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Original brewer's yeast is a product consisting of unicellular fungal microorganisms (saccharomycetes). It is used mainly in brewing. In medicine, autolized agents are used - these are processed fungi that the body is able to fully absorb. Calorie content is 75 kcal per 100 g of product. Valuable proteins were found in the composition. 12 amino acids are indispensable for the human body. The tool is useful for athletes, diabetics, suffering from human dysbiosis. Used to treat acne and acne.
Description and release forms
The production of dietary supplements from saccharomycetes is a simple process. Raw materials available. Therefore, the result is an inexpensive product that can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.
The need for autolysis is explained by the high activity of raw materials. Living microorganisms disrupt the composition of microflora, provoke the progression of fungal infections and disrupt the motility of the digestive tract. Autolysed yeast has exactly the same composition, but is easily digested, rarely provokes digestive disorders and sensitivity reactions.
The main role in the composition of saccharomycetes is given to protein substances - amino acids. They are necessary for building muscle and epithelial tissues, participate in metabolic processes, and keep the body young. Due to protein substances, yeast is actively used in bodybuilding and professional sports.
An equally important role is played by the vitamin composition. Here the spectrum of the B group is from pyridoxine to cyanocobalamin. These nutrients:
- regulate metabolism;
- restore the skin;
- enhance hair growth;
- regulate the absorption of nutrients;
- provide conduction of nerve impulses;
- have a secretory effect;
- necessary in physiological reactions;
- start regeneration processes;
- activate energy metabolism.
There is also vitamin P. It is important for the strength of blood vessels, central and peripheral circulation. Plus, the composition revealed salts of potassium, calcium, magnesium, phosphorus, silicon, copper, cobalt, zinc, carbon, nickel.
In fact, saccharomycetes are a vitamin complex of natural origin. They are shown with:
- B-vitamin deficiency;
- skin diseases;
- neuralgia;
- dysbiosis;
- diabetes mellitus;
- hematopoiesis.
As can be seen from the table, in the modern pharmaceutical market presents various options for tablets with brewer's yeast.
Table - Varieties of brewer's yeast in tablets
With nutrients | Special purpose | With natural additives |
- With zinc and selenium; - with iron and calcium; - with sulfur and phosphorus; - with iodine and calcium; - with succinic acid; - with magnesium and potassium; - with gray | - For hair, skin and nails; - immunostimulatory; - children's; - general strengthening; - from chronic fatigue; - cosmetic; - from acne | - With a mummy; - with ginseng; - with wheat germ; - with milk thistle; - with kelp; - with beta-carotene |
From acne it is better to take pure saccharomycetes, for special purposes or with the addition of the following components.
- Zinc. It activates peripheral blood circulation, normalizes the trophism of the epidermis, and regulates its fat content. In addition, yeast with zinc is useful for a tendency to varicose veins, problems with immunity, for various infectious and inflammatory lesions of the dermis, autoimmune reactions (psoriasiseczema).
- Selenium. Improves metabolism, helps eliminate rash associated with liver damage. It also has a beneficial effect on blood formation, normalizes energy metabolism in cells.
- Sulfur. Such drugs can cleanse the body of toxins, protect cells from free radicals. Sulfur is used to treat acne, parasitic skin lesions.
- Calcium. Mixtures with calcium strengthen bones, normalize the mineralization of tooth enamel. The substance is useful for allergic skin lesions - dermatitis, urticaria.
Granular substances are also sold. Their base is processed saccharomycetes. Means are also available in pure form or with mineral and vitamin supplements. Popular among athletes. Before taking the granules are dissolved in liquids. This activates the "asleep" microorganisms.
Brewer's yeast is considered not only natural, but also a safe means. The risk of developing sensitivity and immunity is minimal. However, it should not be completely ruled out. Allergies may occur:
- rash;
- urticaria;
- itchy skin;
- dyspeptic disorders.
With such symptoms, you should stop taking supplements.
Among the possible side effects are increased secretory activity of the stomach cells, changes in the nature of the stool. As a rule, this does not cause the patient much discomfort.
Contraindications include gout and kidney failure. The possibility of using dietary supplements during pregnancy and lactation should be agreed with the doctor.
Methods of oral administration
Yeast from skin diseases is used in two ways: inside and out. When taken orally, the dosage should be observed, focusing on the instructions for the specific supplement. General recommendations are as follows.
- Dose. For an adult, it is about 7 g per day. This is equal to six to seven tablets. The daily dosage is divided into three doses.
- Time of use. It is taken after meals with a sufficient amount of clean water without gas.
- A course of treatment. Standard lasts a month. It should be continued only on the recommendation of a doctor. If necessary, repeat treatment between courses observe an interval of at least two weeks.
From granular preparations, liquid substances are prepared before use. They drink at the dose indicated on the package (on average, one or two tablespoons). The powder is diluted in slightly warm boiled water, milk or kefir (half a glass). Granules insist in liquid for 15-20 minutes. The result is a beige-gray viscous mass with a characteristic smell and taste.
Mask recipes
External treatments help speed up the effect of internal therapy. For this purpose, only granular dietary supplements are used.
For oily skin
- Two tablespoons of sea salt, yeast granules, ascorbic acid (in powder form) are mixed.
- The resulting mass is diluted with water to obtain a homogeneous viscous substance.
- The mask is applied to the face with a brush.
- Leave to act for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
For dry skin
- Mix in a tablespoon of honey and milk with two tablespoons of yeast.
- Egg yolk and a teaspoon are added to the resulting substance olive oil.
- Cover the skin in several layers.
- After 20 minutes of exposure, the composition is washed off with warm water.
With purulent rash and post-acne
- 10 g of saccharomycetes are diluted with a small amount of hydrogen peroxide (3%).
- Beat the egg white in the foam, injected into the bulk.
- The resulting substance is applied to acne-affected areas.
- After ten minutes, wash off with water.
Reception of dietary supplements and cosmetic procedures with saccharomycetes help to improve the condition of the skin, suffering from vitamin deficiency and metabolic failures. But if the cause of the rash is in diseases of the internal organs or poor nutrition, infection, then neither the pill nor the mask will give a tangible result.