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Internal inflammation on the skin can form in a person, regardless of age and social status. Contributes to the structure of the sebaceous ducts. Group internal rashes indicate progression of skin infection. The lack of therapeutic measures leads to an aggravation of the situation and the formation of scars, which are almost impossible to get rid of.
Why do subcutaneous acne form on the face?
Subcutaneous acne is of the same nature as other types of skin rashes. A pimple face - this begins the inflammatory process due to clogging of the sebaceous duct. If this occurs at the level of its mouth, the sebaceous secretion accumulates inside the gland, provoking its stretching and the spread of inflammatory phenomena. When bacteria enter and multiply inside the gland, pus accumulates in the seal. White subcutaneous acne develops, sometimes with a characteristic odor.
As the acne ripens, pus should go outside. However, a dense layer of the epidermis prevents this. As a result, the skin must get rid of accumulated pus particles with the help of immune cells. Resorption of inflammation takes some time. If the contents are successfully eliminated, a dark spot forms in the place of the former puffiness, which cosmetologists call “stagnant”. The causes of subcutaneous acne and other skin rashes are almost the same.
- Violation of the rules for skin care. The use of cosmetics that are not suitable for the type of skin. Neglecting the stages of hygiene. Excessive zeal in cleansing the dermis, provoking the activity of the sebaceous glands or hyperkeratosis of the skin.
- Excessive activity of the sebaceous glands. Increased oily skin can be a response to improper care, alcohol abuse, junk food. Subcutaneous inflammations are more prone to people who naturally have oily skin.
- Hormonal disorders. It is the imbalance of hormones that is most often associated with internal purulent acne. A storm of hormones can provoke natural changes in the body (puberty, menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum condition, menopause) Also, acne provocateurs are considered diseases of hormone-producing genital organs (ovaries, for example), a state of hyperandrogenism. Acne can accompany polycystic and inflammatory diseases in the gynecological field.
- Stay in adverse conditions. The accumulation of dust and gases in the air is certainly accompanied by their deposition on the skin. This speeds up the formation of plugs in the sebaceous ducts and red internal acne.
- Spread of infection. The microflora of the skin is always represented by beneficial and pathogenic bacteria. The activity of the latter may increase when favorable conditions arise. These include increased sweating, lack of cleansing, decreased immunity. As a result, microorganisms penetrate deep into the dermis, provoking inflammatory processes of various strengths.Contact with harmful bacteria on the skin accompanies frequent touching of the face with hands, neglect of cleaning and disinfection of makeup accessories, towels, and the surface of the phone.
- Demodecosis The provocateur of this disease is a special subcutaneous tick that actively multiplies in the deep structures of the epidermis. The result of its introduction is the defeat of an impressive surface area of the skin with the formation of multiple inflammations practically fused together. Along with them, the surface is strewn with red acne and black dots. If untreated, the situation only worsens, and unsightly scars form on the skin.
Why is it important to reliably determine the cause of the rash? This is the key to the right treatment tactics. It is best to entrust the process of finding a provocateur to a dermatologist.
Does the location of the rash matter
Beauticians associate types of subcutaneous acne and their causes, focusing on a special “map” of rashes. According to the principles of oriental medicine, subcutaneous inflammation, regularly appearing in a certain place on the face, indicates a disease of organs or their systems. It is appropriate to talk about such a relationship in the case when internal acne on the face appears in the same area for a long time.
- On the forehead. Small rashes in this area indicate disturbances in the functioning of the digestive tract, which lead to slagging of the body.
- On the nose and nose. Acne in this area indicates a poor liver condition, impaired outflow of bile from the gallbladder.
- On the cheeks. Inflammation in this area indicates lung disease, the foci of the disease correspond to the location of the rash on the left or right cheek.
- On the chin. In this area, large hormonal acne most often appears, accompanied by swelling of the tissues and soreness.
- Around eyes. There is almost never a strong inflammation, however, subcutaneous white formations (millet), says kidney dysfunction.
- On the neck. An inflamed formation on the back of the hairline and under the chin can have a cold or hormonal nature.
Ways to remove deep inflammation with a photo
How to treat acne and sore pimples? If subcutaneous inflammation on the skin is multiple, they should be shown to a dermatologist or cosmetologist. With a single acne or rash that appears from a cold, you can fight on your own. How to cure and where does this process begin?
We help to "mature"
It is proved that eliminating the cause of inflammation - sebaceous plugs from the duct, significantly reduces the healing time of acne. This does not mean that you can thoughtlessly crush acne. This method should be resorted to only if the abscess is fully ripe. This is evidenced by a decrease in the intensity of the symptoms of inflammation - a decrease in redness, hyperemia, soreness, the appearance of a well-visible whitish content.
If the pimple does not ripen and hurt, it can be helped. This will require ichthyol ointment or Vishnevsky ointment. The product is applied to a cotton pad, applied to inflammation, fixed with adhesive tape. Sometimes even one such nightly procedure is enough for the full maturation of an inflamed acne without a head. These ointments are also appropriate if a boil appears on the face.
How to squeeze without exacerbating the problem: 4 steps
Further, in order to squeeze out the internal pimple, you will need a sterile needle (it should be boiled for 20 minutes, treated with alcohol), two pieces of sterile gauze. We will have to do the following four manipulations.
- Disinfection. Treat the surface of the skin of the face and hands with an antiseptic.
- Puncture. Pierce a pimple with a needle in the center.
- Extrusion. Wrap sterile gauze on the index fingers of both hands. Press the pimple up on both sides.
- Treatment. Wipe the pimple and the skin around it with alcohol.
After the procedure, you can treat the pimple with Baneocin gel: it will not allow a new infection to penetrate the skin, will eliminate the existing bacteria. Dry formation and eliminate inflammation will help zinc ointment. If there is definitely nothing left inside the formation, after treatment with an antiseptic, the damaged area should be anointed with “Panthenol”. This will accelerate the regeneration of damaged tissues.
Local treatment
If the subcutaneous pimple, like a bump, is dry and develops without pus, there is no point in squeezing it. In this case, it is necessary to find a way to quickly eliminate the inflammatory process. Verified local remedies will help.
- Alcohol solution salicylic acid. Use it to burn a pimple. For this, it is necessary to moisten a cotton swab in the solution every two hours and treat the inflamed area for ten seconds. As a rule, the inflammation passes quickly, the pimple dries up.
- Tea tree oil. This remedy has proven itself both against a dry rash that itches, and against internal inflamed acne. The tool lubricates the problem area locally up to five times a day. Within two days, the inflammation should disappear. The oil provides not only anti-inflammatory, but also antipruritic, as well as antibacterial effects.
- Leaves aloe. Most valuable is the mucous fluid concentrated in the pulp of the leaf. It is cut in half, applied to the inflamed area with the inner surface. To fix the sheet can be covered with a band-aid on top. Change the compress every four hours. After this treatment, the internal pimple will disappear without a trace.
- Retinoic ointment. This affordable tool helps to cope with papules and pustules. Such phenomena are related to direct indications for the use of the drug. To eliminate internal acne on the face, the product is applied to cleansed, inflamed areas twice a day.
- Prednisone ointment. The hormonal agent should be used only as a last resort and on the recommendation of a specialist. With large inflammations, this drug is very effective. An ointment from internal acne is applied pointwise twice a day. Before use, you must make sure that the rash is nodular in nature and is not accompanied by suppuration. The drug copes well with colds subcutaneous inflammation.
- Cream "Effezel". A combined treatment for subcutaneous acne and acne. Contains benzoyl peroxide and is adaptal. Combines the regenerative properties of retinoids, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory abilities. Suitable for treating multiple acne.
- Gel "Isotrexin". A combined drug containing two antibiotics. It is used to treat moderate and severe inflammation, occupying large areas of the skin. The reason for using the drug is the presence of pus in acne. Antibiotics will cope with inflammation and prevent the appearance of new rashes.
- Talker with sulfur and zinc. May have different cooking recipes. Often contains tincture calendula, sulfur, zinc oxide, chloramphenicol alcohol, boric acid. It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It can be applied independently.
Ideally, the doctor should prescribe an ointment for internal acne. In severe cases, medical prescription of antibiotics may be required ("Erythromycin", "Doxycycline”,“ Ciprofloxacin ”) or special preparations for acne (“ Aknetin ”,“ Roaccutane ”.Independently appoint such funds should not be due to the presence of a large list of side effects.
To remove subcutaneous acne, people recommend using toothpaste. Do not do this: additives in the composition can adversely affect the course of the inflammatory process.
To get rid of subcutaneous acne forever, medications alone are not enough. It is important to properly care for your face, lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right. These measures are the key to the natural restoration of the hormonal background and get rid of rash provocateurs.
You can get rid of - do nothing at all. Wash with soap twice a day. In the morning and in the evening. Do not lubricate the skin, do not use the tonic, do not touch the face at all. Try it for the New Year holidays. And all these tonics and creams for problem skin in my opinion only provoke the appearance of acne. And another good remedy is black clay. Masks make of it. No eggs or other impurities need to be added there. Simply dilute the powder with water and apply until dry. After application, the skin is dull, but not dry, not tight, velvet. And acne seems to brighten after several applications. In general, clay is a good remedy, the skin after this mask is ruddy, blood circulation is enhanced. You can buy any clay, I have it at all 30 rubles worth a large package.
A guest,
Oh, and I ran into the subcutaneous. I’m alone now, but I sat on my cheek for two weeks. True, he was sticking out at me, such a large red seal, did not dry, did not absorb, and ached. I tried to remove it with ichthyol (but since there was no pus, the compress didn’t help), smeared it with a local Efaklar remedy - it didn’t help either, burnt it with salicylic alcohol, cream with ANA. In general, it is now taking place on its own, it has already become almost invisible. But still, for the future, I would like to know how to fight.
Mostly acne goes away with adolescence, but it happens if the skin is oily, as for example, acne just persecutes constantly. Recently, I have been smearing them with antibacterial ointment Ilon. I noticed a positive trend, the skin has improved significantly, huge acne does not appear at all!
Elena, Sums,
Benzoyl peroxide (Baziron) is a substance that allows you to quickly remove inflammation or lift it out ... At the same time, the time inside does not tear (as is usually the case) and there are no traces ... I make points much better in the morning