Teeth Whitening with Soda - 3 recipes for home use

How to whiten teeth with soda? How often should a procedure be performed? What recipes for home use do not prohibit dentists? Read about the subtle nuances of soda whitening in our review.

This method has gained popularity for a number of reasons. First, in practice, the effectiveness of teeth whitening with soda has been proven. The reviews confirm: after the first procedure enamel is clarified, after the second and third whiteness is visible to the naked eye. Secondly, the technique is absolutely simple and affordable, because there are no difficulties with the purchase of soda, and its cost is minimal. Thirdly, it is known that in professional dentistry soda is used to whiten teeth. The “recipe” of dentists is to combine it with water and apply a powerful stream of air to the teeth, which literally blows plaque from the surface of the teeth.

What is the secret of the method?

The action of sodium bicarbonate (or simply, soda) is to mechanically remove contaminants from the surface of the teeth. Minimal particles of soda powder act as an abrasive. By a similar principle, activated carbon bleaching is carried out. But if after brushing last you get gums full of black dots, then teeth whitening with soda does not cause such problems.

This method can be recommended to people whose enamel darkening has occurred due to natural causes. Among the most popular are tea and coffee, smoking, poor oral hygiene, and advanced age. If your teeth are dark by nature or you excessively abuse smoking, you will not be able to achieve a visible effect.

Do not try this bleaching method for pregnant women, nursing mothers. Under the ban, it is also for people with bleeding gums, the presence of sensitivity of enamel, caries, periodontitis and other diseases of the oral cavity.

Beautiful girl with a snow-white smile

You should take into account the negative consequences that may cause the use of soda for bleaching. Among them:

  • thinning of enamel and the development of hypersensitivity;
  • the occurrence of gum irritation, allergic reactions in the form of ulcers in the oral cavity and rashes;
  • complete destruction of enamel due to violations of the requirements of dentists to perform procedures or use hazardous combination formulations

Photo whitening recommendations

  • Visit your dentist to find out if soda can whiten your teeth. The doctor must make sure that at the moment you do not have caries, there are no lesions in the oral mucosa, and the dark color of the enamel arose precisely because of plaque.
  • Teeth whitening soda at home, carry out after appropriate preparation. You should not rush to the bathroom as soon as you decide to try this method. It is necessary to first strengthen the tooth enamel as much as possible. To do this, use fluoride-containing toothpastes within 30 days; clean your teeth with a soft brush. Include protein and calcium-rich foods, vegetables, and fruits in your diet. Such a diet, as well as appropriate care will make the negative impact of whitening procedures minimal.
  • After the first procedure, take a break of at least 7 days. This recommendation is given by dentists on the question of how to whiten teeth at home with soda. Reviews indicate the most sparing effect with a rare but regular cleaning.
  • Avoid getting the cleaning compound on your gums to keep them healthy. High concentrations of sodium bicarbonate and other substances can cause microtrauma and burns.

Homemade Recipes

Whitening procedures are performed with a pure soda formulation or in combination with other substances.

Only soda

Use a dry powder or concentrated soda solution from a small amount of water and 2 teaspoons of soda. The first should be applied to a wet gauze swab or taken with your fingertips. The second can be taken with dry fingers and a cotton swab. In each case, do not use a toothbrush, as its bristles in combination with an abrasive can deeply damage the enamel. Allowed to use only a toothbrush with soft bristles. Perform the treatment for 2 minutes, then rinse your mouth with water.

Baking soda, lemon and strawberries

Soda and hydrogen peroxide

Our grandmothers also knew how to whiten teeth with soda and hydrogen peroxide. Since then, the technique has not changed. Mix 3% of the peroxide with soda until a thick slurry is obtained. Treat her teeth without using a brush. 1-2 minutes are enough to perform cleaning, after which the mouth must be thoroughly rinsed. According to reviews of tooth whitening with soda and hydrogen peroxide, the result is immediately visible. But to part with such purges is not worth it. Once every 10 days will be enough.

Soda and fruit acid

In dry soda powder, it is recommended to add 3 drops of lemon juice. You can replace it with strawberry or kiwi, in general, from any sour fruit. Teeth whitening with soda and lemon is considered the most effective, since there is more acid in this juice. But it acts extremely aggressively, so resort to this method should be no more than 1 time in 2 months.

One of the known ways to whiten teeth with soda at home is to combine sodium bicarbonate with hydrogen peroxide and lemon juice. This mixture is so destructive for enamel that you will have to say goodbye to the protective coating of teeth after 2-3 brushings. Avoid such dangerous experiments to preserve not only the whiteness, but also the health of your smile!

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