Seydoux Leah was born in the family of film businessman Henri Seydoux and is the cousin of the famous actor Michel Seydoux. Her mother Valerie Schlumberger is also an actress, and her grandfather is a representative of the French film company Pathé. Also in the genus Lea Seydoux (Listal) there are many more businessmen and other figures who are somehow connected with the film industry. As for personal life, in 2015, the actress met with Andre Meyer. These relationships have led Lea Seydoux to have a son, George Meyer. He was born on January 18, 2017.
70 celebrity photos
Today, Lea Seydoux, whose photo of revelations can be easily found on the network, is actively engaged in her acting and pleases fans with talent. In addition, you can easily find Lea Seydou photo “Maxim” and interesting Lea Seydou hot photos from various parties and evening parties where only celebrities gather. Having studied the photos presented below, you are guaranteed to become closer to your idol.