containing protein, you should be careful because of their high calorie content. Keeping a diet, it is better to limit the use to a small handful twice a week (as a snack or as an addition to cottage cheese).

A diet based on increased protein intake can do a lot: strengthen and build muscle, help get rid of excess weight, speed up metabolism and prevent the accumulation of extra pounds. At the same time, proteins in food products have much greater value, diversity and degree of digestibility than hydrolysates of food additives. The key to the safety of a protein diet is variety, balance, supplementation with vegetables and fruits.

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