Useful properties of pecans for health and beauty, how and in what quantity it can be eaten

The benefits of pecans made it a favorite product of the North American Indians. They were the first to appreciate the interesting buttery taste of the plant and the rich set of valuable nutrients that the body needs so much. But today, many refuse to dainty because of the high calorie content and the risk of allergies.

Pecan can help in the fight against excess weight, protect the body from atherosclerosis and diabetes, improve brain function, and even become the prevention of cancer. All that is needed for this is to use it correctly and observe reasonable restrictions.

What is a

Pecan (Caria Pecan) is a very large tree of the walnut family. It is most commonly found in the southern and central United States. It also grows in countries of South America, Central Asia and the Caucasus. The fruits resemble the familiar walnut. But unlike him, the kernels almost do not contain membranes and bitterness, have a chocolate flavor, and dry shells easily peel.

The tree can bear fruit up to 300 years. But you can store Pecan at home only for one year, without being peeled. Individual kernels can be stored in the refrigerator for about nine months or in the freezer (up to two years).

Description of the benefits of Pecan

The piquant elongated walnut differs from walnut in its nutritional benefits. It contains a variety of vitamins and minerals useful for women. Among which are the most vitamin B1, E and A, calcium, sodium, phosphorus, magnesium, zinc, manganese, iron and selenium. There are other wealth in it.

What is the benefit of toucan nuts for the body? Its ability to eliminate a number of problems. Here are some of the healing properties of the miracle nut, which are due to its chemical composition.

  • Reduce bad cholesterol. This effect is achieved due to the content in the nuclei of "good" fat - oleic acid. It does not settle on the walls of blood vessels and prevents the appearance of atherosclerotic plaques.
  • Heart protection. Due to its high content of pyridoxine, which promotes cell regeneration, it is called a “healthy heart nut”.
  • Decreased diabetes. Eating walnut has a positive effect on blood sugar. Studies have shown that the beneficial properties of pecans also extend to reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes.
  • The fight against aging. Antioxidants help prolong youth.
  • Vision improvement. Carotene, also part of the nut, is good for the eyes. It helps to combat age-related reduction in visual acuity and reduce the negative effects of overwork, for example, those working at a computer.
  • Cancer Prevention Medical observations have confirmed that with the use of pecans there is a decrease in the risk of developing diseases such as oncology of the prostate, breast, lungs and duodenum.
  • For male power. There is a plant steroid in the nut - beta-sitosterol and folic acid. They help restore sexual desire when potency decreases, and are involved in sperm formation.
  • Speeds up the brain. Pecan, thanks to magnesium, improves concentration. It is not for nothing that they consider it “food for the mind”.
  • Prevention of a breakdown. Doctors recommend this product to combat fatigue, apathy and overall body strengthening. In addition, tannic acid and dietary fiber, which are part of the nut, promote digestion and improve appetite.

Calorie, risks for the figure

The nutritional value of pecans is very high.In total, 100 g of product contains 10 g of protein, 72 g of fat and 14 g of carbohydrates. Energy value - 691 kcal. This means that an adult male can get half the daily amount of essential nutrients by eating only 200 g of nuts.

Paradoxically, weight loss is the result of moderate consumption of pecans. Small portions of this product help keep you feeling full for a long time. It can be eaten whole or used as an additive to enhance the nutritional value of salads and cocktails.

Those who keep a strict calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in their diet or adhere to a low-calorie diet, with this kind of nuts you need to be especially careful. To get the maximum of usefulness without harm to the figure, it is important to remember: the safe rate per day for an adult is up to 75 g or four to five nuts, and for children - half as much.

Strict "no"

High calorie causes and contraindications for pecans. But there are few of them:

  • obesity;
  • metabolic disease;
  • liver disease
  • children's age up to three years.

In addition, pecan is a strong allergen, therefore, people who have a reaction to nuts, it is better to refuse it. You should immediately consult a doctor if, after a meal with this product, side effects have appeared:

  • rash;
  • swelling of the throat;
  • difficulty breathing
  • dizziness;
  • abdominal pain.
It is worthwhile to be careful about consuming pecans during such important periods as pregnancy and breastfeeding. In other cases, one must also be guided by common sense and remember that the dose distinguishes poison from the medicine.

Pecan kernels

Features of use

Pecan kernel oil also has beneficial properties. It can be taken with headaches and colds. It improves appetite and gives strength. Topically used for fungal infections, insect bites and other skin irritations.

Beauticians often add oil to face and body care products. It moisturizes the skin, gives it elasticity, protects and rejuvenates. It is also well established as a tan.

But to preserve all the properties, the oil must be unrefined. In addition, before using it, it is important to consult a doctor, find out the indications for use and contraindications. In this case, the harm of pecans will be minimized.

In recipes of traditional medicine, sometimes you can find such a remedy as tincture, involving the use of pecans of walnut walls. This is doubtful, since the nuclei practically do not contain them. And to get unpeeled nuts of this type in our countries is not so simple. Most often, they are sold already peeled and put up.

Tasty variations

In cooking, pecans are used like most other nuts - in raw or dried form. Most often, recipes with pecans are found in the cuisines of the countries of the American continent. On its basis make pies, muffins and puddings. Dried desserts, pastries, yoghurts and ice cream are sprinkled with chopped kernels. Slices are added to bread, cookies and other baked goods.

Walnut paste is used as a spread for sandwiches with bread or crackers. And oil - for dressing salads and cooking. Pecans are eaten and just like that, sprinkled with sugar or salt.

To be healthy, it’s important to eat healthy foods. They contain the necessary substances in the right amount. The sensible use of pecans will help the body get enough and strengthen the immune system. Excessiveness will lead to unpleasant consequences. The price is not big, and the effect is gorgeous.

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