Ovariamin tablets: will they help to become a mother

Ovariamine is an extract of their cattle ovaries. The drug belongs to dietary supplements. According to the instructions for use "Ovariamin", the medicine can normalize ovarian function, stimulate follicular growth and promote pregnancy. There are practically no side effects. What is the action based on and is the remedy so effective?
Ovariamine Packaging

The main thing for a person is to maintain health and prolong life as much as possible, and for a woman, to endure and give birth to a healthy baby. Therefore, in the preventive medicine, new directions are constantly appearing. One of them is the use of dietary supplements based on "cellular amines" (cytamines). Such medicines include Ovariamin tablets, their price is not high.

What are cytamines

Cytamines are bioregulators of natural origin that allow you to normalize and maintain the functioning of systems and organs, increase the body's resistance to the influence of adverse factors. This allows you to maintain health and physical activity for many years.

Cytamines from tissues and organs of healthy animals are released according to a special technology. They are complexes of proteins and nucleotides, physiological doses of vitamins and minerals.

Cytamines are unique drugs that have no analogues. To date, 17 of their species have been registered. Each is used to correct the operation of a specific system or organ, as well as in healthy people, as a prophylactic.

Composition and principle of action

A representative of the group of cytamines is Ovariamin, a drug that normalizes the activity of the female reproductive system. Get it by processing the ovaries of animals. On sale there is a drug in tablets of 355 and 155 mg. The active ingredient in Ovariamine is cytamine, its content in one tablet is 0.01 g. The drug also contains additional components:

  • vitamin compounds - thiamine (B1), tocopherol (E), niacin (B3), riboflavin (B2);
  • mineral complexes - iron (Fe), calcium (Ca), phosphorus (P), magnesium (Mg), potassium (K), aluminum (Al), copper (Cu), sulfur (S), manganese (Mn), cobalt (Co) , sodium (Na), zinc (Zn);
  • amino acids - for example, lysine, leucine, valine, aspartic acid, isoleucine, tyrosine.

The active components of the drug have an easily digestible form, there are no preservatives in it.

How does the drug work?

The ovaries need help if for one reason or another they do not fully cope with their function. “Ovariamine” is what you need in this case: the bioregulator selectively acts on the ovarian cells, allowing them to regenerate. The drug, unlike hormones, does not have a substitution effect, but supports the normal functioning of the glands.

Cytamine, the active substance of the drug, can reduce the gonadotropic activity of the pituitary gland, reduce the number of follicle-stimulating hormones, and improve ovarian function. Also, dietary supplements are characterized by estrogen-like action. The resulting effect of cytamine is mild, since it is based on substances that are in food of animal origin.

The drug acts both on damaged cells, helping to eliminate “problems”, and on healthy ones, simply by nourishing them.“Ovariamin” activates the processes that occur in the female genital organs. Supplements can slow down aging during menopause. Excess nutrients do not accumulate in the cells, but are excreted naturally.

What are the indications for use?

"Ovariamin" is recommended for use in various pathological conditions accompanied by impaired ovarian function. Indications for use are as follows:

  • with frequent anovulatory cycles;
  • in complex treatment amenorrhea;
  • at endometriosis, uterine fibroids;
  • with early ovarian depletion (low AMH analysis);
  • with infertility of unspecified origin;
  • with prolonged use of oral contraceptives;
  • if there were miscarriages and non-developing pregnancies in the anamnesis;
  • before surgical interventions on the female genital organs;
  • with acute or chronic adnexitis;
  • in the initial phase menopause to reduce the level of FSH;
  • before IVF.

In the latter case, “Ovariamin” is taken in conjunction with “Epifamine” (an epiphysis bioregulator that stimulates the immune system and hormonal system).

Together with other cytamines, Ovariamin is used in treatment and prevention regimens:

  • neurocirculatory dystonia;
  • migraine.

It is also used to smooth wrinkles, improve skin texture. Gynecologists prescribe a dietary supplement for violations of menstrual function, which is caused by:

  • polycystic ovary;
  • exchange disorders;
  • a sharp decrease in body weight;
  • malnutrition;
  • chronic liver disease;
  • improperly selected diet.

Instructions for use "Ovariamine"

The duration of the drug, the multiplicity depends on the diagnosis. Therefore, the specialist determines how to take "Ovariamin", individually in each case. The average duration of treatment is about two weeks. There are situations when the remedy is prescribed in a longer course.

Irregular periods

With estrogen deficiency in women of reproductive age, tablets should be used three to five days before ovulation. The course of treatment is 10-12 days. When taking "Ovariamine" should monitor the following indicators:

  • the beginning of ovulation;
  • FSH concentration;
  • estradiol content;
  • the amount of LH.

If after three months of using the product no positive dynamics are observed, another drug is selected.

When planning pregnancy and infertility

Reception of "Ovariamin" when planning pregnancy is carried out in the first phase of the cycle. The course of treatment can be repeated only after three months. Bioadditive is taken without chewing 15 minutes before eating, washed down with water. The treatment regimen is as follows:

  • take "Ovariamin" for conception begin - two tablets every 12 hours for 20 days from the first day of the cycle;
  • take a break- for the period of the second phase of the cycle;
  • with the beginning of menstruation - again start taking "Ovariamin".
With infertility according to this scheme, treatment continues until the onset of conception. Sometimes doctors prescribe dietary supplements one tablet three times a day. During pregnancy, the drug is not taken.

During menopause

At this time, reproductive functions begin to fade, accompanied by hormonal imbalance. Ovaries already in the premenopausal period do not work fully. It is necessary to start taking "Ovariamine" precisely with the initial manifestations of menopause, with high FSH. In this case, it stimulates the functioning of the ovaries and prolongs youth. The treatment regimen for Ovariamin is as follows:

  • with unexpressed symptoms of menopause - four tablets are enough per day;
  • dose increases - if necessary, up to nine pieces (three tablets in three doses);
  • dose is reduced - when the state of health improves;
  • duration of administration - about three weeks;
  • reception can be repeated - a break is made for three weeks, then a second course of treatment is possible.

"Ovariamin" allows you to saturate the body with vitamins, amino acids and minerals that the endocrine glands need in such a difficult period.As a result of therapy, the hormonal background is normalized, metabolic processes improve, “hot flashes”, mood swings and excessive nervousness disappear, sleep is normalized. In women, the vaginal microflora improves, libido increases, and the general condition normalizes.

Contraindications and complications of taking the medicine

The drug in its composition does not contain hormones. Despite this, do not self-medicate. The following contraindications to the use of "Ovariamine" can be distinguished:

  • hypersensitivity to the components of the drug;
  • age up to 18 years;
  • breast-feeding;
  • pregnancy.

Side effects when using the drug are extremely rare. With intolerance to the components of the dietary supplement, allergy manifestations (rashes, hives, itching) can occur. If you find side effects while taking "Ovariamine", you must stop drinking pills, seek medical help

Overdose of the drug, according to the instructions, was not observed. If you accidentally take a large dose, you need to drink a sorbent (Activated carbon, “Sorbex”) and rinse the stomach.

The drug can not be taken without the approval of a specialist. With the normal functioning of the reproductive organs, the use of "Ovariamine" increases the likelihood of genital dysfunction. Excess vitamins, amino acids and minerals can disrupt the biochemical processes taking place in the body.

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What can be replaced

Ovariamin has no complete structural analogues. But there are drugs that have a similar mechanism of action. However, reviews of doctors warn that only a specialist can choose a medicine similar in effect. The list is presented in the table.

Table - What can replace "Ovariamin"

A drugCharacteristic
Vivital (tablets)- Bioadditive, which has a soft tonic and restorative effect;
- helps to stabilize the emotional background;
- activates the reproductive system
Viardo Forte (capsules)- An additional source of phytosterols, tocopherol, zinc, selenium, polyunsaturated fatty acids;
- supports ovarian activity during menopause;
- normalizes menstrual function
Qi-Klim (tablets, face cream)- Herbal medicine;
- Helps reduce or eliminate the manifestations of menopause;
- has a bracing effect;
- used for recovery after operations on reproductive organs;
- slows down skin aging during menopause
Adnexina (tincture)- Supplements of plant origin;
- has an immunostimulating, anti-inflammatory, absorbable, hormone-stimulating effect;
- used for violations during menopause;
- used in the complex treatment of gynecological diseases (endometritis, adnexitis, ovarian cysts, dysmenorrhea, mastopathy)
Remens (drops, tablets)- Comprehensive homeopathic medicine;
- allows you to restore hormonal balance;
- has an anti-inflammatory effect;
- helps to normalize the menstrual cycle and eliminate the manifestations of menopausal syndrome
Metro-Adnex-Inel (ampoules for injection and internal administration)- Homeopathic medicine;
- has an immunomodulatory, anti-inflammatory, detoxifying effect;
- the testimony is the same as that of Ovariamin

special instructions

Women with diabetes should take into account that there is a small amount of glucose in the composition of the drug. Therefore, you can take "Ovariamin" only after a medical examination.

No interaction of dietary supplements with other drugs, including alcohol, was found. Therefore, it can be combined with various medicines for short or long term use without any complications.

"Ovariamin" is recommended to be stored in a place protected from moisture and the sun. Temperature condition - up to 25 ° С.

Bioadditive is not able to influence the speed of psychomotor reactions and visual acuity. Therefore, a woman during her admission can perform work that requires special attention.No need to give up driving.

"Ovariamin" is a highly effective drug that can solve many problems with women's health. For treatment to be successful, before using the medicine, you need to consult an experienced specialist, do not look for information on the forum. Reviews about "Ovariamin" with menopause, infertility, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and menstrual irregularities prove its effectiveness.

Reviews: "The long-awaited 2 strips"

Girls, has anyone drank this drug? I read only positive things about him, there are even reviews about B after him, for example: “I took Ovariamin this cycle - this is cytamine, made from the eggs of cattle. Of course it doesn’t sound very ...: P But the doctor prescribed it to me. He said that normalizes ovarian function. Well, I believed. And what my surprise was at the end of the cycle ...; D long-awaited 2 strips. My sister also planned the year of the second child, drank 2 courses of Ovariamin ... And ... it seems pregnant ”

Mila https://www.babyblog.ru/community/post/conception/1817621

Saw ovariamine, too, that normalize the work of the ovaries, stimulate ovulation. FSH was slightly exceeded. Saw only ovariamine, without other drugs. As a result, I drank a month, everything became normal. Ovariamine can be combined with any drugs, no side effects. It helped! Little son made with his help)

Anyuta, https://www.babyblog.ru/community/post/conception/1817621

She took Ovariamin, he had a good effect on the cycle, menstruation ceased to be painful, it turned out to be pregnant from the third attempt, before that they tried for a year. A gynecologist advised this drug, so I took it calmly, especially since it is a natural biological product.

Basilisk N, http://forum.forumok.ru/index.php?showtopic=52417

Hi girls, here in the second month I drink Ovariamin, in 1 month everything was fine, ovulation was true the cycle was reduced from 28 to 23, well, this month, something is wrong, there is no ovulation today, day 14 of the cycle, went to an ultrasound today, this is what she wrote to me in the right ovary of follicles up to 11mm. in the left 13 mm. sweat-7me, endometrium 7mm. But she went on the 9th day of the cycle, that's what she wrote to me the right ovary 25 * 23 * 19mm with follicles up to 6mm, and the left ovary 35 * 23 * 21mm, it has a dominant follicle 10mm. Endometrium up to 6mm. I don’t understand whether it is possible to get pregnant in this cycle and what is effusion-7me, I think that I have spoiled everything with Ovariamin or have not lost everything, tell me whether it is possible to become pregnant or already late.

Arishka https://forum.materinstvo.ru/lofiversion/index.php/t118017.html

In the last cycle, I liked the drink, and my chest and health did not hurt as much as usual before M, and M came quickly, otherwise it usually happened for 2 and 3 months. I still drink sage after dinner instead of tea, I like the taste. In general, I hope.

Fantom https://forum.materinstvo.ru/lofiversion/index.php/t118017.html

Other medications

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