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An inflammatory reaction is one of the classic pathological processes, which is accompanied by five manifestations: edema, redness, fever, pain and impaired function. To eliminate them, you need to act on the main components of the inflammatory reaction - the substances that drive the "parade".
Regulation of inflammation
The inflammatory process appears at the site of any tissue damage. This can be a direct trauma, a place of reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, impaired blood flow due to vasospasm, as well as tissue damage as a result of an autoimmune process. There can be any reason, but there is only one developmental mechanism; it goes through three stages.
- Alteration. Direct damage to tissues and cells. Damaging factors can include chemicals, bacterial toxins, cell damage by viruses, and physical effects. At the same time, a whole cascade of physicochemical reactions is activated, the initial link of which is an increase in the potassium and hydrogen ions in the alteration zone, and the exit from the histamine and serotonin cells - the first inflammatory mediators. This process ends with the activation of arachidonic acid and enhanced synthesis of cyclooxygenase type 1 and 2 enzymes (COX-1 and COX-2).
- Exudation. Literally - sweating. In the area of damage, vascular permeability increases, edema develops. The liquid part of the blood leaves the tissue, cells migrate, which tend to eliminate the consequences of damage. It is their activity that leads to redness and an increase in temperature in the damage zone. And if this process covers the whole body, then a fever appears. The main role in the treatment of the inflammatory reaction belongs to different types of white blood cells.
- Proliferation. This is the final stage aimed at restoring the integrity of tissues and cells. In place of the dead elements, new ones grow, microvessels form. If the injury was extensive, part of the zone is closed by connective tissue, a scar appears. The severity of the stage depends on the cause of inflammation and the reactivity of the body.
Most of the drugs for pain and inflammation are directed to the second phase - exudation. They should help the body deal with the effects of damage. But not one pill knows where a person hurts. They find the source of pain by increasing blood flow in this place, sweating blood. At the point of application, their effect develops depending on the characteristics of the drug. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory (NSAIDs) block the synthesis of COX-1 and COX-2, antispasmodics eliminate vascular tone.
Why is it better to combine
In pharmacies, a large number of individual drugs for pain and inflammation, for spasm are presented. But often the reviews of doctors say that in some conditions it is better to use a combination of agents with different effects. This allows you to act on several mechanisms of pain at the same time. Therefore, Pentalgin tablets are one of the most sought after. Pentalgin - a drug or not?
The composition of the drug depends on the specific drug. There are four types in the line.
- Pentalgin. A classic drug that is dispensed without a doctor’s prescription. The composition includes paracetamol, naproxen, drotaverine, caffeine, pheniramine maleate.
- Pentalgin Plus. It also consists of paracetamol and caffeine, but the remaining substances are replaced by propiphenazone, codeine phosphate, phenobarbital.
- "Pentalgin N". The basis is metamizole sodium, better known as "Analgin”, Naproxen, caffeine, codeine and phenobarbital supplement it.
- "Pentalgin-ICN". This is a combination of paracetamol, "Analgin", caffeine, codeine and phenobarbital.
Due to the presence of codeine and phenobarbital in the last three drugs, these drugs are available on prescription.
Wikipedia says that the effect of a drug depends on its components. Features of each type of drug are as follows.
- Paracetamol. Non-selective inhibitor of COX-1 and COX-2, has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, antipyretic effect.
- Naproxen. Also a non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug with a non-selective effect, therefore it is able to affect the stomach.
- Metamizole sodium. An analgesic with a pronounced analgesic effect, reduces fever. Its use is associated with a high risk of blood pathology - agranulocytosis. In developed countries, withdrawn from circulation.
- Drotaverinum. An antispasmodic with minimal side effects. Known to everyone as "No-shpa».
- Caffeine. Stimulating substance, improves vascular tone, has a small diuretic effect.
- Codeine. Alkaloid opiates. It has a narcotic effect and a small analgesic, eliminates cough.
- Phenobarbital. It depresses the nervous system, has a calming effect, therefore it is part of Valocardin and Corvalol.
- Feniramine maleate. It has an antihistamine effect, reduces the appearance of exudation.
Instructions for use "Pentalgin"
Indications Pentalin is a pain syndrome of various etiologies. The main conditions are as follows:
- muscle pain with myositis;
- joint pain;
- back pain with osteochondrosis, radiculitis;
- toothache;
- painful periods;
- migraine;
- pain with renal colic;
- cholecystitis;
- postcholecystectomy syndrome;
- pain after injuries, including burns;
- to reduce the temperature with angina;
- in the acute period of otitis media;
- in the complex treatment of cystitis.
Many components of Pentalgin have side effects, so the drug has wide contraindications.
- Allergic reaction. May be on any component of the medicine. If urticaria, rash after use have been observed in the past, then you can not take risks.
- Gastrointestinal bleeding. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, to varying degrees, are able to thin the blood. Most of all this property is expressed in Aspirin. But the others also reduce the coagulation time, so if there is bleeding, they will only strengthen it. Hemorrhoids can also be accompanied by bleeding, so you need to look for another pain medication.
- Heart and vascular disease. High blood pressure or diagnosed hypertension, severe heart pathologies, rhythm disturbances can only intensify under the influence of the drug.
- Pregnancy. Take "Pentalgin" during pregnancy and lactation is prohibited. If there is such a need for a nursing woman, then the milk needs to be expressed and the baby fed with the mixture.
- Other conditions. Severe hepatic or renal failure leads to a violation of the metabolism of the drug, so its toxic effect will be more pronounced.
Dosage and choice of drug
To choose the right drug, you need to see a doctor. In the line of drugs there are significant differences in composition, which means that the point of application will also differ. If a headache bothers, then even at this stage there are difficulties. The cause of the condition may be different: vasospasm, irritation of the meninges. Therefore, the treatment of headache "Pentalgin" should be under the supervision of a physician.
The dosage of Pentalgin N, regardless of the cause of the pain, is one tablet, one to three times a day. A maximum of four tablets per day is allowed. The course of treatment cannot last more than five days. Continued use threatens the appearance of pain in the stomach and the development of an ulcer.
Unwanted effects
With long-term use, a large dose or individual characteristics, the side effects of Pentalgin may appear:
- headache;
- palpitations
- tachycardia;
- dyspepsia;
- leukopenia (a decrease in the number of white blood cells);
- agranulocytosis;
- allergy.
With prolonged use, drug dependence on codeine develops, and the analgesic effect is weakened.
With long-term treatment with Pentalgin, it is necessary to monitor the results of a general blood test. Athletes may have difficulty passing the doping control. The drug is undesirable to combine with hormonal contraceptives, "Indomethacin", Antidepressants, other sedatives. An overdose is accompanied by an increase in side effects.
Reviews about Pentalgin are mostly positive. The price of the drug is not too high - about 167 rubles for a package of 24 pieces (data for February 2018). But there are cheaper analogues, for example, Pyatiryatka, Tetralgin, Piralgin. The medicine has pronounced side effects, therefore, can not be taken as a prophylaxis of a rise in temperature or an attack of pain.
Headaches very often torment. Before learning about Pentalgin, he used drugs such as Analgin andCitramon", Which relieved headaches very weakly. I went to the doctor, who, on prescription, advised me to buy Pentalgin. An excellent preparation, it relieves headache, fever. I do not advise taking it often, as it is addictive. It is, of course, not cheap, but it helps well
Alexander G.,
In no case do I impose on you to constantly drink pills for any pain, no! But there are situations that it is simply impossible to tolerate, and nothing suitable is observed in the medicine cabinet. That's when Pentalgin-N tablets come to the rescue. Once, this remedy saved my young man from a terrible toothache, he could not sleep for a long time. In case of a headache, he often drinks half a pill (a strong remedy, so half helps), and he takes it all by hand.He personally helped me with menstrual pains when my beloved spasmalgon was not in the medicine cabinet (they have slightly different actions). I believe that everyone should have such a tool in stock “just in case”, they will surely help out! Do not be ill!
I always carry Pentalgin tablets with me. For me, they are suitable for all types of pain, act quickly enough, and are inexpensive. 1/2 tablet is enough for me to stop the headache, in rare cases I drink a kiss. There were never any side effects from it. Thanks to the manufacturer for such a good preparation.
Ivanova I.,