100 photos of the most beautiful manicure options for tanned hands

Manicure is an integral part in the image of a well-groomed woman. In the cold season, you always want to decorate your nails with some thematic pattern, and in the summer the question of choosing the color of the nails is especially important, because the season of the sun and the seas begins. In order for female pens to look good, it is not at all necessary to paint nails in bright colors, but rather cut off an unnecessary cuticle and correctly select a shade of varnish. In this article, you can see a fashionable manicure for tanned hands, a photo of which is presented below and choose the design you like for yourself.
Manicure for tanned hands: a photo of 100 beautiful ideas for inspiration

A manicure on tanned hands looks very original and unusual, but it is worth considering the fact that the shade must be correctly selected. Choosing a pearl color for tanned hands is a very bold decision, as the wrong shade can merge with the skin. Very gently, this design will look in light pink shades or light blue. Iridescent nails will look beautiful in the sun, attracting the attention of others.

It is possible to emphasize dark-skinned hands and skin as a whole if you choose skin-colored varnishes without using too dark shades (your attention is invited to a dark-colored manicure, photos of which are presented below). The color of the varnish for dark skin of the hands can be completely diverse. Mustard color manicure will look quite restrained and stylish. And having completed the “sun” manicure with the addition of orange, you will make your image bright and bold.

Pale matte shades on the nails, which emphasize the swarthiness of the hands, look very attractive (matte manicure for swarthy skin of the hands can be seen below). If you like the classic jacket and constantly make extensions, then it is better to choose a gel that is not transparent, but solid. A manicure made in this color will always look natural and at the same time emphasize the beauty of tanned hands.

100 photos of interesting ideas

For any woman, beautiful manicure in her hands is quite important, because it is an important component in every look. Photos were presented for you in which you saw how you can make a manicure for tanned hands so that it looks stylish. Thanks to the wide variety of examples in the photo, every girl who has beautiful dark skin can choose for herself an interesting and unusual design.

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