As an actress, Deepika (Singh) Padukone made her debut in 2007 in the blockbuster Om Santi Om, where Shah Rukh Khan played with her. In 2008, on the set of the film “Watch Out, Beauties”, the actress began a romantic relationship, but after 2 years Deepika Padukone and Ranbir Kapoor broke up. Even before filming in films, the future actress began to build a modeling career. Deepika Padukone, hot photos from the time of work in this industry is proof of this, showed herself perfectly.
Over the years, she participated in photo shoots for various Indian brands, after which she repeatedly became the face of many famous brands. Check out the best photos of Deepika Padukone, in which she is presented at different times.
70 celebrity photos
In 2018, fans who like to watch Indian films were amazed by the news of the wedding of one of the most beautiful couples in Bollywood - Deepika Padukone and Ranvir Singh, the wedding (photo of which is a direct confirmation) was luxurious. Ranvir Singh (photo you will find in the article) - a famous Indian actor, starring in films in Hindi.
Ranvira Singh has more than once been nominated for Best Actor. Deepika Padukone and her husband met on the set of the film "Ram and Leela" in 2012. Padukone Deepika and Ranvir, whose wedding was a very high-profile event, got married on November 14 in Italy, and then held another ceremony, but in India.