"Polyoxidonium": the use of an immunomodulator in gynecology and not only

Under the trade name "Polyoxidonium", the substance patented in Russia recently (in 1997) is azoximer bromide. We are talking about a fully synthetic polymer with, as expected, the pronounced properties of an immunomodulator. Due to the small experience of using the drug, many of its properties have not yet been studied. Therefore, the instructions for the use of "Polyoxidonium" is still quite short and replete with gaps.
Vaginal Suppository Packaging

However, the brevity of the instructions and the almost complete absence of contraindications to its reception do not mean that "Polyoxidonium" is safer than other means. Like them, he has his own list of side effects, incompatibility with certain diseases and drugs, the possible consequences of use. Just at the moment they are not yet fixed and / or not studied in sufficient detail.

Polyoxidonium - a photo and instructions for use on the Internet - solves many problems associated with gynecological diseases. Therefore, many women are interested in whether it is effective in endometriosis, adhesions, ovarian cysts. But how to take Polyoxidonium during menstruation - will it be advisable to use suppositories rectally these days, that is, put it in the rectum? In order to get answers to your questions, it is not necessary to leaf through any forum - read our material, we hope we were able to answer most of them.

General characteristics of the drug

"Polyoxidonium" (that is, azoximer bromide in its composition) refers to immunomodulators - agents that alter the functioning of the body's own immunity, redirecting it to one or another purpose. And besides immunomodulators, there are immunostimulants - drugs that activate the work of all parts of the immune system at the same time.

The actual difference between immunomodulators and immunostimulants is that the former are prescribed for the treatment of specific diseases. Moreover, their reception is allowed in cases where some parts of the immune response must be stimulated, and some at the same time suppressed. This happens after organ transplantation, with autoimmune pathologies. The latter more often serve as a means of prevention aimed at increasing the general resistance of the body to pathogens even before infection. Simply put, ARVI can be prevented by taking immunostimulants, and treating existing lingering flu is better with immunomodulators.

It is the abuse of immunostimulants or even just taking them in the wrong case that often provokes the patient to develop more or less serious autoimmune pathologies - from allergies to psoriasissystemic lupus erythematosus. And immunomodulators, on the contrary, are not inclined to give such complications. With already existing autoimmune pathologies, it is impossible to take immunostimulants, although immunomodulators, on the contrary, can.

Mechanism of action

In accordance with its place in the classification of drugs, Polyoxidonium serves as a means of strengthening certain parts of the immune defense, and the prevention of the incidence of something with its help is a less successful undertaking.At the same time, the manufacturer of the product especially emphasizes the versatility of Polyoxidonium, which makes it related to immunostimulants - its ability to enhance the body’s protection against viruses, bacteria and fungi at the same time. Moreover, the instructions for use states that Polyoxidonium:

  • activates immunity - with secondary immunodeficiencies caused by severe forms of any disease, including autoimmune, large-scale injuries and interventions, chemotherapy drugs, immunosuppressants;
  • depresses immunity - that is, it itself performs the function of an immunosuppressor in the presence of autoimmune reactions;
  • gives a detoxifying effect - in case of poisoning caused not only by stale food or poison taken internally, but also by prolonged pharmacological and radiation therapy, the activity of pathogens, including worms and bacteria;
  • improves protective environments - increases the bactericidal properties of such secretions as: sweat, sebum, saliva, nasal mucous secretion, earwax;
  • reduces oxidative stress - blocks free radicals throughout the body;
  • eliminates inflammation - due to the control of the synthesis of cytokines (special proteins that are responsible for the development of inflammatory reactions).

In addition, for "Polyoxidonium" has not yet been noticed local or general irritant effect, it is not toxic to the fetus or mother during pregnancy, does not cause malignancy (malignant transformation) of the cells.

There are no direct analogues of Polyoxidonium either on the domestic or the international market - it is unique in its kind. However, in addition to it, “Galavit”, “Immunal”, “Arbidol” and a number of now popular agents based on interferons, for example, “Anaferon” possess immunomodulating properties.

What is the cause of the protective effect

A preliminary and purely external assessment suggests itself: everything said sounds too good to be true. Nevertheless, some features of the composition of "Polyoxidonium" do suggest a universal protective effect behind it.

  • Mixed composition. "Polyoxidonium" consists not only of azoximer bromide and excipients. Povidone is also added to it - a long-standing, effective and well-known absorbent, although it is not able to leave the digestive tract. Its main drawback is the stimulation of the outflow of fluid from the body through the kidneys, which is unsafe in the presence of their pathologies or in the case when the substances to be excreted are toxic to the urinary organs. In any case, the introduction of povidone in the composition of "Polyoxidonium" guarantees the presence of enterosorbent properties.
  • Specific effects on cells. "Polyoxidonium" has the ability to bind and "compact" protein molecules in the composition of cell membranes, changing their permeability. Basically, its action is aimed at certain immune bodies. At the moment, it is believed that such an effect leads to an increase in their activity, and also improves the intrinsic resistance of the membranes of ordinary (tissue, non-immune) cells to attempts to penetrate foreign substances and microorganisms. Histologists agree that altering certain membrane structures makes them less permeable to cell-damaging factors (oxides, viruses, toxins). But they also fear that such an effect may cause disturbances in cellular metabolism.
The developers of Polyoxidonium claim that the drug accelerates the synthesis of immunity bodies in the bone marrow and interferons - special protective proteins produced by body cells during infection of the body. Interestingly, tests on laboratory animals showed a low age dependence of all these phenomena. In other words, the normalization of the work of the target immunity units with the help of Polyoxidonium is equally noticeable both in young and in old age.

Possible problems

Considerations regarding the potential insecurity of interfering with the density of the protein structures of the cell wall (and it functions normally only at a certain level of permeability) concern not only metabolic disorders at the level of the whole body. Abnormalities of metabolism are most characteristic of malignant cells. For example, they, unlike healthy ones, are well adapted for survival and division even in an oxygen-free regime.

Thus, if Polyoxidonium changes the membrane permeability not only with respect to foreign substances / pathogens from the outside, it can have carcinogenic properties - forcing normal cells to gradually adapt to metabolic difficulties, degenerating into cancer cells.

There is one more nuance. The fact is that Polyoxidonium has not passed large-scale clinical trials. That is, it was tested only in laboratory conditions, as well as in small groups of healthy volunteers and patients. Therefore, it is not known whether the drug actually has a therapeutic effect that is different from the placebo effect in humans.

The problem here is that the effect recorded on experimental animals does not always turn out to be the same in humans. A striking example is resveratrol, a polyphenol with antitumor and antioxidant effects, present in a number of plants and their fruits. Science has been eyeing the possibilities of a separate release of resveratrol after the very encouraging results of its laboratory tests. However, its bioavailability in the human body was several times lower, which reduced its effectiveness to almost zero.

The effect of "Polyoxidonium" on the body of a laboratory animal and human can also be different. Especially in combination with other drugs that the patient took or is taking at the same time as Polyoxidonium.

What conclusions can be drawn

So, if we collect indirect data on Polyoxidonium together (direct, from a scientific point of view, is not enough), we get the following picture.

  • New principle of action. The mechanism of action of Polyoxidonium is doubly innovative, since there are currently no analogues to it.
  • Lack of knowledge. Polyoxidonium has not undergone large-scale clinical trials in humans, and therefore there is not enough data to evaluate its immediate or long-term effects. It is also not possible to verify the objectivity and usefulness of the tests carried out, although, apparently, they were thorough.
  • What causes detoxification. "Polyoxidonium" is a combination agent, which contains not only the azoximer bromide itself, but also the old, widely known enterosorbent. Thus, it is not entirely correct to attribute the detoxification effect of the “Polyoxidonium” of azoximer to bromide, and most likely this “merit” belongs entirely to povidone. Povidone is present in all forms of drug release, including for parenteral use. And meanwhile, it is not intended for introduction into the body by any other means, since it does not dissolve in any of the internal environments of the body, does not break down, and must be excreted from it unchanged.
  • The lack of foreign analogues. In addition to Russia, Polyoxidonium is produced only in Georgia, but it is again engaged in a branch of a Russian company - its manufacturer. Typically, the interest of large domestic and international pharmaceutical corporations in promising new drugs is much higher, but only on condition that they are really good.
  • State Approval. Despite all these points, in 2007 Polyoxidonium was included in the list of vital drugs of the Russian Federation. On its basis, a state-owned enterprise produces one of the flu vaccines (under the license of a private company, the owner of which owns the rights to the Polyoxidonium brand).
This set of data is not very encouraging, especially against the background of the fact that many patients treated with Polyoxidonium indicate that he has by no means zero side effects. Reviews of doctors about the practice of using Polyoxidonium are positive more often. But even among them there are many experts who call the "Polyoxidonium" a placebo with the properties of bismuth.


Polyoxidonium is available in three main forms:

  • pills - for oral administration;
  • suppository - for administration rectally or vaginally;
  • lyophilisate - powder for self-dilution and subsequent administration intramuscularly or intravenously (via a dropper).

Given the properties and support declared by the manufacturer at the state level, indications for the use of Polyoxidonium are quite wide. It is prescribed in many cases.

  • With chemotherapy. And after it, to alleviate the consequences and prevent complications.
  • In oncology. Including radiation therapy, taking extracts of toxic herbs, after surgery to remove a malignant tumor.
  • From fractures. To accelerate their fusion, improve the quality of bone marrow.
  • From burns. Including chemical and radiation.
  • For arthritis. Age-related, gouty and traumatic, since Polyoxidonium reduces the inflammatory response in all body tissues.
  • With hepatitis. And also with other liver pathologies, including cirrhosis, since laboratory studies of "Polyoxidonium" showed the presence of hepatoprotector properties.
  • For infections. Especially chronic or intractable, like tuberculosis. "Polyoxidonium" is effective as an antibacterial and antiviral immunomodulator, which helps with infections of the upper respiratory tract, digestive tract, dermatitis, sexually transmitted diseases.
  • In gynecology. The widespread use of "Polyoxidonium" in gynecology is also due to the fact that it is effective in ascending infections of the female and male genital organs. As you know, they are very difficult to treat, prone to relapse with a gradual loss of fertility and potency. We are talking about endometritisinflammation of the ovaries and testicles (orchitis), fallopian tubes, adenoma and prostatitis. It is also prescribed if ureaplasmas, herpes, thrush (candidiasis). At the same time, Polyoxidonium is not prescribed for pathologies of the cervix, including its erosion and cancer.
  • In immunology. The drug is used for lupus, lichen, psoriasis.
  • With cystitis. And also with nephritis, pyelonephritis, urethritis of various nature and other inflammatory processes in the kidneys, bladder and their ducts, including problems with urination with prostatitis.
  • With radiation sickness. As a provoked x-ray therapy of a malignant tumor, and radiation damage.

In addition to hyperplasia and cervical cancer, special attention should be paid to the fact that the instructions for use of Polyoxidonium do not contain indications for the treatment of hemorrhoids. True, there is no indication in it of the opposite, that is, that "Polyoxidonium" is prohibited for use with it. One way or another, the manufacturer’s recommendations on the use of rectal suppositories “Polyoxidonium” for hemorrhoids are absent.

Admission restrictions

Gaps in the data on the properties of Polyoxidonium and a very short experience with its use reduce the list of contraindications to its use to a minimum. According to the instructions, "Polyoxidonium" is contraindicated:

  • candles - children under six years old;
  • pills - children under three years old;
  • injection solution - Children up to six months (under the tongue and for instillation into the nostrils) or up to six years (intramuscular / intravenous injection).

Also, you can not take the drug:

  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • with individual sensitivity;
  • in acute renal failure;
  • in case of liver failure (despite the hepatoprotective properties of Polyoxidonium).
This list is standard and is repeated in almost all known medicines with slight variations. The main reason for these limitations is the lack of data on the effect of Polyoxidonium on the human body in such cases. The exception is possible intolerance, especially lactose (for its absorption in the intestine there must be a special enzyme lactase, but not everyone has it) and cocoa butter, which serves as a common allergen.

Side effects

The manufacturer indicates in the instructions for use "Polyoxidonium" only:

  • lack of side effects - in tablets;
  • mild soreness - at the injection site intramuscularly;
  • local itching and redness - when using suppositories.

However, reviews of Polyoxidonium from patients using it indicate that he has other effects.

  • Acute Immune Reactions. In the form of heat, aching in the whole body, sweating, confusion. It is noted that they disappear a few days after the cancellation of "Polyoxidonium". But the frequency of messages of this kind is objectively too high to consider the drug as hypoallergenic as stated by the manufacturer.
  • Significant soreness. In any case, with intramuscular injection. More precisely, a considerable number of patients describe the level of pain during the injection of Polyoxidonium as the most painful in their personal experience, requiring administration together with Novocain or another analgesic.
  • Lack of effect. Or its weak severity, requiring the resumption of courses at least three times a year.
The high cost of Polyoxidonium also raises criticism, all the more so with the above claims to effectiveness and the lack of reliable data on its safety. About cases of overdose of "Polyoxidonium" and its consequences, according to the manufacturer, has not yet been reported.

The pyramid of multi-colored boxes

Storage and instructions for use "Polyoxidonium"

Polyoxidonium tablets and lympholysate should be stored in a cool, dry, dark place. You can store Polyoxidonium candles in unopened packaging under the same conditions, but after opening it, it is better to put them on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.

As regards the treatment with Polyoxidonium, it should be borne in mind that not all forms of its release are suitable for comfortable home use. In particular, this relates to a powder for the manufacture of intramuscular and, especially, intravenous injection. To the question of how to dilute Polyoxidonium for intramuscular administration, we can say that it is only saline, and water, even distilled, is suitable as the basis only for injections into the muscle. For most patients, sodium chloride-based saline is usually sufficient. But weakened individuals and cancer patients have a better glucose base.

The dosage of the Polyoxidonium pill varies for different ages.

  • Children from three to ten years old. In this period, "Polyoxidonium" is prescribed 6 mg (half tablet), twice a day, for a week.
  • Children over ten years old and adults. At this age, one tablet is prescribed twice a day for a week or ten days (depending on the type of disease).

A second course can be prescribed in a few months. "Polyoxidonium" is not addictive, because the effect of it with repeated use is not reduced. The solution "Polyoxidonium" must be dosed according to the following principle.

  • Children from six months. Only for instillation into the nose and under the tongue 3 mg of Polyoxidonium is diluted in 1 ml of saline or distilled water, and 6 mg of the drug is diluted in 2 ml of water or saline. The daily dose of Polyoxidonium is 0.15 mg per kilogram of the child’s body weight, it is divided into two to three doses per day, one to three drops, for five or ten days.
  • Children 6 years and older. Buried in the nose and under the tongue, and injected. They are prescribed a solution of 3 mg of Polyoxidonium powder in 1 ml of saline or 6 mg of powder in 2 ml of saline.After swelling, “Polyoxidonium” is administered at the rate of 0.1 to 0.15 mg of “Polyoxidonium” per kilogram of the child’s weight, every day, every other day or twice a week, five or ten injections in one course.
  • Adults over eighteen. For instillation into the nose or under the tongue 6 mg of Polyoxidonium is diluted with 1 ml of distilled water or saline. Intramuscular administration requires the same proportions, but before placing the ready-made Polyoxidonium solution in a dropper bottle, it must be kept for two to three minutes to swell. The daily dose of Polyoxidonium is 6-12 mg per day. It is administered once, on a schedule every other day or twice a week. One course contains five or ten injections.
Suppositories for children over six years of age (only rectally) and adults (rectally or vaginally in women) are administered one suppository (dosage - 12 mg), once a day, preferably at night, daily, for ten days. Before rectal administration of a suppository, an enema must be given to the patient.

"Polyoxidonium" provokes acute immune reactions much more often than indicated by the manufacturer. Plus, it contains another drug that is not intended for all methods of administration provided for by Polyoxidonium. Therefore, treat “Polyoxidonium” with caution, and it is advisable to use drugs with more reliable data on effectiveness instead.

Other medications

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