Brazil nuts useful properties and contraindications

Nuts are not in vain popular among supporters of a healthy lifestyle. Due to their nutritional properties, they are suitable for a quick bite or an addition to main courses. Each species is unique in its own way. However, the benefits of Brazil nuts are slightly greater than other species.
Heart shaped nuts

Justifying the high cost, these fruits have a unique composition. The high concentration of vitamins and minerals makes them an ideal nutritional supplement. Moreover, all substances are contained in the most natural form and are easily absorbed. So, a very small portion is able to benefit. Even contraindications of a Brazil nut are insignificant. It can be eaten by anyone who is not allergic to nuts. The main thing is to observe the measure.

Not only from Brazil

Brazil and Mexican nuts are the fruits of the Bertoletia tree (Bertolecia) high, which grows in the jungle of the Amazon. From a biological point of view, these are grains. They ripen inside a coconut-like capsule. If it is cut, in the middle there will be 8-24 nucleoli covered with a dense three-layer peel. For this feature, the seed is called "nut". The main exporting country of Brazil nut does not correspond to the name. Today it is collected most of all in Bolivia (Brazil is in second place on this list, followed by Côte d’Ivoire and Peru). It also grows on the islands of Trinidad and Sri Lanka. So do not complain about the fake, seeing the name of these countries on the package.

Another feature of the overseas guest is the inability to cultivate it artificially. More precisely, the tree itself is real to grow, but not to get a high yield. So it turns out that all nuts ripen in natural conditions, without chemical fertilizers and genetic modifications. This makes them even more valuable and more useful.

Friend losing weight

Using this plant as an example, we can understand the role played by the calculation of proteins, fats and carbohydrates (BJU) in the pursuit of thin waists. Despite the fact that the calorie content of Brazil nut is very high (682 kcal or 2851 kJ per 100 g), it is recommended to include it in the diet during diets. 100 g of nuts contain the following ratio of nutrients.

  • 18 g protein. They include arginine. This amino acid helps to spend energy and build muscle, making the body sculpted, and not just thin.
  • 69 g fat. Most of them are "good." They do not settle in problem areas, improve the elasticity of the skin and blood vessel walls, help lower "bad" cholesterol in the blood and maintain a feeling of fullness.
  • 13 g carbohydrates. These are mainly dietary fiber, which is involved in digestion and improves bowel function.
To exclude harm, use Brazil nuts is metered. The norm per day should not be more than two pieces. Then the excess weight will begin to go away, and not accumulate.

A wealth of utilities with photos

The fruits of Bertoltia are not only tasty and nutritious. They are popular and in demand all over the world with a special chemical composition. Unlike other "relatives", vitamins and microelements in this product are contained in very high concentrations. Therefore, even a small portion is able to cover the daily needs of an adult in biologically significant substances.

Most of all in the Amazon nuts are vitamins from group B (especially thiamine), vitamins E, C and A are present. Of the minerals there are:

  • selenium,
  • zinc,
  • manganese,
  • phosphorus,
  • magnesium,
  • potassium,
  • calcium,
  • iron.

In terms of selenium reserves, this product is an absolute record holder. Only 10 g of nuts contain the daily norm of the element.This is important because selenium has many roles. It acts as an antioxidant, supports the immune system, is a prophylactic for oncology, improves heart function. Those who are worried about the thyroid gland also need it.

Nutritional value and rich chemical composition determine the healing properties of Brazil nuts. It is no coincidence that the Aztecs called this tree the “gift of the gods.” They widely used it to get rid of pain in the stomach and liver.

Today, extracts from plants are part of many drugs. Their effectiveness has been proven in the prevention of serious diseases such as diabetes and oncology. Traditional medicine suggests treating herpes with Brazil nuts. In total, a handful of this delicacy is able to strengthen the body and quickly get rid of skin scourge.

Oil use

Good results are obtained with the use of Brazil nut oil. Its healing properties help to heal wounds and fight inflammation of the skin. Doctors recommend using it as a remedy for edema and viruses.

The oil was also appreciated in cosmetology. The main indications for use are skin hydration, protection, and the fight against wrinkles and rashes. To get a good regenerating effect, just add a couple of drops of this miracle remedy to your favorite cream. And get rid of acne You can apply oil directly to the affected skin. It will be useful for hair. In order to regain its curls density and shine, in the roots of the hair you need to rub Brazil nut oil. The procedure is carried out several times a week.

A bunch of nuts in a plate

The benefits of Brazil nuts for both sexes

What is a Brazil nut good for women? First of all, the effect on the hormonal background. The fruits of Bertoleia prolong the reproductive function, prepare the body for the normal course of pregnancy and significantly reduce the risk of malformations in the baby. They improve mood and help ladies maintain their youth and beauty longer.

No less significant effect nuts have on men. Regular consumption of these fruits stimulates sperm production and improves their motility. This helps fight infertility. Useful Brazil nuts and for potency. They help increase testosterone levels in the blood and have a positive effect on libido.

How to use and store

To get the most benefit, you need to properly use the Brazil nut. Nutrients will be better absorbed if the fruits are raw or slightly dried, without salt or other seasonings. The kernels can be chopped and added to a low-calorie dessert or salad. It is also permissible to use them in their pure form, as a snack.

To preserve the taste and usefulness, you need to store the Brazil nut in the refrigerator, putting it in a closed jar or bag. Otherwise, the kernels will absorb extraneous odors, and the oil (which there is a lot of them) will quickly grow old and rancid.

Strict ban

Bertoleia grains are considered one of the healthiest foods. But there are contraindications that must be considered before overseas fruits get to your table. First of all, they are not suitable for the following persons.

  • For children under three years old. In a small child, the risk of developing an allergic reaction is higher than in an adult. Therefore, culinary experiments with all non-native fruits should be postponed. In addition, the baby can easily choke on them.
  • People diagnosed with pancreatitis. In this case, the harm of the Brazil nut is due to its high fat content. A sick body will not be able to digest the product due to a lack of enzymes. In addition, the nuclei are quite rigid and rough, can provoke a pain attack.
  • Allergy sufferers. Despite the fact that the fruits of Bertoltia are grains, they can cause severe allergies in those to whom real nuts are contraindicated.

Other people should not get carried away with tasting this product because of the high content of selenium. A valuable component of the Brazil nut in this case can be harmful.Discard the fruits and consult a doctor if, after their use, the following side effects are found:

  • brittle hair and nails;
  • breath with the smell of garlic;
  • metallic taste in the mouth;
  • general depressive state.
No more than three nucleoli - that's how much you can eat a Brazil nut per day. In this case, fear for side effects is not necessary.

Reviews about the Brazil nut are quite controversial. Some people talk about the benefits, others - warn of the danger. Only a few nucleoli of this tree can give strength, youth and beauty. But it should be remembered that any excesses lead to illness. Therefore, it is necessary to observe reasonable restrictions and not deprive yourself of such a good treat.

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