Oatmeal diet: losing weight at an aristocratic breakfast

Oatmeal is considered an easy and healthy breakfast dish. Oatmeal is affordable, easy to prepare, for a long time provides a feeling of satiety. Thanks to this, "Hercules" has become one of the most popular products used in the fight against extra pounds. Oat diet, subject to all the rules, can give excellent results. It is important to learn how to cook and eat the dish.
Hot oatmeal with apple slices and mint leaves

A lean, dietary menu with oatmeal is one of the most budgetary ways to try on the role of the English aristocracy. You can become a real beauty queen, taking care of your health, weight. Restore strength, improve appearance, cope with obesity.

If you are wondering if even one woman lost weight on this lazy diet, do not rush to go to the forum and ask for feedback - as practice shows, some women successfully combine eating oatmeal with sweets, and then complain that for some reason she did not lose weight helps. Regrettably, the oatmeal diet is a mono-diet, and does not mean eating sweets - even a little in the dark, when it is not visible to anyone.

Useful properties of cereal

Oatmeal has a low glycemic index. What does it mean? Our body receives a boost of energy due to the "slow" carbohydrates that are in the product. They are absorbed gradually, unlike the “fast” ones, which does not allow the level of sugar in the blood to rise sharply. The use of oats, the addition of bran from this cereal to dishes, due to its beneficial composition, has a beneficial effect on the work of many body systems.

  • Cellulose. The product performs the function of "brush". The intestines are cleansed of toxins that impede the absorption of vitamins and minerals.
  • Polymer carbohydrate. Formed in the process of cooking porridge. When it enters the stomach, envelops its walls. Thanks to this, beneficial bifidobacteria actively inhibit the development of harmful microorganisms. Also, the presence of mucus (polymer carbohydrate) leads to an active contraction of the smooth muscles of the stomach and intestines. This allows undigested food particles to evacuate faster from the body, which reduces the amount of constipation.
  • Vitamins. Group B - to increase immunity, reduce stress, proper functioning of the nervous system. A, E - for healthy and radiant skin.
  • Phosphorus and calcium. Strengthen teeth, skeletal system, make hair thick.
  • Iron. Effective in the fight against anemia, vegetovascular dystonia, heart and vascular diseases.
  • Iodine. Useful for thyroid gland. Helps increase mental activity.
  • Potassium and magnesium. They have a strengthening effect on the heart muscle.
Substances such as linoleic acid, choline, lecithin accelerate the processing of cholesterol.

Oat diet: preparation

Oatmeal diet should be observed no more than once every six months. When developing a detailed menu, we do not forget that it is better to eat in small portions, but often. Between receptions we try to maintain the same intervals. The following six rules will help increase dietary efficiency.

  1. Smooth entry. We begin to limit ourselves gradually, reducing portions of the usual food.
  2. Prohibited Products. We remove from the menu fried, salty dishes, sweets, flour products. Do not eat bananas, potatoes, grapes, corn. The diet should not contain vegetables, which contain a large amount of starch and calories.
  3. Diet. The last meal should be no later than three to four hours before bedtime. Serving small. Nutrition - fractional. The number of meals depends on personal preference. Better if it will be six to seven times a day.
  4. Water balance. A day we drink a minimum of 2 liters of liquid separately from food. This is not only water, but also low-fat kefir, yogurt, green tea.
  5. Additional Products. Before lunch, we eat porridge in milk or on water, seasoning it with dried plums or apricots, nuts. After it we make snacks with fruits, preferably acidic. Fresh or boiled, steamed vegetables are also suitable.
  6. Exit mode. The oat diet menu is gradually expanding, adding meat and fish to it. Then we replace the grits themselves.
It is recommended to add one tablespoon of vegetable oil to the porridge. You can eat oatmeal, cookies, but at a minimum. They should not contain sugar and other additives.

We clean the body

The process of losing weight consists of two main stages: the preparatory and the diet itself. The first of them lasts one day and includes cleansing the body. The results of the oat diet depend on how well the cleansing was carried out. The procedure is carried out in two stages, then you can start a diet.

  1. Cooking rice broth. Four tablespoons of cereal pour 1 liter of cold water. Leave infused all night. In the morning, cook over low heat for an hour. The mixture should be the same consistency as jelly.
  2. Cool and take on an empty stomach. After that, do not eat food, liquid for four hours.

How to cook

First of all, for cereal it is better to take cereals, rather than cereals. Whole grains undergo less processing, so they retain all the beneficial properties. The feeling of fullness after such a meal lasts longer. Making flakes involves steaming, flattening and rolling the grains into "petals". The only advantage of cereal is the speed of cooking. It is enough to fill them with boiled or cold water.

Cook oatmeal on water for a diet, following a five-step recipe.

  1. Pre-rinse the oatmeal, fill with water and leave overnight.
  2. Rinse again. Fill with water, adhering to the ratio of cereals and liquid 1: 2. We put on a slow fire.
  3. After boiling, remove the foam.
  4. Cook for 10-15 minutes, stirring regularly so that the porridge does not stick to the walls of the dishes.
  5. Remove from heat and hold under a closed lid for about ten minutes.
You can cook more satisfying porridge in milk. The algorithm of actions is similar to the version with water. The difference between the methods is only that we pour the cereal into boiling milk.

3 day menu

This option can be used as fasting days. The menu for 3 days is porridge, cereal, oatmeal cookies. There are no snacks here, so we do not use additional products. Of the drinks - only water and green tea without sugar, honey.

We can spend such fasting days every month. Result: weight loss by 2-3 kg maximum.

For 5 days

In the diet there is only oatmeal and drinks: water, herbal teas. A fairly tough option, so it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases. It may be the eve of an important event, such as a wedding.

You can lose up to 5 kg. The daily diet is 1 kg 250 g of finished porridge, which is divided into five portions. It is not recommended to eat bread, cookies and even cereal.

We can replace the extreme version with a more gentle one. A diet of three products: oatmeal, cottage cheese, an apple of sour varieties for those who are not ready to greatly limit themselves.

For a week

A sparing oat diet for weight loss of 10 kg per week has a more diverse diet. Fruits, vegetables and fermented milk products are added to the cereal. Liquid in unlimited quantities, but not earlier than 30 minutes after a meal. The following table will help you create a weekly menu of the right foods.

Table - Approximate seven-day oat menu

Day of the weekBreakfastDinnerHigh teaDinner
Monday- A portion of oatmeal;
- a tablespoon of nuts
- Zucchini soup or main course with yogurt- Vegetable salad seasoned with vegetable oil- Porridge with sour berries;
- a glass of low-fat kefir
Tuesday- Oatmeal;
- a glass of kefir or an apple;
- a handful of dried fruits
- Vegetable soup;
- porridge
- grapefruit- Porridge with sour berries
Wednesday- Porridge on milk or on water;
- 250 ml of kefir
- Vegetable soup or porridge
with dried fruits
- Green apple or grapefruit- Porridge with dried grapes;
- a cup of kefir
Thursday- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir or prunes
- Vegetable soup;
- or salad and porridge
- Fruit salad with low fat yogurt- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir or yogurt
Friday- Porridge with walnuts- Salad with carrots and cabbage;
- broccoli soup;
- porridge
- Orange or grapefruit- Oatmeal;
- green apple or kiwi
Saturday- Porridge;
- a glass of kefir;
- dried fruits
- Vegetable soup;
- porridge
- Vegetable salad- Porridge;
- herbal tea or kefir
Sunday- Porridge with yogurt or slices of prunes- Vegetable soup;
- milk porridge
- Kefir;
- an Apple
- Porridge on the water
We prepare soups, salads without spices and other additives. First courses are recommended from celery, cauliflower, beans and asparagus. In the appetizers, add beets, carrots, white or Beijing cabbage. Do not forget about the liquid. We drink water and herbal teas as much as we want.

Ten day

The technique allows you to get rid of 10 kg of excess weight. The list of allowed products includes:

  • fruits (citruses and others);
  • berries (cherries, red and black currants, raspberries);
  • vegetables other than those containing starch;
  • dried fruits;
  • greenery;
  • low-fat dairy products;
  • nuts, but not peanuts.
Main meals necessarily include a portion of oatmeal (200 g) and the above products. For 10 days, we make purchases in advance so as not to use prohibited products later. Snacks - tea, sour-milk drinks with nuts or dried fruits. We can also prepare small portions of vegetable and fruit salads.

Oatmeal with baked apples in a wooden bowl

For two weeks

In this embodiment, the diet is porridge and vegetable soups or broths. First meals are prepared for lunch. We eat oatmeal in the morning and in the evening. Snacks from permitted fruits and dairy products. The diet for 14 days is quite complicated, therefore it is used only by healthy people. We repeat it no earlier than six months later. You can lose 10 kg or more.

Soups can be replaced with okroshka cooked on whey. It is recommended to drink one teaspoon before breakfast. linseed oil for general strengthening of the body. It is advisable to take additional vitamins during the diet.

Underwater rocks

Reviews about the oat diet say that it is not suitable for those who are actively involved in sports, experiencing strong physical exertion. The diet is not suitable for those who simply do not like cereals. Eating one product can get bored quickly. One of the side effects is a possible breakdown and a return to the previous weight with a couple kilogram extra.

Based on the feedback of doctors, the oatmeal diet is effective only in cases where a person does not have health problems. Hard mode is also possible for mentally and emotionally stable individuals. If on the first day weakness appears and a constant feeling of hunger is present, you should abandon the diet.


The diet menu is limited, so it is not suitable for everyone. For example, pregnancy and breastfeeding are not the best time for experimentation. A limited menu can harm not only the expectant or nursing mother, but also the baby. There are a number of contraindications to its use:

  • intolerance to cereal crops;
  • active growth period;
  • gastritis with increased acidity of an acute or chronic nature;
  • colitis;
  • blood and vascular diseases;
  • heart diseases;
  • intestinal inflammation, ulcer;
  • malignant and benign neoplasms;
  • profuse acne;
  • stool problems: constipation, flatulence;
  • fungal diseases;
  • viral and infectious diseases, for example, psoriasis;
  • cholecystitis - a complication after gallstone disease;
  • diseases and pathologies of the endocrine system;
  • high cholesterol;
  • pancreatic inflammation - pancreatitis.
It is also not recommended to use the diet for persons under 16 years of age. It can harm women after 45. Before conducting a diet, it is advisable to undergo an examination, make sure that the basic systems of the body are functioning correctly, and obtain permission for such a diet from the attending physician.

Starting a diet, you should not focus on specific numbers. The human body is individual and therefore can respond differently. The result largely depends on the initial weight. Someone loses 2 kg, and someone and all ten. Oatmeal diet will be more effective if you strengthen the result, playing sports, but in moderation.

Reviews: “On day 5, I wanted to hide in the fridge with sausage ...”

The morning of the 5th day, total −3kg :). I feel good. Oatmeal, or rather Hercules, helps me not to feel hunger, and fruits and vegetables help make this porridge more varied! For me now the main thing is to make a habit of eating little and eating properly, not to arouse appetite. I walk a lot, + I think walking in the snow and a fur coat make this lesson a little more “fat burning”.

Vera, http://www.dietplan.ru/diety/ovsyanaya-dieta/

I generally love oatmeal. Well, it so happened that in some newspaper that was lying around at home, accidentally stumbled upon this diet. I read, scratched my brain and let me think - I will try! My menu included oatmeal and vegetables. Cooked oatmeal in milk (otherwise it does not go with me). The first three days were fun and good. On the fourth day, oatmeal was not quite enthusiastic. On the fifth or sixth day, I just wanted to hide from the oatmeal, preferably in the refrigerator with sausage ...
In general, I stood it for 6 days, it took 4.5 kilos, but I didn’t sit very tightly - either a little butter in a mess, then a cup of tea with honey ... I won’t force myself a second time yet, but by the way the kilograms didn’t come back quickly, but this is important!

Sparrow, http://www.pohudelki.com/weight-diet /

Other diets

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