Pilates for beginners: what is it and how to do at home

Today, no self-respecting fitness club ignores Pilates. But, looking at the exercises from the outside, it seems that these exercises are very simple - lie on the floor and raise your legs ... Why is it so popular? This is not just fuss on the rug, but a whole philosophy, and the loads there can be quite substantial.
Women performs swing upside down

The author of gymnastics, German Joseph Pilates, created a unique system of exercises to strengthen all muscle groups and body systems, harmonious development of the body and gaining firmness of mind. Joseph tested the exercises on himself. And for the first time he applied the system to other people in the First World War - for the rehabilitation of wounded English soldiers. And this experience was very successful - the restoration was much more effective. Joseph even came up with special simulators for bedridden patients. Legends go that even those soldiers who were not given such forecasts by the doctors would get on their feet.

Further, the glory of gymnastics was already ahead of the creator. In 1926, he emigrated from Germany to the United States, where he opened his first Pilates studio in New York. The system quickly gained popularity and thousands of students continue his work to this day. The number of Pilates followers is in the millions, and the exercises do not lose their relevance.

Philosophy and Principles

What kind of world do we live in? Endless running around, stresses, a monotonous “home-work” route, caring for children - there is absolutely no way to stop, look around, look into yourself ... But without inner harmony it is impossible to feel happiness - that is what Joseph Pilates believed. Knowing your own "I", the ability to understand and control your body, gaining peace of mind - this is the main philosophy of Pilates. There is a parallel with yoga, which is not surprising, because it was on the Indian practices that Joseph was based, creating his own system, and some Pilates exercises directly derive from yoga asanas.

To achieve a pronounced healing effect from classes, you need to know the nine fundamental principles of the system.

  1. Smoothness. Sharp jerks are unacceptable in Pilates. All movements are slow and the exercises flow smoothly into one another, so the probability of injury is almost zero. And this is one of the main advantages of the system.
  2. Concentration. It’s important to let go of what is happening around you and focus on what you are doing. You should feel the work of each muscle and think only about it.
  3. Insulation. That is, at the time of the exercise, only those muscles that are involved in it should work - all the others should be relaxed.
  4. Centering. From the first second of training, you pull in your stomach and squeeze the muscles of the press - in this state it will have to be until the end of the session. That is, no matter what exercise you perform - your abs and back muscles always work, not relaxing for a minute. The center of your body seems to be pulled into an invisible muscle corset.
  5. Breath. Breathe the diaphragm without relaxing your abdomen. When you inhale, the chest diverges, the diaphragm rises, when you exhale, it falls. You do not need to breathe exaggeratedly, deeply, slowly or often, but do not breathe superficially. The pace and depth of breathing should be comfortable and provide a sufficient supply of oxygen. Inhale calm through the nose. The exhalation is just as calm, through the mouth, lips are slightly folded into a tube. Shoulders straightened, straight back.
  6. Control. Throughout the training, every second, you should monitor the correctness of the exercise, timely tension and muscle relaxation, breathing and abs.
  7. Gradual. Do not seek to accelerate the result through a rapid increase in load. Regardless of your physical fitness, start with the simplest exercises. You will understand how weak your deep muscles are, because before that they were not involved. It is worth increasing the load only when this imbalance is eliminated.
  8. Coordination. Despite the apparent ease of exercises, it’s quite difficult to do them correctly at first - your body will “wobble”, your back will “tumble” in different directions and bend, and moving your limbs simultaneously will seem like an impossible task. Over time, you will learn to balance, and coordination will improve significantly.
  9. Regularity. Any training is effective only with regular exercise. If the classes are episodic in nature - do not expect a noticeable result.
A distinctive feature of gymnastics is that it is not the number of repetitions of the exercise that is important here, but the strict observance of the technique and the meaningfulness of the movements. If during class you think of a new dress or tomorrow's dinner, it’s not Pilates. Without every second control, the effectiveness of a workout is drastically reduced.

The target audience

It is a mistake to think that Pilates is a purely female training. Most likely, this opinion arose because most men (if health allows) seek to achieve the ideal terrain and build muscle, therefore they prefer to "pull iron" in the gym. Pilates is not a power sport and it is impossible to increase muscle mass with it. But how rehabilitation after injuries and problems with the spine, it will be indispensable for both men and women. Let us consider in more detail to whom and how exercises in the Pilates system will be useful.

  • Elderly people. Age is not a hindrance to classes, but here a mandatory consultation with a doctor is required. Showing exercises to older people to strengthen their backs and just to maintain muscle tone and good spirits.
  • Women. Exercises make your pelvic floor, lower back, and abdominal muscles strong. And this is directly related to the state of the female reproductive system: a rush of blood is provided, the position of organs in the small pelvis is leveled, and the elasticity and strength of the ligaments are improved. Pilates can also be practiced during pregnancy - for this there are special sets of exercises that make it easier for a woman to bear and give birth to a child and at the same time not lose, but even improve her physical condition.
  • Injured people. As a rehabilitation system, Pilates proved to be the best. Exercise helps to maintain muscle tone, strengthens the abs, back, provides the body with oxygen, improves blood circulation even with minimal amplitude of movements and a small number of repetitions. Such a load will not be excessive for a weakened organism, and the benefit will be invaluable.
  • People with a sore spine and joints. Usually it is difficult for such people to choose a sport, because they are contraindicated in the load on the joints and spine. Pilates exercises are performed on the floor, and the smoothness of movement ensures non-invasive classes. At the same time, the back muscles are strengthened, a strong frame is created that supports the spinal column. The flexibility and mobility of the joints improves, the pain syndrome decreases, the stiffness of movements passes. Classes for osteochondrosis, impaired posture, arthritis, arthrosis, vertebral hernias are shown.
  • Children. Group Pilates classes are unfortunately a rare occurrence. But exercises are useful for weak, painful babies, children with low immunity. For schoolchildren - excellent prevention of scoliosis. But a healthy spine is the basis of a healthy life.
Particularly relevant classes for people leading a sedentary lifestyle, working for a long time at the computer - because these are not the best conditions for health. Usually, for various reasons, it is difficult for them to attend a gym or group classes. And Pilates exercises are easy to learn at home.


The system also has disadvantages. Before you start training, read the contraindications:

  • any threatening condition during pregnancy;
  • postoperative period;
  • high obesity;
  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases of any organs;
  • the presence of inflammatory processes;
  • heart diseases;
  • mental disorders.
Varicose veins is a relative contraindication. Pilates can be harmful in cases of severe varicose veins. If you have this problem, consult your doctor about the admissibility of classes.

Home activities

Not every set of exercises from the Internet is suitable for a beginner. How to navigate here? Pilates training is divided into three groups according to their degree of difficulty.

  1. On the floor. Complexes for beginners consist of a small number of simple exercises performed on the floor. Such training does not require any additional equipment - you only need a special mat.
  2. With inventory. There are already training sessions using fitball, isotonic ring, balancing platform, massage rollers (they are also called cylinders or rollers), arches (spine corrector). These devices allow you to increase the load on certain muscle groups (hips, arms, buttocks), increase resistance, hone coordination of movements.
  3. On simulators. There are special simulators for practicing Pilates - these are complex mechanisms with elastic bands, mounts, springs, a movable platform. They come in different sizes and complexity, but all are designed for training of "advanced" users.
In addition to traditional Pilates, there are subspecies such as: power Pilates, Pilates on the ball, yogalates. But the basis of these complexes is still the basic exercises reinforced in one way or another.

Warm up

Do not forget that any training should begin with a warm-up. Before the main load, it is necessary to warm up the muscles and ligaments, slightly increase the pulse rate, increase blood circulation. The following eight standard exercises that warm the body are great as a warm-up.

Warm up exercises

  1. Turns of the head in different directions and circular movements.
  2. Raising the shoulders up, retracting, mixing the shoulder blades.
  3. Circular movements of the arms from the elbow and from the shoulder joint.
  4. Tilts the housing forward, sideways, backward.
  5. Body turns.
  6. Circular motion of the pelvis.
  7. Alternating leg raises standing.
  8. Circular motion with knees in both directions.
Or create your own set of exercises for warming up and warming up the joints. Here you can safely let go of fantasy and knead all parts of the body, including the fingers. It will be good to add some cardio exercises to “disperse the blood”. How and how intense it is to do is up to you.


It is logical to complete any set of exercises with at least an elementary muscle stretch. For beginners, the next set of seven standard exercises is suitable.

Stretching exercises

  1. Stand straight and try to stretch your neck forward and to the sides.
  2. From a standing position, try to get your hands to the floor.
  3. Standing on all fours, bend your back up like a cat, and bend down as far as possible.
  4. Sitting in Turkish, lean sideways and stretch the lateral muscles.
  5. Sitting on the floor, spread your legs as far as you can and try to reach the floor with your chest.
  6. From the previous position, lean towards each leg, trying to reach the knee with your chest.
  7. And finally, take the child’s pose: sit on your heels, pull your hands forward, and armpits to the floor. Breathe deeply, feel the spinal table stretch and your back muscles relax.

Woman doing fitball exercises

Complex for beginners

It is better to make up of several basic exercises. And already when you learn the basics, you can diversify and complicate the training. Try starting with the following eight exercises.

  1. Waving hands ("Hundred"). Lie on your back. Raise your legs: the hips are perpendicular to the floor, the calves are parallel. Pull your stomach to the spine and do not relax until the end of the exercise. Lift your shoulders. Palms reach for heels. Swing your hands (15-20 cm) and lower again to parallel. Perform ten such “swings” - this is one cycle. It would be ideal to complete ten cycles, then you get 100 waving hands, so the exercise was called "Hundred". It is enough for beginners to complete five cycles.
  2. Draw a circle. Lie on your back, bend one leg, it will be a support. Spread your arms perpendicular to the body. The stomach tends to the spine, the lower back has stuck to the mat - do not relax until the end of the exercise. The other leg tends to the ceiling. Start with your toe to draw the largest possible circle. The pelvis and supporting leg are motionless. Now draw circles in the opposite direction. Make three circles in each direction - this is one cycle. For beginners, it is enough to perform three to five cycles on each leg.
  3. Lifting the case by hand. Lie on your back: straight arms are extended to the ceiling, pull the socks towards you. Pull in your stomach, hold your lower back. Start lifting the body, arms stretch forward. Rise slowly, literally on the vertebra, tearing your back off the floor. Legs remain straight. The extreme position is when the fingers touch the socks, and the body is tilted forward as much as possible. And also begin to slowly sink. To begin with, five repetitions of the exercise will be enough.
  4. Upper back. Lie on your back, bend your legs, feet rest against the floor. Hands lie along the body. Pull in your stomach, hold your lower back. On the exhale, lift the upper back (only the shoulders, the body remains lying), palms slide on the rug forward. Hold at the maximum point and on inspiration begin to return back. Five to seven repetitions of the exercise are enough.
  5. Leg raises. Lie with your back on the mat, raise your shoulders. Lock your legs over the floor. Pull in your stomach. Bend one leg and, holding your hands on the shin, begin to pull the knee to the face. Lower your foot. Perform five lifts of each leg.
  6. Lifting the case without the help of hands. The back lies on the rug, the stomach is pulled in, the lower back is pressed. Palms under the back of the head. Start to lift the body: the back is straight, do not tear off your legs from the floor. The extreme point is when the shoulders look clearly at the ceiling. There is no need to "drag" yourself with your hands, to "flop" on the mat, too. At first, this will seem like an impossible task - try bending your knees, it will be easier. Perform the exercise three times.
  7. Spines on the spine. Sit, pull your knees up to your chest and grip your legs tightly with your hands. Roll to the cervical vertebrae and back. Take your time, feel your every vertebra. Ride five times.
  8. "The boat." Lie on your stomach. Lift your shoulders. While inhaling, pull straight arms forward, while exhaling - through the sides, move them behind your back and stretch back, lifting the body even further. Put your hands forward. Caution, do not peck the floor. This is one repetition. You need to do at least five repetitions of the exercise.

Slimming exercises

The effectiveness of Pilates for weight loss at home, of course, will differ from the effectiveness of training in the gym. Unlike group classes, where the trainer controls the technique of exercises and does not allow you to relax, you take full responsibility for homework. This is where the main snag lies: “no one is above the soul”, there is no moment of rivalry with “friends in misfortune,” and he is tempted to feel sorry for himself and fool around.

If you are planning to do gymnastics just to lose weight, not understanding the principles and not accepting the Pilates philosophy, then most likely fail. After all, calorie consumption here is small, even with intensive training - an average of 250 kcal per hour.And if you don’t concentrate on doing the exercises and control the technique, then consider that you simply lay on the rug uselessly - you won’t get the effect of losing weight. A simple Pilates system for weight loss includes seven exercises. Do not forget that you need to start with a warm-up.

  1. Waving hands ("Hundred"). The execution technique is described in the base complex. Strive to do all 100 swings.
  2. Lifting the case by hand. The execution technique is described in the base complex. You need to do ten repetitions.
  3. Raising the legs behind the head. Lie on your back, tighten your stomach, bend your legs: the hips are perpendicular, and the calves are parallel to the floor. Straighten your legs at an obtuse angle to the torso - this is the original posture. As you inhale, start raising your legs. Extreme point - feet are wound behind the head, straight legs are parallel to the body. At the extreme point, spread your legs a little, socks on yourself. As you exhale, lower your starting position, bringing your feet together. You need to do six repetitions of the exercise.
  4. Draw a circle. The execution technique is described in the base complex. Only a non-working leg should be kept extended on the floor. Five to six repetitions of the exercise.
  5. Spines on the spine. The execution technique is described in the base complex. Ride ten times. Remember to retract your stomach.
  6. Leg raises. The execution technique is described in the base complex. Perform ten repetitions.
  7. "Book". The back is on the rug, legs are raised: the hips are perpendicular, and the calves are parallel to the floor. Pull in your stomach, raise your shoulders and grab your knees with your palms. On inspiration you have to open up like a book: straight arms should be put behind the head at an obtuse angle to the body, and at the same time, your legs should be straightened at an obtuse angle to the body. The stomach is always as tense as possible. Fix at the extreme point and return to the initial position: shoulders are raised, palms grasp your knees. It is important not to let yourself fall. Only ten repetitions of the exercise.

Strengthen the legs, back, buttocks

All the exercises described before were aimed at strengthening the muscle corset. Next, exercises for working out the legs, back and for building beautiful buttocks will go. Perform a set of five exercises. Finally, do stretching exercises.

  1. "The boat." The execution technique is described in the base complex. You need to do ten repetitions.
  2. Swing feet. Lie on your right side, lean on your right hand - the elbow lies strictly under the shoulder. Left palm in front of you. Pull straight legs forward. The back does not “fall through”. This is the starting position. As you inhale, pull the toe of your left leg toward you and lead your straight leg to the head as far as possible. Slightly “spring back” and put your foot forward as far as you can. The leg does not “fall”. As you exhale, take your straight leg back as far as possible while stretching the toe “like a ballerina”. This is one repetition. Do five repetitions of the exercise for each side.
  3. Rotation of the legs. Lie on one side, emphasis on a bent arm (elbow under the shoulder). Lift your upper leg slightly and start drawing circles with your elongated toe: eight clockwise and eight in the opposite direction. Repeat the exercise on the other side.
  4. Simultaneous lifting of arms and legs. Lie on your stomach. The limbs are elongated, like strings, and slightly raised on the floor. Raise your shoulders, pull your stomach to the spine. Raise one arm and opposite leg. Lower it. Now raise your other hand and other leg. This is one repetition. Six repetitions is one cycle. Perform five to seven exercise cycles.
  5. Lift the pelvis with swings of the legs. Sit: legs and feet are extended, back is straight, stomach is drawn. Put your hands on your back so that your wrists are under your shoulders and your palms are looking forward. Lift the pelvis - the body should straighten in a clear line. This is the starting position. Now lift one leg as high as possible (do not forget to stretch the socks) and lower it down. The body, like a string, the pelvis does not “fall”. This is one repetition. Perform ten repetitions of the exercise.
You need to eat two hours before training and one hour after it. Moreover, the portion should not be large.Otherwise, you physically will not be able to pull the stomach to the spine to the right extent and will not get the necessary load on the abs muscles. And also an attack of nausea may occur. Perhaps it will be convenient for you to practice right from the morning until breakfast.

If you read the reviews about Pilates, then surely pay attention that the effect of weight loss was achieved when the diet was reviewed in the direction of reducing calories. The simple truth is again confirmed: without a calorie deficit, physical activity does not give a pronounced reduction in body fat. Therefore, in order not to waste time in vain, start losing weight “from the refrigerator”.

Pilates woman


I used to go to fitness, but then I switched to Pilates with a friend for company. At first, training seemed to me somehow boring and slow, when compared with fitness. But after a month I began to like Pilates. I go to classes after work and notice that these workouts calm me down and allow me to warm up well without overworking.

For 3 months of training, I did not have a single sprain, but after each training session I feel that all the muscles were involved. I now have no previous stiffness in the morning and have ceased to disturb osteochondrosis.

Olga Tarasenko, http://vashsport.com/chto-takoe-pilates/

I have been doing Pilates for 2 years, of which the last six months at home. I will not talk about all the benefits of doing Pilates, I’ll only say about the 2 main ones that I personally felt:

  1. My back stopped hurting! Previously, it was just a torment - it was worth a long walk or stand, in the evening the back ached, even lying was uncomfortable. After 3-4 months of regular Pilates, the pain is gone. I know that yoga helps a lot, but for me, Pilates became the back of my life.
  2. The stomach was tightened, this stubborn lower part, which even with strength training and cardio did not want to leave. The sides were gone, the legs were pulled up too, but for the stomach, which after Caesarean didn’t want to leave completely, especially joyfully.

I work out 2 times a week for 45 minutes, but this is enough to feel all the benefits of Pilates. At home, most often I use Tatyana Rogatin.


As our trainer said: “... if you do the exercise and it’s easy for you, you do it wrong ...” I drove the weight on cardio and jumpers, and I pulled the skin on Pilates + neck pain + lower back pain ... everything was gone and the body became obedient )

A guest, http://www.woman.ru/health/health-fitness/thread/3967282/

I started to do Pilates not so much for weight loss, but for improving posture (I was constantly stooped because of work). Now 4 months have passed, I do it every morning for an hour, first Pilates for beginners, then the average level, now I'm trying advanced. I lost 4 kg, but the volumes went off strongly, especially the problem areas of my stomach and back. And of course there’s less bucket))))) So, girls, GO FORWARD ... ..

Margarita http://www.stroineemvmeste.ru/blog/pilates-dlya-poxudeniya/215

Full focus on a certain part of the body, the absence of any martyrdom, the mind is calm as with an assana in yoga. The movements are simple, but requiring smoothness and calm performance. The problem of Pilates for the masses is probably that it is difficult to distract from business, for example, children will not give at home, during the day the mobile phone is tormenting, and the focus on exercises needs a lot.

drinker http://doctorsforum.ru/viewtopic.php?f=178&t=1505

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