Homemade face masks with hydrogen peroxide from acne and age spots

To whiten skin, treat acne, eliminate pigmentation and comedones, many women use hydrogen peroxide for the face. A well-known medical product is used in cosmetology to deeply cleanse the face and eliminate age spots. At home, you can independently prepare masks for weekly use with calendula, aloe juice, cottage cheese and other useful ingredients.
Peroxide Jar and Towel

Features of using masks with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is an affordable and inexpensive tool that provides an anti-inflammatory antiseptic effect and eliminates many cosmetic flaws. With it, you can get rid of blackheads, blackheads, clean pores, remove pigmentations and freckles. Some women use pure peroxide to lighten and remove facial hair.

The safest and most effective way to get rid of cosmetic defects is the preparation of homemade face masks with hydrogen peroxide, using additional emollients.

Safety regulations

For cosmetic purposes, only a peroxide solution with a 3% concentration of active substances is used. Doctors warn that peroxide is dangerous, with frequent use it destroys healthy cells, greatly burning soft skin.

Pouring hydrogen peroxide

  • Spot application. It is strictly forbidden to completely wipe the face with even a three percent solution. Handle problem areas very carefully.
  • Emollient components. The composition of masks with peroxide must contain ingredients that have emollient qualities, for example, egg, sour cream, vegetable oils. A hydrogen peroxide face mask is not suitable for hypersensitive skin, do not experiment, otherwise you will have to sit at home until the skin recovers.
  • Allergy test. Be sure to pre-conduct an allergy test, putting a little funds on the wrist. If adverse reactions are not observed, then you can use the mask without fear.
  • Exposure time. Any composition with peroxide can be kept for no more than 15 minutes. If there is a strong burning sensation, immediately rinse off the mask. After the procedure, be sure to lubricate the skin with cream.
  • Application Technique. You can not apply the composition to the area around the lips and eyes, peroxide can burn delicate skin.
  • A course of treatment. Make masks twice a week for one month. Then let the skin rest for at least four weeks.
Strictly follow all the recommendations for the application and the duration of use of the mask with peroxide, categorically do not violate the specified recipe. Prolonged uncontrolled use of funds with this chemical preparation can lead to rapid aging of the skin, as it destroys not only bacteria, but also healthy cells.

Problem skin

Face Mask Recipes

The mask can be easily prepared at home. Peroxide perfectly cleanses pores and improves the condition of the epidermis, removes pustular formations. There are a lot of recipes using peroxide, but you need to select the composition based on the problem that you need to eliminate. Choose ingredients that do not cause you allergic reactions.

It is advisable to do anti-aging masks with peroxide if you have oily problem skin. Peroxide helps improve the general condition of the epidermis and whitens the skin, evens complexion and cleanses pores. This drug will not be able to completely save you from age-related changes. Therefore, hydrogen peroxide for the face from wrinkles is used very rarely, but if the composition is selected correctly, then with regular application of the mask, small folds can be smoothed out.

Girl with a cotton pad

For body wash

Hydrogen peroxide for the face from acne is used very often, with its help you can not only eliminate acne, but also prevent the appearance of new rashes. The composition destroys the bacteria on the surface of the epidermis and prevents the subcutaneous reproduction of microorganisms.

The reviews of cosmetologists confirm that this cleansing mask is very popular, in terms of effectiveness, it is practically not inferior to expensive salon cleanings. Body peeling instantly cleanses the dermis, eliminates black spots, removes age spots and fine wrinkles, makes the skin dull, evens out and improves complexion.

  1. Steam well or clean your face with lotion.
  2. In equal proportions, stir the peroxide and body powder to foam.
  3. Apply the composition in a thin layer, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  4. Rinse with running water, apply face cream.

After applying the composition, tingling and burning will be felt, do not be scared, this is normal. After the procedure, the face will be inflamed and reddened for several hours, so the mask is best done before bedtime. The course of treatment is 5-7 procedures, once a week will be enough.

Black dots on face

For problem skin

The composition removes black spots and blackheads, whitens the skin, helps with pigmentation. Tea tree oil, which is part of the mask, is a natural biostimulant that activates cell regeneration. Clay is selected according to your skin type.

  1. In equal proportions, combine peroxide and clay, mix until bubbles form.
  2. Add five drops of tea tree oil.
  3. Apply the composition along the massage lines.
  4. Wet a handkerchief or napkin and lay it on your face.
  5. Rinse the mixture with running water.

Yeast from black dots and blackheads

The composition with yeast is ideal for any problem skin, as cleansing is more gentle due to grape seed oil. This face mask with hydrogen peroxide and yeast for dry skin is considered the safest and most effective. It not only cleanses, but also gives the face a delightful radiance, the skin becomes smooth and toned.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of yeast with a teaspoon of peroxide.
  2. Add half a teaspoon of grape seed oil.
  3. Apply a thin layer to the skin.
  4. Leave on for 15 minutes, rinse with running water.

Mask with malendula

From inflammation with baby powder

The mask is easy to prepare, but gives an excellent result. It is well suited for problem skin, evens out complexion, removes black spots and treats acne.

  1. Mix the peroxide and baby powder until a mushy state.
  2. Apply the composition in a thin layer, leave for 15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with running water, apply face cream.

Calendula and Rice Flour

An excellent remedy for problem skin, on which there are acne, blackheads, comedones or pustular rashes. The therapeutic composition cleanses the face, removes traces after acne and cleanses the pores.

  1. Mix a spoonful of rice flour with a teaspoon of peroxide.
  2. Add 10 drops calendula tinctures.
  3. Apply evenly on face.
  4. Wait 15 minutes, rinse with running water.

Bela face mask

Aloe and honey - matting effect

Aloe disinfects the skin, has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory and regenerative properties. Honey is needed to soften the composition, in addition, it makes the skin velvety. The mask is recommended to be applied only to problem areas.

  1. Mix a teaspoon of honey and aloe juice.
  2. Add two drops of peroxide and iodine.
  3. Apply the mixture to acne.
  4. Hold for 20 minutes, rinse with running water.

Shaving Cream and Acne Peroxide

An excellent universal mask that eliminates unaesthetic skin formations. The composition treats acne, eliminates inflammatory formations, whitens the skin and tightens pores.

  1. Pour 4 ml of peroxide into 50 ml of shaving cream.
  2. Add 5 ml of camphor and ammonia.
  3. Mix components, apply on skin.
  4. After 15 minutes, rinse with running water.

Pink face mask

Anti-inflammatory with soda for oily skin

An effective anti-inflammatory mask helps against blackheads, acne and acne. The product perfectly cleanses, whitens the skin, eliminates unpleasant shine and relieves inflammation of the sebaceous glands.

  1. Mix the peroxide and soda to a mushy state.
  2. Apply the composition in a thin layer, leave for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Rinse with running water, apply face cream.
Hydrogen peroxide helps if pimples appeared not because of internal pathological processes in the body, but because of the influence of external negative factors (polluted atmosphere, ultraviolet radiation). Therefore, before using home remedies, consult your doctor.

From age spots cottage cheese and egg

Hydrogen peroxide to get rid of age spots is applied both pointwise and on the entire face. Pigmentation of the skin is mainly associated with age-related changes, but tanning spots may appear at a young age. A whitening mask with an egg perfectly evens out the tone of the face and eliminates freckles.

  1. Beat a spoonful of cottage cheese with one yolk.
  2. Add five drops of peroxide.
  3. Mix components, apply evenly on face.
  4. Leave on for 15 minutes, wash with running water.

Face cleaning

Local cleaning with lemon juice

This tool is used pointwise and greatly dries the skin. Therefore, after the procedure, be sure to apply a moisturizer, you can even make a natural moisturizing mask.

  1. Mix a tablespoon of lemon juice with two tablespoons of peroxide.
  2. Fold the medical bandage in five layers.
  3. Soak it with the mixture and apply on a pigmented spot.
  4. Hold for five minutes, alternately in each problem area.

Face cleansing

Cottage cheese and ammonia

The composition of the cottage cheese from pigmentation is preferably used for oily skin. If you feel severe discomfort, immediately rinse off the mask.

  1. Add 10 drops of peroxide and ammonia to a spoon of cottage cheese.
  2. Beat the mixture with a fork, apply evenly on the face.
  3. Wait 15 minutes, wash with running water.
  4. Immediately after removing the mask, apply a nourishing cream.

Efficient and effective peroxide masks are valued by women for instant results. Sometimes one procedure is enough to improve the condition of the inflamed problem skin, but you need to use it without too much fanaticism.

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