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Pathological discharge from the genital tract and itching are the first symptoms that speak in favor of an inflammatory reaction. But an accurate diagnosis is impossible without examination. For diagnosis at the initial stage, it is enough to visit a gynecologist so that he takes a smear on the microflora of the vagina.
When is the time to heal
The vagina is an environment with a certain balance of many microorganisms. Any changes in the flora are accompanied by the appearance of a certain type of discharge. Normally, the amount of vaginal discharge is negligible. A healthy woman practically does not notice them. Emissions may increase:
- during ovulation;
- before menstruation;
- in pregnant women;
- with sexual arousal.
In reproductive age, in 70% of cases, the appearance of noticeable secretions - whiteness - is associated with inflammation. In this case, the composition of the microflora of the vagina changes.
Conditionally pathogenic microorganisms are present in most people. But it is not their quantity that matters, but the ratio with beneficial microorganisms. In healthy women, single cells of a conditionally pathogenic flora can be determined in smears. The table shows the normal and pathological results of a smear from the vagina.
Table - The condition of the vaginal biocenosis
Smear indicators | Norm | Pathology |
Flora | - Lactobacilli (Dederlein sticks); - up to 10 microbial cells of other morphotypes; - no trichomonads, gonococci, candida and key cells | - Reduced the number of lactobacilli; - cocci, gardnerella, candida prevail (depending on the pathology); - specific microorganisms appear: gonococci, trichomonads |
White blood cell count | - Up to 10 in a smear from the vagina and urethra; - up to 30 in a smear from the cervical canal | - More than 10 cells; - with gardnerellosis, the indicator may be within normal limits |
Epithelium | Up to 15 cells in sight | More than 15 cells |
Slime | A small amount of | Significant amount |
Active ingredients of the drug
Candles "Polygynax" contain three active ingredients that can cope with several types of infection at the same time:
- neomycin sulfate;
- polymyxin B sulfate;
- nystatin.
Neomycin sulfate
This is an antibiotic from the group of aminoglycosides, has a wide spectrum of action.In small concentrations it has a bacteriostatic effect. At the same time, it penetrates into the microbial cell, binds to specific receptors and stops protein synthesis. Bacteria lose the ability to multiply.
In high concentration it has a bactericidal effect. Neomycin causes direct damage to the cell membrane of the microbe, which leads to its death. Activity is manifested in relation to the following microorganisms:
- streptococci;
- staphylococci;
- E. coli;
- salmonella;
- shigella;
- corynebacter;
- Proteus.
Polymyxin B Sulfate
Polypeptide antibiotic with bactericidal action. Attaches to the bacterial membrane, increases its permeability, which leads to cell decay. Resistance to the drug develops very slowly. Effective against the following microorganisms:
- E. coli;
- salmonella;
- shigella;
- Klebsiella;
- bordetella;
- enterobacter;
- pseudomonads;
- hemophilic bacillus.
Antifungal agent from the group of polyene antibiotics. A feature of the mechanism of action is based on the ability to integrate into the membrane of the fungus. In this case, a channel is formed through which water and electrolyte ions freely penetrate into the cell. Gradually, this leads to the decay of the fungal cell.
Candida fungi are sensitive to nystatin. It has no effect on the following microorganisms:
- bacteria, including gardnerella;
- viruses
- protozoa (trichomonads).
In what cases is necessary, and when is contraindicated
Indications for the use of Polygynax suppositories include treatment and prevention. For therapeutic purposes, it is prescribed for the following conditions:
- non-specific vaginitis - inflammation caused by opportunistic flora;
- fungal vaginitis - when thrush complements the microbial flora;
- mixed vaginitis - a variety of flora was found in the smear;
- vulvovagiitis - inflammation spread to the vestibule and vaginal cavity;
- cervicovaginitis - An inflammatory reaction in the cervical canal and vagina.
At chlamydia the use of candles "Polygynax" can only be part of a comprehensive treatment.
Infection prevention
For the purpose of prevention, Polygynax is prescribed in cases where it is necessary to prevent the propagation of opportunistic flora. Most often, these conditions are associated with various manipulations on the genitals.
- Preparing for the operation. If a woman is preparing for a planned operation on the genitals, then in a week you can start using candles. This is especially true with a smear with a second or third degree of purity, when there is a slight inflammation, but after surgery it can become a source of infection.
- Preparing for childbirth. A newborn gets from practically sterile conditions through a vagina, rich in various microorganisms, into the outside world. Weakened local immunity during pregnancy leads to the activation of opportunistic flora. Often pregnant women are forced to use candles for most of their pregnancy.A week before the planned date of birth, both natural and induced, you can use Polygynax with caution. But only thrush is not an indication for the appointment, it needs to be combined with elevated white blood cells and bacterial flora in the smear.
- Diagnostic Manipulation. Some invasive diagnostic methods can lead to ascending vaginal infection. Diagnostic curettage, hysteroscopy should be performed with a sanitized vagina.
- Cervical treatment. If a decision is made about treatment cervical erosion using diathermocoagulation, it is necessary to create a clean environment in order to avoid infection of the resulting wound. Therefore, prevention is carried out before and after the manipulation.
When you need another medicine
Not in all cases the use of Polygynax is allowed. Contraindications include the following conditions:
- individual intolerance;
- first trimester of pregnancy;
- period of breastfeeding.
Instructions for the use of candles "Polygynax" in gynecology
Can polygynax be used for menstruation? Before undergoing treatment, it is necessary to pass a smear on the microflora of the vagina. Polygynax vaginal tablets are not used only for thrush. It is necessary to have a co-infection so that there is a point of application for antibiotics.
Mode of application
- In the evening, carry out hygiene procedures.
- Remove the capsule with clean hands.
- Candles "Polygynax" should be administered in the supine position deep in the vagina.
- Wash the hands.
Unwanted effects
Side effects of Polygynax are manifested in the form of local reactions:
- burning;
- itching
- redness;
- allergy;
- allergic eczema.
In this case, you need to stop using the drug and report the reaction to the doctor. But the reviews of doctors show that such reactions, if properly followed, rarely develop.
Duration of application also needs to be regulated. It is not recommended to use more than the period specified in the instructions. Aminoglycosides are able to enter the systemic circulation in a small amount, which will lead to the appearance of their side effects.
Exceeding the recommended dosage and course of treatment is theoretically fraught with the development of resistance to microorganisms in microorganisms. But there have been no cases of overdose.
Analogues of Polygynax are Amintax and Polygynax Virgo. The first of them has a similar composition, but is produced in Russia, in contrast to the original drug, which is produced in France. Polygynax Virgo is a dosage form intended for use in virgins. The capsule has a pointed end that is cut off. Through it, the contents of the capsule are gently squeezed into the vagina. Reviews about candles "Poliginaks" talk about the effectiveness of treatment with this drug and help almost everyone. More details you can see photos and videos.
Reviews: "I did not fit"
It turned out that having frozen the appendages, I couldn’t find the time for myself to go to the doctor right away, I probably would have lived with pains in the lower abdomen, if at one moment I had not been twisted so that I could not straighten. I had to go. The diagnosis was not comforting, my inflammation grew into a chronic form. Ultrasound showed that the ovary adhered to the uterus because of this, such pains when walking and exertion. There was an offer to go to the hospital, which I refused, then a day hospital and warming up, the same refusal, since I have small children and do not leave them alone.
Prescribed treatment at home. There were many injections of antibiotics, then all sorts of douching and pills. All this lasted a month and a half. After all this, at the doctor’s appointment, I was prescribed Polizhinaks vaginal suppositories to complete the treatment.
Candles turned out to be universal. They treat inflammation and thrush right away. The composition includes a group of antibiotics and nystatin. I was very pleased, because such a dose of antibiotics for thrush can not be avoided. The drug is prescribed for fungal, mixed vaginitis, from inflammation of the appendages, before surgery. They can also be taken for prevention. If I had known about them before, I would not have started my inflammation. Now they are always at home.Natalya37,
In total, I used this drug 2 times: the 1st course was prescribed during pregnancy; 2nd - at a routine professional examination. Polygynax antibacterial suppositories were first prescribed to me by a gynecologist for treating thrush during pregnancy (by the way, thrush can occur as a reaction to OK), but the course of treatment gave only a temporary (short-term) positive effect, then the thrush returned. The second time I was prescribed these candles after a routine examination by a gynecologist (after passing tests, the results of which the doctor did not particularly like). I had no complaints about my health, but the doctor decided to prescribe the Polygynax course for prophylaxis. I, as an obedient patient, bought these candles and took the course. And after a couple of days I started a wild thrush, which I comprehensively (tablets + suppositories) treated "Pimafucin". The drug "Polygynax" categorically did not suit me. Nevertheless, antibiotics very much violate (and destroy) the microflora of the mucous membranes, therefore, they can be treated only according to the doctor’s prescription and his control (which can correct the therapy with a negative effect).
Nancy k,
Conducted a full course - 12 candles. Appointed due to inflammation (a lot of white blood cells), and dry vagina, no unpleasant sensations, everything is as always with candles. At night I put in - in the morning a hygienic shower. Candles, naturally, partially flow out, they melt from body temperature. The entire course went in gaskets and at night too. At night, so that there is no leakage of candles, and during the day the drug also partially comes out. I agree that you must first read the instructions. Lived without sex and alcohol for 12 days. Treatment is treatment. Today was a gynecologist, she is in shock - the mucous membrane is in order, there are no redness. Took a smear - says normal should be. So I have no complaints about polygynax - no! I had experience with treatment with Ovestin candles, so they almost burned everything there exactly 10 minutes after entering inside and itched and itchy everything. With polygenax this is not. After polygenax I put ovestin - I went without any problems at all, I think Ovestin burned because of the inflammation that Polyginax defeated! Health, you girls, and do not delay with pregnancy, because it may be too late. Infertility is a terrible diagnosis for both the body and the soul especially!