In the summer of 2005, Alicia Silverstone and Jareki Kistofer were married. Their migrant Bear Blue was born in May 2011. In February 2018, the press received information that Silverstone Alicia and Christopher Dzhareki divorced after 12 years of marriage and 20 years of marriage. But now Stacy Silverstone and Christopher have a good relationship and bring up Bear Blue Jareki together.
70 celebrity photos
What Alicia Silverstone is doing now, the photos in the magazines "Maxim", Cosmopolitan and others demonstrate very eloquently: home, son, shooting. Fans watch the life and work of Staci Silverstone in the personal microblog Alicia Silverstone on Instagram, read her notes on Twitter. She looks after herself and looks great - Alicia Silverstone in a swimsuit is as good as she was many years ago. That is why Alicia Silverstone adorns the covers of fashion magazines (photo): Maxim, Bullett, InStyle, Lucky, and others. Allysia Silverstone continues to act in films and TV shows, educates her son, works in her garden, adheres to vegetarianism and actively protects animal rights.