The content of the article
Pimafucin is an antibiotic of the macrolide group, which is often prescribed for fungal diseases, photos can easily be found on the Internet. It is also easy to find information on what its release form is, why tablets are used, why are candles, and why are drops.
We are specifically interested in using it against thrush - how to use Pemafucin correctly, how quickly the thrush passes under its influence, and whether to use the drug after the unpleasant symptoms have disappeared.
Mushrooms, like bacteria, can become drug resistant. Besides, thrush can be caused by fungal microorganisms of a slightly different group - non-Albikans. All this complicates the treatment of the disease. "Pimafucin" has not only anti-candidal, but also an antimicrobial effect. Resistance to it does not develop.
Composition and action
Pimafucin contains a macrolide antibiotic natamycin with an additional pronounced effect on fungi. The drug is available in the form of vaginal suppositories, oral tablets and cream.
Natamycin binds to elements of the fungal cell wall, with erogosterols, which leads to a violation of the permeability of the latter, a slowdown in division, and ultimately to the death of the fungus. The range of action of Pimfucin includes the following microorganisms:
- dermatophytes;
- fungi of the genus Candiada albicans and non-Albikans.
Treatment with Pimafucin candles, tablets and cream has several advantages. The most important include the following:
- not fixed - therefore, the effectiveness of treatment does not decrease with repeated use (for example, with chronic candidiasis, prone to frequent relapses);
- possible with gestation and lactation - natamycin does not penetrate deep into the tissues, but acts superficially, so when using ointments, suppositories and even tablets, the active substance does not enter the bloodstream and to the baby;
- well tolerated - extremely rarely, adverse reactions develop during administration;
- there is no overdose - since the medicine acts only locally, there are no systemic negative phenomena;
- can be combined with other drugs - "Pimafucin" is absolutely inert with respect to drugs and can be prescribed in complex treatment.
When appointed
"Pimafucin" has the following dosage forms.
- 2% cream in a tube. Used for the treatment of fungal infections of the skin and mucous membranes. One strip (1 cm) contains 20 mg of natamycin. Often you can find reviews about Pimafucin ointment, however, this form does not exist and the cream is meant.
- 100 mg tablets. Used for oral administration. Due to the special composition, they dissolve only under the influence of intestinal enzymes, where their main effect is carried out. Available in blister packs of 30 tablets in one package.
- Suppositories 100 mg. They have a standard torpedo shape. The package contains three candles.
Indications for the use of Pimafucin are various types of trichophytosis, as well as candidal lesions. A detailed list is presented in the table.
Table - Pathologies in which Pimafucin is used
Release form | Indications |
Cream | - Epidermatophytosis (in this case, red spots with clear boundaries and peeling inside appear on the body); - onychomycosis (damage to the nails, in which they become dull, are destroyed along the edges); - trichophytosis (associated with hair damage, more common in children); - thrush (in the treatment complex for the treatment of external genital organs); - genital candidiasis in men (for example, with balanoposthitis and concomitant cystitis, urethritis); - acute dermatitis of candidal etiology |
Pills | - Bowel candidiasis; - prevention of dysbiosis against the background of taking antibiotics, immunosuppressants, hormones, cytostatics; - bowel sanitation in the complex treatment of thrush |
Candles | - Bacterial vaginosis; - acute and chronic forms of thrush |
Instructions for use "Pimafucin"
The course of treatment with Pimafucin, the dose and form of the medicine is determined by the doctor. Standard assignments are presented in the table.
Table - Schemes for the use of the drug
Dosage form | Features of the reception |
Cream | - Treat the affected areas 3-4 times a day; - apply a thin layer, carefully distributing it over the entire lesion focus; - with candidiasis, the course of treatment is 3-5 days; - with dermatophytosis, the cream should be used up to a month |
Pills | - 100 mg 3-4 times a day; - the average duration of treatment is 7 days; - in chronic forms, the course can be extended up to 2-3 months |
Suppositories | - In the acute form of candidiasis, lay 1 suppository overnight in the vagina (after lying down for 10-15 minutes); - the average duration of treatment is 3-6 days; - if necessary, you can repeat the course |
"Pimfucin" can be used in the complex treatment of vaginitis of various nature. For example, with sanitation of the vagina fromchlamydia, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas, herpes, as well as gardnerellosis and treatment cervical erosion. For this, standard prescription suppository schemes are used.
Effects of treatment
Side effects of Pimafucin are extremely rare. The reviews of doctors and women confirm this. There were no cases of overdose, as well as any drug interactions. But when using the drug, manifestations of discomfort are not excluded. Possible symptoms are described in the table.
Table - Symptoms accompanying medication
Drug form | Symptoms |
Suppositories | - Burning, itching after administration; - increased discharge due to dissolution of the candle after applying "Pimafucin" |
Pills | - Nausea; - increased stool at the time of admission |
Cream | Slight redness at the site of application |
"Pimafucin" has complete analogues in the active substance in the form of suppositories called "Primafungin", "Natamycin", "Ecofucin". A set of drugs for treating fungal diseases with other active ingredients is large, the choice is at the discretion of the doctor according to the clinical situation.
The use of Pimafucin in thrush is convenient, effective and safe. Including during pregnancy at any time and during breastfeeding. There are different forms of medicine, in each case, you can choose the optimal combination. For example, for the treatment of acute thrush, candles and Pimafucin cream should be combined, and treatment should be carried out not only in women, but also in men.
Reviews: “The morning is much easier”
I was able to overcome my thrush only with the help of pimafucin. So many things had already been tried, but she still returned again and again, so that only in this way could get rid. Candles + pimafucin tablets course, honestly did everything and drank, and that’s all. The thrush forgot about me, but I'm not talking about her. As for soda, it only harms the effect of the drug, alternative methods are not for women's health.Girls are something that you don’t need to save too much.
Darina P.,
There is a lot of talk about the safe composition of pimafucin, and most importantly the doctors themselves, and I, too, personally became convinced of this. The composition is good, it helps quickly, this is the most basic thing I would like to point out about this. Candles are placed lightly, in the morning it is much easier.
I have not yet given birth, but I have known the problem of thrush for more than 10 years ... I suffer from time to time ... I tried Livarol, they helped at first, but then something got used to it ... Actually, I thought for a long time, because due to eternal hypothermia and hospitals, the family did not have enough money, but I decided to try. Took 4 pcs. per day, the result appeared on the 4th day. Pimafucin, although not with cheap drugs to combat thrush, is very good and it is immediately clear that it is of high quality. Since then, a year has passed, until the thrush does not even think to appear. Thanks Pimafucin! Girls, I recommend it!
Juliana777 ,
Bullshit is rare. And candles and pills are a complete zero! The first race was treated by him 4-5 years ago .... a couple of months later it showed itself again, took the same candles again - and again in a new way. In short, this is all garbage that acts only at the beginning stage of thrush, which is only in the first race! Do not buy, do not spend money because this drug and a twentieth of the amount is not worth it. While you put it, it seems like there is no itch, as soon as you stop putting it - everything is new! She put down 6 candles and drank 2 packs of tablets (40 pieces). And nothing at all. Only spent 330 UAH .... Do not buy this drug, especially those who have thrush for a long time to appear - WILL NOT HELP !!!
I didn’t have a clear opinion about Pimafucin. Recently, I often suffer from thrush. She tortured me already. I tried a lot of things. I did not really like Pimafucin by candlelight. It is not always convenient, because you need to put candles for three days in a row at night, and this is sometimes difficult. Discomfort and discharge from the candles themselves do not improve the picture either. Still, it’s more convenient for me than a pill. Of course, in terms of the absence of side effects, he leads, and during pregnancy is almost the only drug. His price is also rather big. In terms of effectiveness, I do not see any advantages of Pimafucin over cheaper drugs.
Maryana M.,