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Many people are sure that a smile must be snow-white. But ask the dentist what tone is normal enamel, and you will hear, perhaps, an unexpected answer - yellowish! And it is true.
Yellow teeth by nature - a sign of health
Why have yellowed teeth in adults? In fact, enamel is almost completely transparent. Minerals give it a light yellowish tint, strengthening its structure and ensuring the strength of the teeth. The main tone of the smile passes dentin, which is located under the enamel. And by its nature it cannot be white, as it is also saturated with minerals. Therefore, yellow tooth enamel from nature suggests that:
- Your teeth are healthy. With them for a long time there will be no problems, since a high level of mineralization allows you to best withstand microorganisms that cause caries.
- Enamel is rich in minerals, which means it is strong and well protects the internal cavities of the teeth. And vice versa, exclusively snow-white, with a slight tinge of dullness indicates that she is sorely lacking in minerals, and in the very near future its owner is threatened with discomfort from tooth sensitivity or a sharp development of caries.
- The structure of the teeth is individual, which eliminates the complete coincidence of their shades. That is why people who monitor the health of the oral cavity, the question arises: why are the fangs yellower than other teeth? The fact is that the fangs are stronger than the front teeth, they have the largest volume of dentin, which creates a peculiar shade.
So what if you have yellow teeth by nature? Doctors recommend enjoying their health and not worry about it. If yellowness is too obvious, it is worth resorting to professional dental procedures that will allow you to whiten your teeth without harm to the enamel. The doctor will help you find the right technique.
Baby teeth
The same applies to yellow teeth in a child. The reasons for their congenital yellowness lie in the genetic characteristics or intrauterine development. If your teeth or your parents have always been yellow, then your child will have to live with these. If there is no genetic predisposition, but during the period of pregnancy you suffered an infectious disease or took strong antibiotics, then the answer to the question of why the child has yellow teeth will become them. In this case, only the milk teeth can have an unpleasant hue, and when the permanent ones grow, it is more than likely that their surface will be pale white.
The causes of plaque
But genetic overt yellowness is rather the exception to the rule. And the answer to the question of why the teeth turn yellow must be sought in lifestyle. If you are suddenly bothered by yellow teeth, the reasons may be as follows.
- Passion for smoking - cigarettes or hookah. Tobacco smoke mixed with resins is the most powerful yellow plaque stimulant. Over time, it can take on a black tint, and in places of contact with the gums turn into stone.
- Inadequate hygiene is a critical factor in plaque development. Irregular tooth cleansing, the use of a poor-quality toothbrush, and the absence of dental floss in your arsenal lead to a change in the natural tone.
- The presence of coloring substances in the diet. It is not only about tea and coffee, but also about red, juices (pomegranate, grape), raw vegetables (beets, carrots).Avoid these products, especially since tea, coffee, and even more raw vegetables are very good for your health. But after taking them, be sure to rinse your mouth with clean water to prevent the formation of plaque.
- Taking certain medications - tetracycline is known to cause yellow plaque on teeth. Its reasons are laid in the special effect of the substance on the enamel, and removal is possible only with medical methods.
- Compliance with strict diets, health experiments - in violation of a normal diet, tooth enamel reacts first. The lack of any substance leads to a change in its tone.
- Wearing braces - the plates themselves are completely safe, but with poor oral hygiene can provoke the development of plaque. Why teeth are yellow in contact with braces, you should definitely ask your dentist.
Whitening methods
As you can see, the reasons for the development of plaque in the oral cavity are different. Therefore, only the dentist can give an exclusively correct decision on how to whiten yellow teeth.
The arsenal of modern medicine has many highly effective techniques that allow you to:
- completely remove the yellowish coating - Ultrasonic cleaning and AirFlow technology, which perfectly copes with tartar, as well as the Zoom 3 technique, which eliminates deep pigmentation, helps;
- lighten the natural shade of enamel - effective as home methods of whitening using strips or cap, and cabinet, in particular, laser whitening. It should be remembered that all manipulations in the dental office are theoretically safer than experiments at home;
- eliminate internal yellowness, which can not cope with external exposure techniques. With the help of veneers, fixed on the surface of the teeth, their impeccable color and shape is ensured.
A good way to prevent yellow plaque is to brush your teeth twice a day, rinse your mouth with water after eating, use dental floss to remove deposits in the interdental cavities.