Unusual trends brought summer fashion, autumn, however, will also not be boring. Autumn actual looks are still a fashionable cozy oversize. Girls in such clothes look especially fragile and romantic. And autumn, like winter, loves layering. The creation of an ensemble of three or more layers of clothing penetrated the male and female styles.
Stylish bows this fall are a combination of fabrics and textures. It seems that designers are coming up with more and more combinations: photos where chiffon is combined with fur and brocade with jeans no longer surprise anyone. Such a fashion diversifies gloomy autumn and winter days. Even late autumn doesn’t seem so gloomy when girls are dressed in playful skirts or warm flowered parks.
Female and male styles, especially in youth wardrobe, have long become similar to each other. This trend will continue this fall. However, the romantic autumn style shows a greater gender difference. For women, the silhouettes are fragile, with an emphasized waistline, but at the same time relaxed and loose. For men - more courageous, with an emphasis on the shoulders.
What is fashionable this fall: 100 photo ideas
Autumn fashion is just a pointer to your individual style. Choose from the photos presented those that you like and are suitable for the rest of the wardrobe. And remember that the perfect autumn bow is a combination of clothes in which it is convenient and comfortable for you. After all, the current fashion is very democratic: it does not dictate, but follows the needs of people. Therefore, your autumn images should reflect trends, but be the ones that suit you.