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Among the direct indications of the drug are severe pancreatic lesions, as well as genetic disorders in the body (cystic fibrosis). In addition, a prerequisite for treatment is the use of the amount of enzymes that is necessary to compensate for pancreatic insufficiency. It is difficult to calculate the dose yourself correctly. Therefore, even a periodic appeal for help to this medicine is better to coordinate with the doctor.
Pancreatin, as the active substance of the drug of the same name, is a powdery substance with a yellowish-gray tint. This is a pancreatic extract. It is obtained from the organs of pigs and cattle. Modern methods of extracting active substances make it possible to achieve the purity of a pharmacological agent, however, it is not yet able to eliminate a specific smell.
The powder consists of the following enzymes.
- Proteolytic. A protease that breaks down the protein parts of food consumed into amino acids.
- Amylolytic. Amylase breaks down complex carbohydrates like starch to simple monosaccharides and dextrose that are easy to digest.
- Lipolytic. Lipase or steapsin, fat-soluble enzymes that convert lipid molecules to fatty acids and glycerol residues.
Reasons for Appointment
"Pancreatin" is intended for the breakdown of incoming nutrients, namely their main groups - proteins, fats, carbohydrates. Broken into small particles, they are easily and fully absorbed by the body.
Normally, the listed enzymes are produced by the pancreas. A food lump, or chyme, mixes with pancreatic juice, after which it is actively broken down in the intestines. At the same time, the absorption of beneficial substances occurs. The lack of enzymes ends almost always the same way - with malabsorption of energy sources and nutrients, followed by depletion of the body and the occurrence of functional disorders in its work.
The drug "Pancreatin" is intended to replace pancreatic juice partially or completely in case of pancreatic dysfunction. Indications for its use are conditions characterized by a clear enzymatic deficiency. Taking tablets is appropriate for:
- chronic form of pancreatitis;
- cystic fibrosis;
- post-resection conditions;
- food digestion disorders;
- dysfunction of the stomach and organs of the biliary tract;
- bowel disease;
- dyspeptic disorders;
- the use of indigestible food;
- diet disorders;
- the inability to fully chew food;
- forced sedentary lifestyle;
- eating unusual food.
Also, the drug can be prescribed by a doctor for functional disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, accompanied by accelerated passage of food through the digestive tract, diarrhea of non-infectious genesis.A specific reason for the appointment of "Pancreatin" is to prepare the patient for an ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs. In this case, the drug prevents bloating, reducing gas formation due to improved digestion of food.
Drug features
In the natural environment, the pancreas produces inactive enzymes that show their main effect only after the small intestine enters the alkaline environment. Pancreatin-based drugs should act on a similar principle. The main reason for this is the complete deactivation of enzymes in the acidic environment of the stomach.
Acid resistant shell
The goal - to deliver active enzymes to the small intestine, is very simple - by enclosing the active substance in the enteric membrane. Such manipulation somewhat reduces the severity of the specific “interior” smell of the drug, although it does not completely solve this problem. The shell of Pancreatin tablets dissolves only in an alkaline environment, leaving the enzyme composition inaccessible to the effects of gastric juice.
Optimal effects on food
An equally important point is the uniform distribution of the tablet mass in the chyme environment. This is necessary for the uniform action of enzymes and the full digestion of nutrients. The tablet form easily breaks up due to elementary components - talc and starch, it is enough to take the drug on time (with food) and drink plenty of fluids.
However, the distribution of the drug in the food lump, even in the stomach cavity, is considered optimal. To do this, some manufacturers enclose the active substance in miniature tablets or spherical structures coated with an acid-resistant coating. Their diameter does not exceed 2 mm, providing uniform mixing with food. The large membrane dissolves in the lumen of the stomach, and minimicrospheres are well distributed in its contents.
The dosage indicated on the package applies only to lipolytic enzymes. This group is produced only by the pancreas and there is nothing to replace the natural lipase with the body. Things are easier with amylase, since a sufficient amount of sugar-digesting enzymes food is processed with full chewing. There are analogues of protease in the intestine, so the body is also able to reduce the deficiency of protein enzymes. The amount of amylase and protease is indicated in the instructions for the drug. It is equal to the physiological norm of enzymes, respectively, lipase. Focusing on the amount of lipase, the dosage of pancreatin can be as follows:
- 750 units - in children's preparations;
- 3000 units - standard form;
- 8000 units - the most common form of release;
- 14000 units - form of issue "Forte";
- 25,000, 40,000, 75,000 units - imported analogues of the drug.
The dose for a single dose of the drug is selected under medical supervision on an individual basis, taking into account the state of health, eating habits, patient preferences and his need for enzymes. Regardless of the manufacturer and the dosage form used, the drug is dosed as follows:
- with complete pancreatic insufficiency - the daily dose is 400,000 units, divided into five to six doses;
- with partial insufficiency pancreas - about 150,000 units, divided evenly throughout the day;
- children from four years old - the dose is equal to one tablet per 28 kg of body weight;
- infants and children up to three years - the dosage is selected by the doctor.
Adults take up to four tablets of a standard dose (8000 units) at a time, children take one or two tablets, or better, a special “Pancreatin for children” in accordance with the recommendations of the instructions.
The tablets are swallowed whole during a meal or immediately after it, washed down with plenty of water. The timing of treatment varies:
- several days - with overeating and episodic diarrhea;
- for life - with complete pancreatic insufficiency.
Additional features
The use of "Pancreatin" is appropriate for dysfunction of not only the pancreas, but also other important organs of the digestive tract. The drug is prescribed as part of complex therapy:
- gastritis;
- stomach ulcers;
- diarrhea of unknown origin;
- diarrhea accompanying rotavirus;
- dysbiosis;
- hepatitis A;
- cirrhosis of the liver;
- various poisonings.
And also after removal of the gallbladder.
Use in pregnant women
Theoretically, pancreatin cannot have a teratogenic effect on the fetus, provoke impaired development or lead to termination of pregnancy. However, the theory does not have reliable clinical evidence.
Therefore, future mothers can take Pancreatin only as prescribed by the doctor, if the expected benefits for her exceed the existing risks for the child. This situation occurs if a woman has pancreatic insufficiency, the absorption of beneficial substances is disturbed, if she suffers from cystic fibrosis.
The risks
The drug is well tolerated. Undesirable symptoms rarely occur:
- heartburn;
- stool disorders;
- nausea;
- stomach ache;
- allergic rash.
Such signs accompany individual sensitivity to a drug of animal origin.
A contraindication to taking the drug is an allergy to the active substance or auxiliary components. Categorically prohibited tablets during an exacerbation of pancreatitis. In the first few days, complete rest, fasting, and avoiding overheating are recommended. To receive "Pancreatinum" they begin after the recommendation of a doctor, in the phase of remission of the disease. In this case, the drug “unloads” the inflamed pancreas, prevents swelling of the ducts, parenchyma necrosis and the development of diabetes. The tool serves to prevent possible complications of pancreatitis - irritation and inflammation of the intestinal membranes under the influence of undigested food particles (colitis).
With regular and prolonged exceeding of the recommended doses, scarring of intestinal tissues is possible in the area of transition of the small intestine into the large intestine, as well as in the structure of the colon.
Uncontrolled use of the drug can negatively affect the ability of the pancreas to perform its functions. There is also an increased risk of kidney stones due to an increase in uric acid concentration in the urine.