Masks for whitening the face at home from age spots

The appearance of dark spots on the face, shoulders, chest and arms is a typical manifestation of the skin's reaction to the sun. It is not easy to deal with it, but it is possible with both cosmetological and folk remedies. Whitening facial masks at home will extend the effect of salon treatments and remove shallow pigmentation.
Face massage

The traditional time for the appearance of spots or hyperpigmentation, as doctors call this phenomenon, is summer. However, even in winter, they can pursue fans of outdoor activities. On the snowy slopes of the mountains of ski resorts, the sun is no less aggressive than in the summer on the beach. Therefore, skin should be protected from it.

How to whiten our skin if there is a violation of the distribution of pigments? Which mask works effectively against pigmentation disorders? Will sour cream help to clarify, cleanse the skin, smooth out light wrinkles? We will try to answer all these questions below.

Causes of Hyperpigmentation

Each person's skin contains melanin. This substance is produced by special cells - melanocytes. The intensity of their work depends on external and internal factors. External influences include, first of all, the effect of ultraviolet radiation: in an effort to protect the body from the sun, melanocytes begin to produce more melanin, which, when oxidized, acquires a dark color and colors the skin.

There are also internal causes of hyperpigmentation. These include:

  • hormonal diseases and oral contraceptives with hormonal changes;
  • diseases of the nervous system;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, liver;
  • vitamin C deficiency

The development of hyperpigmentation must be taken carefully, if this happened suddenly, it was not preceded by a prolonged exposure to the sun without protective equipment or cosmetic procedures on the skin (peeling, microdermabrasion). There is a possibility of diseases of the endocrine, nervous, digestive systems.

If the reasons for the appearance of spots, freckles or excessive tanning are clear to you, you can try to deal with them with available means.

Girl removes spots from her forehead with one wave of her hand

Stain Removal Methods

To solve the problem, you can use various funds from age spots. A quick effect provides a combined approach.

  • Beauty treatments. In cosmetology clinics, chemical peels and laser resurfacing are performed. The purpose of the procedures is to remove the upper layer of the skin, in which dark foci of melanin are concentrated. Chemical peeling is a superficial burn of the epidermis, as a result of which the old layer dies and exfoliates, it is replaced by a new layer of skin without ugly spots. Using different types of acids, the cosmetologist can control the depth of the burn, focusing on the degree and depth of pigmentation, which helps from superficial, as well as stagnant spots. Laser resurfacing is safer, it allows you to process the skin at the required depth. The duration of skin recovery after these procedures is about a week, but requires maintenance therapy at home.
  • Hydrogen peroxide in a dark glass vialHome treatments. With shallow pigmentation, masks can be used to whiten the face at home. They use natural remedies and inexpensive pharmacy drugs, for example, hydrogen peroxide, ascorbic acid.Home treatments do not provide the same quick effect as salon ones, and cannot remove deep age spots. But they are effective against sunburn, freckles, bright sunspots. Also, with the help of home remedies, you can achieve the prolonged effect of salon procedures.

When using skin whitening products, it is important to consider that the intensity of solar exposure to unprotected epidermis increases. When removing its upper layer, the use of masks for whitening the skin of the face with active sun, the risk of progression of the problem, "spread of spots" to larger areas increases.

Therefore, procedures for the removal of hyperpigmentation must be planned for the autumn or winter period, when the intensity of ultraviolet radiation decreases. But even in the cold season, you should treat the skin with UV filters before going outside, which will protect against the return of pigmentation.

Girl prepared lemons full hands

Effective whitening mask recipes

Home remedies for whitening age spots are based on components that contain acids. They act like salon peeling, but much softer, more accurate. The components are not able to penetrate deep into the skin, therefore, they only remove superficial pigmentation. But with their regular use, good results can be achieved.

Simple and affordable means for hyperpigmentation of the skin:

  • cucumber;
  • lemon;
  • parsley;
  • viburnum;
  • cranberry;
  • licorice.
Of the pharmaceutical preparations, hydrogen peroxide is used. It acts differently than acid. When applied to the skin, it reacts with air. Substances are formed that literally push the dye out of the cells. Hydrogen peroxide is effective, but affects the epidermis too aggressively, so use it with caution.

We offer recipes for face masks for whitening, about which there are positive reviews.

From hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice

Combined compresses can quickly cope with local browning. They combine the acid component and peroxide, which makes them a highly effective home remedy.


  1. Pour hydrogen peroxide in a concentration of 3% into the container.
  2. Add a similar amount of lemon juice.
  3. Dip a cloth into the composition, soak, attach to the darkened areas.
  4. Hold for 15 minutes.
  5. Rinse off with warm water.

From parsley and kefir

Parsley whitening face mask - an old folk recipe. Such a composition was prepared by girls in Russia to remove freckles. Nowadays, not only its lightening effect has been proven, but also the ability to tone the skin, tighten it and get rid of small wrinkles due to the presence of essential oils and vitamins in parsley.


  1. Grind a bunch of parsley, squeeze the juice.
  2. Add a similar volume of kefir.
  3. Soak a soft cloth in the resulting composition, apply to stain areas.
  4. Hold twenty minutes.
  5. Remove the tissue, remove the remnants of the product with a cotton swab dipped in apple cider vinegar.

The advantage of this composition is its mild effect on the epidermis. It is suitable even for dry skin, and can be used regularly. To achieve a visible effect, apply the mask every other day for two weeks.

From cottage cheese and hydrogen peroxide

Cottage cheese will help reduce the aggressiveness of the effect of peroxide on the skin. It nourishes the surface layer, will increase its tone. For oily skin, it is recommended to add a spoonful of honey to the recipe.


  1. Mash 100 grams of cottage cheese.
  2. Add the yolk, mix.
  3. Add hydrogen peroxide - five drops are enough.
  4. Stir and quickly apply to the affected areas of the face, neck.

The duration of the composition is fifteen minutes.

Lemon and Honey

Effectively fights hyperpigmentation with a lemon mask. It has the effect of surface peeling, reduces oily skin, brightens. Thanks to honey, it acquires nutritional, anti-aging properties.


  1. Melt honey in a volume of 50 grams.
  2. Add lemon juice - no more than five drops.
  3. Mix, apply on face. To achieve a more dense consistency, add crushed oatmeal or starch with the composition.

Use a whitening face mask with lemon is recommended for women with oily skin type. To adapt the recipe to the needs of dry epidermis, cream will allow. Add a spoon to the composition and it will become more sparing to demanding skin.

From cucumber and kefir

Light and safe composition that does not have a drying effect. You can use it with any type of skin. It brightens the epidermis and moisturizes it, saturates it with mineral salts, which is especially necessary after staying in the active sun.


  1. Grind the flesh of the cucumber.
  2. Add kefir - one or two tablespoons.
  3. Apply the product on tissue cuts and place on the face, neck.
  4. Leave on for 20 minutes.

For a cucumber mask, it is recommended to use an overripe fruit with a yellowish peel.

From potatoes and milk

Raw potatoes also have a whitening effect. To increase the nutritional qualities of the composition, milk and vegetable oil are added to it.


  1. Grate potatoes finely.
  2. Add a spoonful of milk.
  3. Pour in vegetable oil - five drops are enough.
  4. Apply to entire face or only pigmented areas as desired.
The composition is attractive anti-aging effect. Raw potatoes contain starch, a natural component that tightens the skin and reduces the appearance of wrinkles.

The girl in the hat smeared cream on her nose and laughs

Terms of use

To make a brightening facial mask at home only beneficial, follow these guidelines.

  • Apply periodically. Formulations with acidic components cannot be used daily. With oily skin, twice a week is sufficient, with dry skin - not more often than one.
  • Keep 20 minutes. The active components of the drug manage to have an effect during this time. Leaving them on the skin for longer does not make sense.
  • Protect your skin from the sun. Be sure to apply the cream with a protection factor of 15 to 25, even if you go outside for a short while.
  • Be careful! Do not perform in summer those procedures that remove or violate the integrity of the upper layer of the epidermis.

It is also important to remember that some drugs, for example, hormones, antibiotics and infusions of furocoumarins (St. John's wort, parsnip) increase the sensitivity of the skin to ultraviolet light. Protecting their sun is necessary so as not to provoke the occurrence of hyperpigmentation.

As an emergency treatment for pigmentation, a whitening face mask made from natural ingredients is not suitable. Compositions based on lemon, hydrogen peroxide, kefir, cucumber do not work quickly. They have a "cumulative" effect, or rather dissolve melanin deposits gradually. But the effects on the body are safer than aggressive salon techniques that can trigger a burn of deep skin tissues.

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