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Tightening masks - a series of products for additional skin care. Manufacturers position them as a solution to stabilize the volume and shape of the face, tissue tightening, called lifting. Moreover, their importance in cosmetology is secondary. And many of the properties of such tools are indicated only in advertising, but in practice their result is not so attractive.
Causes of facial contour deformation
Lifting products are designed to combat age-related changes in the skin, which begins to sag, changing facial expression. The tissues become flabby, they just want to be “tightened up” and put back in place. Sagging processes begin after 30 years, but they become noticeable later: usually after 40 years, and in women with good heredity, and after 50 years.
Beauticians divide the deformities occurring in the face and neck into two types.
- Topical. They are caused by a decrease in the tone of the structures of skin and muscle tissues, which are elastic in youth, but their composition changes with age. The skin and muscle framework weaken, while the system acts as one, because the skin of the face is inextricably linked to the muscles. Muscle fibers are literally woven into the dermis, which explains the possibilities of our diverse facial expressions. And if muscle tissue weakens, it invariably affects the appearance of the skin. They sag after muscles that have lost elasticity.
- Volumetric. Facial tissues do not live separately from the body. The same processes occur in them as in the legs or, for example, in the abdomen. If adipose tissue accumulates, it is also located in the facial area, usually in the cheek area. If the condition of the excretory system is not perfect, the woman is worried about swelling, similar processes will occur in the face. Swelling of the tissues makes it larger, more voluminous.
Topical and volumetric deformations act inextricably. Usually after 40 years, they rapidly change the oval of the face of women who pay insufficient attention to their appearance and state of health. The process caused by deformations is called ptosis.
Ptosis is a complex phenomenon, it involves not only the skin, but also the muscular skeleton, fat structures, and the lymphatic system. As it develops, the corners of the eyes and lips are the first to slide down, change the position of the eyebrows. In people full, the cheeks and neck sag, a pronounced deformation of the lower third of the face occurs.
Ptosis Control Methods
Fighting ptosis with just one effect on the skin is stupid, since superficial measures will not give a visible result. It's like trying to harden the jelly by applying egg white or some other solidifying substance to it. “Filling” does not change, the structure remains the same: loose, deformed. Therefore, external means for facelift in cosmetology are used to a limited extent.
Treatment of ptosis includes a comprehensive correction of sagging tissues. It is performed by several methods.
Techniques for working with hands, in which the deep layers of the skin, the muscular skeleton, are exposed. The main type of procedures in a conservative technique is massage, which allows you to work out and change the tone of the muscle frame.
Contrary to popular belief, massage does not tone, but, on the contrary, relaxes muscles, thanks to which facial wrinkles are smoothed out. Massage is performed with pressure, otherwise the deep layers of the facial skeleton cannot be reached. During the massage, it seems that there is a stretching of the skin, which scares women in the first sessions. But this stretching, performed by experienced hands, is safe, as it will allow the skin to properly "sit in place" of the renewed facial skeleton.
At the same time, a course of toning and skin tightening is recommended. It is performed by means that improve the structure of tissues, saturating them with “building material” to improve tone. These tools include masks for facelift, usually represented by plasticizing compounds.
Therefore, they are carried out simultaneously with median peeling procedures, during which the dermis layers are burned out at a controlled depth, which activates the production of new ones with elastic collagen fibers by the basal layer. After peeling, the skin surface is moisturized with active components that promote regeneration.
There are several types of procedures that allow you to get to the subcutaneous tissue. This is microcurrent therapy, fractional rejuvenation, RF lifting, thermage. In each case, there is an effect on the facial tissues at a depth where the muscular skeleton is located, water accumulation is observed due to microcirculation disorders. Such procedures contribute to the outflow of lymph, renew collagen fibers.
Hardware techniques are combined with conservative ones. Often, a rejuvenating, moisturizing mask is added to them to tighten the contour of the face. But its significance is secondary, while microcurrents or a laser directly fight tissue ptosis.
Tightening is carried out by means of liposuction, surgical lifting. It is a complete surgical intervention in facial tissue. There are gentle alternatives to surgical intervention performed by mesothreads using bio-reinforcement technology.
Types of professional lifting masks
A mask for tightening the skin of the face is present in every program to combat age-related changes. But it is not the main, but an additional means, since its capabilities are limited only by external influences.
At the same time, the importance of a properly selected mask, according to cosmetologists, is invaluable to reduce the manifestations of ptosis. Anti-age programs use several types of compositions.
The most popular plasticizing masks used by cosmetologists to correct age-related changes. They contain sodium alginate obtained from processed seaweed. The substance is a block of guluronic and mannuronic acids, it has an inherent viscosity and the ability to swell.
Alginates are powerful sorbents. On the skin, they actively absorb all available substances. This is sweat, the contents of skin pores, toxins secreted by the epidermis as a result of the created vacuum. Masks form the effect of reverse osmosis, due to which the surface "raslakovka" epidermis is achieved. But the impact is observed at a deep level.
Thanks to the osmotic process, lymphatic drainage in the tissues is activated. An outflow of stagnant lymph occurs, microcirculation improves. Since ptosis is often provoked by swelling of the tissues, after an alginate mask, a decrease in swelling and the effect of a facelift can be observed.In this case, the composition is plasticized, compressed, mechanically adjusting the shape of the oval of the face, smoothing wrinkles and tightening pores.
Alginate plasticizing masks can be used at home. They are included in the once-a-week additional care course lasting ten treatments after the age of 40 and six treatments for less mature skin. The course is repeated twice a year.
Application technique
- Mix the dry mass with water. Usually, 40 grams of the drug is enough for one procedure. There should be little water so that the mass resembles thick sour cream.
- Apply the product on the skin of the face and neck with a spatula. It is important to act very quickly, since the composition is plasticized and may freeze in a bowl. Cover your eyes and lips to ensure proper tissue drainage.
- Take a horizontal position for at least 30 minutes.
- Take the resulting "cast" by gently lifting it from the chin.
After such a mask, you replace that the volume of the face has decreased. This effect is observed because the plasticizing mass intensively “drives away” the lymph and activates the venous outflow.
Film masks
You can use a film mask without any skills. It is a gel-like substance that, when applied, is well distributed over the skin. Spreading, it penetrates into the pores and adheres to the stratum corneum of the epidermis. While the composition is liquid, it saturates the skin with active substances.
Manufacturers offer films for skin of various types. For oily, the composition includes calendula, rosehip, vitamins, organic acids, moisturizing oils. For dry formulations are intended with vitamins A and C, essential oils of orange, geraniums, jojoba oil, extracts of medicinal herbs with a calming effect.
Mask films have an exfoliating effect. Their adhesion to the epidermis increases as they dry and an attempt to remove the composition leads to the "tearing off" of dead cells. The procedure is not the most pleasant, but not traumatic, therefore, as a peeling agent and to correct the current skin condition, mask masks can be included in home care.
Application technique
- Clean and moisturize the skin with a tonic, dry.
- Spread the product over the face, avoiding the eyes and lips. Be careful as you approach the scalp, eyebrows. When removed, the mask pulls out the hairs, causing discomfort.
- Leave the composition on your face for 30-45 minutes, wait until it dries completely.
- Remove by gently prying off the bottom of the face.
Film masks are usually recommended for the care of young skin prone to formation. acne. When removed, they capture part of the black dots, making the face look fresh. But at an older age, they can be useful for a lifting effect.
Home tightening masks
Firming face masks at home are prepared from products that form a film after drying. When including them in extra care, it is important to remember a few rules.
- Do not expect miracles. Only a mask with the problem of age-related ptosis can not cope. A comprehensive correction is needed, which begins with a full daily care, cleansing and moisturizing of the skin, the use of moisturizing masks. After 35 years, a massage course of 6-10 treatments with a supportive procedure once a month will be useful. High efficiency microcurrent therapy, which is also recommended to take a course. And only in addition to comprehensive care at home does it make sense to use a tightening mask.
- Use only while lying down. “The biggest mistake is to put a mask on your face and go to do household chores,” says beautician Olga Fem. - This negates the effect of any lifting mask. The older the woman, the more horizontal her position should be during the procedure. ”
- Use regularly. It is enough to use the product once a week, and on other days you include a moisturizing or nourishing mask in your care. But the application should be regular, otherwise the lifting effect will not be noticeable or will quickly disappear.
At home, face masks that tighten the skin are prepared from gelatin, potatoes, egg white.
The universal composition is suitable for oily and dry skin, as it includes anti-inflammatory and moisturizing ingredients.
- Pour gelatin weighing 10 grams into a container.
- Add 50 milliliters of cold water, leave to swell.
- Mix two teaspoons of glycerin with the same amount of liquid honey. Add a teaspoon of zinc paste.
- Mix the resulting slurry with swollen gelatin, warm and mix until smooth in a water bath.
The composition should be applied on bandages. Cut three strips with a length of 20 centimeters, moisten each in the resulting mass. Lay the first one on the chin, put the ends on the cheeks towards the ears. Cover the forehead with the second bandage, lay the third horizontally from ear to ear, pressing it to your cheeks. Leave the composition on your face for thirty minutes.
The recipe uses raw potatoes, which enrich the skin with starch. ANDolive oilas a source of valuable fatty acids, especially necessary for dry epidermis.
- Peel the raw potatoes, grate on a fine grater.
- Add a teaspoon of olive oil.
- Shuffle.
Apply to cleansed face and neck. Rinse off after 20 minutes with warm water.
Protein with bran
This composition takes into account the needs of oily skin, allows you to clean the pores, works like an easy peeling, thanks to the presence of citric acid in it.
- Separate the protein, whisk until foam.
- Pour two teaspoons of bran.
- Add a teaspoon of lemon juice and grated lemon zest.
- Mix.
Apply the mixture on your face. She can pinch slightly. After twenty minutes, remove and wipe the skin with ice.
According to beauticians, tightening face masks at home can be used as additional care. They will not bring tangible results if they are used in “fits and starts” from time to time, or if they have all their hopes in combating age-related changes. Combining them with massage, full daily care, you can achieve a pronounced lifting effect.