Homemade paraffin mask: troublesome but effective

In cosmetology, paraffin therapy has been used recently, since the beginning of the 20th century. But the procedure quickly gained popularity due to its universal effect on the skin. It helps to solve the problems of the young dermis. Paraffin masks support mature skin and come to the aid of aging skin. Why is paraffin face mask so popular? And how to use the tool?
Paraffin white mask on the girl's face

The popularity of paraffin therapy is not just a fad. Wax mask contribute to the rejuvenation of the dermis, smooth small wrinkles. Such procedures cleanse the face of excess greasiness, eliminate rashes and small acne. There is cold and warm paraffin.

Properly performed paraffin therapy qualitatively softens the skin, moisturizes it and saturates the tissues with useful components. But you can apply such procedures not only in beauty salons. They are real (though troublesome) to carry out independently at home, if you get acquainted with all the intricacies of paraffin therapy.

Paraffin therapy: what is the secret

Paraffin is a chemical that is made from petroleum. It can be easily purchased at the pharmacy. But most often on the counter there is a yellow and white product. Which one to choose? For cosmetic purposes, only white paraffin is suitable. It is better cleaned and therefore practically does not cause allergic reactions.

Some manufacturers produce cosmetic paraffin, enriched with additional components: herbs, chocolate or honey. It is important to understand that the more additives are included in the product, the higher the likelihood of allergies.

4 basic properties

For the procedure, it is important not so much the composition of paraffin as its properties. Stiffening the product on the face provides a layer through which air does not penetrate. Thanks to this ability of paraffin, all useful components are stored exactly under the mask. The skin is in a warm and moist environment. This provides both high-quality opening of pores, and improved absorption of vitamins, minerals.

Beauticians provide the following four useful properties that provide a paraffin mask for the face.

  1. Skin cleansing. Warm paraffin, in contact with the dermis, ensures its slight steaming. This helps open pores. All black spots and dirt are pushed out. Then the paraffin begins to cool and hardens. At the same time, it is compressed in size. The enlarged pores under the mask begin to narrow and return to normal, but are already completely cleansed.
  2. Activation of circulation. Improved blood circulation allows cells to receive quality nutrition. The skin is enriched with oxygen and beneficial substances. Against this background, the complexion is leveled, its structure improves. Active blood circulation helps cleanse the skin from rashes and promotes resorption post-acne.
  3. Face rejuvenation. Paraffin mask relaxes muscle tissue and at the same time increases their tone. Impervious paraffin provides effective lifting and gently compresses collagen fibers. The elasticity of the epidermis is restored, small wrinkles are smoothed, the contour of the face is significantly tightened.
  4. Moisturizing the skin. If for a fatty dermis, paraffin provides effective cleansing and elimination of acne, for dry it becomes a source of moisture. The mask gives the skin the necessary moisture balance. The feeling of tightness disappears, peeling passes. Expression wrinkles saturated with moisture “dissolve”.
Positive results can be seen after the first paraffin procedure. If the event is carried out correctly and all recommendations are taken into account, then the face will acquire a fresh shade, the pores will be cleaned and narrowed. The skin will be smooth and soft.

To whom the procedure is recommended ...

Due to its physical and mechanical properties, paraffin is used to solve many skin problems. But the main function is lifting and rejuvenation. Experts give the following indications for the use of paraffin masks:

  • fading, wrinkled dermis;
  • oily skin with acne, acne, inflammation elements;
  • dry, flaky integument with the presence of small cracks;
  • tired skin suffering from a deficiency of nutrients;
  • sagging integument, presence of bryl, double chin.

Young girl

... and to whom it can hurt

Despite the many positive effects, paraffin can harm the skin. Therefore, before using it, be sure to consult a dermatologist or cosmetologist.

Experts indicate such contraindications for the use of paraffin masks:

  • cardiovascular diseases;
  • pregnancy;
  • vasodilation, rosacea;
  • hypertension (high blood pressure);
  • severe blood diseases associated with impaired coagulability;
  • the presence on the skin of many moles, warts;
  • hypertrichosis (excessive hair growth);
  • oncology;
  • ulcers, wounds, severe scratches on the dermis.
Paraffin masks are often recommended for resorption of tumors or seals. Do not rush to treat such formations yourself, even if you are fully confident in their good quality. Any seals require a mandatory consultation with a doctor. And only after approval by a specialist, use absorbable paraffin masks.

Rules for

If the procedure is carried out in the cabin, then it takes about one hour. It consists of cleansing the dermis, a light massage of the skin. Then, a paraffin mask is applied to the face for about 20 minutes. After removing it, the covers are moisturized with cream. When conducting paraffin therapy on your own at home, you must adhere to the same rules.

4 preparatory stages

Initially, it is necessary to prepare the tools and components of the mask. In addition to cosmetic paraffin, it is important to stock up with a brush or spatula, with which it is convenient to apply the mixture to the face. You will need a napkin or gauze and bandages. The preparatory phase includes these four recommendations.

  1. Secure hair. Before the procedure, you need to remove all hair, hiding them under a hat or scarf. It is quite difficult to clean a paraffin from a randomly caught strand, so it is better to protect your curls from this.
  2. Skin cleansing. It is necessary to wash. For high-quality cleansing, you can use a scrub or gel. Be sure to wait for the covers to dry. Not a single drop of water should remain on the face, otherwise a paraffin product will provoke a burn.
  3. Face preparation. Under paraffin on dry covers it is allowed to apply oil. For good hydration, grape seed, olive, apricot oil are suitable.
  4. Cooking napkins. It is necessary to prepare in advance a special gauze napkin with slits for the mouth and eyes. It can be purchased or made independently.
Cosmetics containing alcohol should not be used to cleanse oily skin. Similar remedies, like water, can provoke the appearance of burns.

Girl in a beauty salon

2 cooking tips

Paraffin has the ability to harden quickly. Therefore, cosmetologists focus on the need to initially prepare the skin, and then proceed to the preparation of the mask. To understand how to make a paraffin face mask at home, you should familiarize yourself with two recommendations.

  1. Melting paraffin. For one procedure, 50 g of paraffin will be required.The raw materials are dipped in an enameled pan and set to melt in a water bath. It is recommended to constantly stir the mixture and carefully monitor so that not a single drop of water gets into the paraffin.
  2. Temperature mode. Paraffin is heated to a temperature of 50-55 ° C. When the mixture is completely melted, it is removed from the fire and the necessary components are added. The mixture is slightly cooled to a temperature comfortable for the body.
Cosmetic paraffin, which is used for application to the face, experts do not recommend applying twice. To make a new mask, you need another portion of the waxy product.

Getting started: 7 steps

To determine the temperature of paraffin, you can dip your finger in a warm mixture and apply a little funds to the elbow or wrist. The mask should be very warm, but not hot. As soon as the product reaches a comfortable temperature, it can be immediately applied to the face. Beauticians give the following step-by-step technique of the event.

  1. Eye protection. To protect the delicate area near the eyes from hot paraffin, it is necessary to put a cotton pad on closed eyelids. Of course, this is possible if the assistant will apply the mask itself. If you have to cope on your own, then you can do without cotton pads, but during the application of the mixture, you must extremely carefully handle these areas.
  2. Application of the first coat. A brush or shoulder blade is dipped in melted paraffin. Application of funds begins with the forehead. Paraffin, like any mask, it is advisable to apply to the face along massage guides, so as not to provoke stretching of the dermis.
  3. Napkin overlay. On a face covered with a thin layer of paraffin, apply a pre-prepared napkin with slots.
  4. Drawing the next layer. Four more layers of paraffin are applied on top. Be sure to leave the lower edges of the napkin free, thanks to which the mask can be easily removed.
  5. Session Duration Paraffin, cooling, will begin to tighten the covers, so it is recommended not to talk or laugh during the event. It is best to lie down and rest. The duration of one procedure is up to 20 minutes.
  6. Mask removal. After the procedure, it is necessary to grasp the tips of the napkin and carefully pull the mask. Start near the chin and pull up.
  7. Soothing the dermis. Having removed the mask, the face is washed with a herbal decoction or plain water. After washing, a cream is applied to the skin.
Paraffin treatments are performed twice a week. Usually one course includes ten to fifteen masks.

Nourishing face mask

Paraffin face mask: 8 recipes

Beauticians strongly recommend that women practicing home care strictly abide by the rules for applying a paraffin mask and strictly follow the prescription. Even the smallest deviations in the recipe can turn into burns and dermatitis. The following masks can cope with many skin defects.



  • Cosmetic paraffin - 50 g.
  • Vitamin A - one ampoule.
  • Vitamin E - one ampoule.

How to cook

  1. Paraffin is dissolved.
  2. Vitamins are added to the hot mixture.
  3. The mask is mixed.

For acne


  • Paraffin - 50 g.
  • Zinc ointment - 25 g.
  • Ether of tea tree - five drops.

How to cook

  1. The ointment is carefully added to the melted paraffin.
  2. Ether is poured into the product and mixed.
This tool cleans acne covers well, stretches black spots. The mask helps to normalize the production of sebum, so this recipe is recommended for caring for problematic dermis.

Paraffin lifting


  • Paraffin - 25 grams.
  • Almond oil - three drops.
  • Bandage (not wide) - one.

How to cook

  1. Almond oil is added to the melted paraffin.
  2. One layer of such a mask is applied to the cheeks and the area of ​​the second chin. Then part of the bandage is wetted in a paraffin wax. The resulting paraffin dressing is placed on the lower part of the chin and, in the presence of brylya, capture the cheek area.
  3. Apply another layer of paraffin.
  4. The bandage is fixed with a dry bandage, tied to the crown.
Sometimes, such paraffin dressings, in order to intensively lift the face and eliminate the second chin, cosmetologists recommend conducting for two weeks every two days. But only experts can give such recommendations, assessing the state of the dermis.

Young girl on cosmetic procedures



  • Paraffin - 50 g.
  • Grapefruit oil - two drops.
  • Lemon oil - two drops.
  • Orange oil - two drops.

How to cook

  1. Carefully introduce all the essential oils into the melted paraffin.
  2. Mix the mixture and apply on face.
  3. After the mask, it is recommended to moisten the dermis with serum.
The mask significantly reduces the oiliness of the skin, cleanses comedones, blackheads. It eliminates oily sheen and prevents the appearance of new acne. This mask recipe is recommended for oily or problem skin.



  • Paraffin - 25 g.
  • Beeswax - 25 g.
  • Vitamin E - one tablespoon.

How to cook

  1. In this recipe, both wax and paraffin are melted in one pan in a water bath.
  2. Vitamin A is added to the molten mixture and mixed.



  • Paraffin - 50 g.
  • Olive oil - one teaspoon.
  • Cocoa butter - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. Melt paraffin.
  2. Add cocoa butter to the hot mixture and stir until the product is completely dissolved.
  3. Pour in olive oil.
To moisturize the dry dermis, facial paraffin is recommended to be diluted not only with cocoa or an olive product. Cope well with such a procedure rosehip oil, peach, avocado.

Face massage



  • Paraffin - 50 g.
  • Honey - one teaspoon.
  • Rice oil - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. White matter warms up.
  2. Moisturizing oil and honey are added to paraffin.
  3. The mixture is kneaded.
This mask, according to women, promotes facial rejuvenation. It tones the epidermis, stimulates the processes of tissue regeneration and renewal.

From comedones


  • Paraffin - 50 g.
  • Aloe juice - one teaspoon.

How to cook

  1. For a mask, it is better to use juice squeezed from a home plant. The cut-off sheet is initially wrapped in parchment paper and stored in the refrigerator for one week. And only seven years of aging are crushed. Juice is squeezed out of the pulp.
  2. Juice is poured into hot paraffin.
  3. The mask is mixed. The mixture is used only for those areas in which black dots are identified.
The average price of paraffin in a pharmacy is 110 rubles per 250 g. For comparison, a paraffin mask in a salon costs 600 rubles per procedure and higher. In some beauty centers, this service costs more than 2000 rubles. It all depends on the level of the institution and the quality of materials. (Prices are current as of May 2017).

A paraffin facial mask at home provides maximum pore opening. It is thanks to this property that there is a qualitative cleansing of comedones, blackheads. But cosmetologists warn that after the procedure, the pores remain open for a long time. Therefore, it is not recommended to go outside for half an hour after the mask. And in winter it is better to wait an hour. Sharp temperature fluctuations can provoke spasm of blood vessels. And this is a direct path to the appearance of rosacea. On the video you can see all the details of the procedure.

"Improvements after the third mask": reviews of paraffin therapy

I always like to try new cosmetic procedures for me, and paraffin therapy of the face was no exception. This method perfectly softens the upper layers of the epidermis, helps open the pores, so that the applied products penetrate better into the deeper layers of the skin. Paraffin is heated in a special bath and applied with a brush to the face, the temperature is comfortable, it is impossible to burn yourself. First, the skin is treated with an antiseptic, then nutrients are applied. Paraffin is applied in several layers, they did seven to me. Remove the mask after half an hour. After the procedure, the skin is incredibly soft, silky, toned. Puffiness disappears, the relief is leveled, minor defects become invisible, the face simply shines. The effect remained with me for about a week, but the beautician said that the full course consists of ten sessions. The only minus of paraffin therapy is contraindications.It can not be carried out with hypertension, the presence of spider veins, skin lesions. But in general I recommend.

(Raspberry) Catherine,http://www.imho24.ru/recommendation/56670/

After paraffin wax, the pigment spots somehow disappeared a bit.


I want to share one very good mask. Paraffin mask. Girls, I, with my face (acne, acne, redness, enlarged pores, scars, etc.) noticed significant improvements after the 3rd mask. Prior to this, little helped. You can buy paraffin in a pharmacy, melt it in a water bath, wait until it cools down, and apply a thick layer (about 1 cm) on your face with a brush (I really have to say goodbye to the brush after several times, I took an old brush specially for this mask), hold the mask 15-25 minutes. Then carefully remove and remove residues, wash, and apply a moisturizer. I did the mask 2 days later, after the first I noticed that the skin became healthier looking. After 3 masks a significant improvement. Masks should be done 10 times, 3 masks per week, that is, after 2-3 days. Try not to regret it!

A guest,http://www.woman.ru/beauty/face/thread/4150862/

I tried to do it. She made paraffin masks a couple of times and abandoned it. But the face was soft even after the first time.


Paraffin masks are, of course, an old technique. In her place came alginate. They also use gypsum. But gypsum is unpleasant ... Although the effect is very good. I really saw a transverse wrinkle on the forehead smoothed out at the client. The effects of paraffin masks are similar to gypsum. You can enhance the lifting effect with bandages.

Beautician kameja,http://pf-k.ru/paraffin therapy-t1005.html/

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