The content of the article
The nutritional value of products depends on the content of the main components of the diet - proteins, fats and carbohydrates. Minerals, vitamins and minerals do not participate in its formation, although they are part of the metabolism. But the contribution of carbohydrates, proteins and fats to the overall nutritional value of dishes varies.
What is the drug intended for?
The role of fats in obesity is not so great because they themselves are the least in dishes (as a percentage of other elements). But the modern food industry is increasingly using chemically modified fats and their mixtures instead of pure bases.
The effect of such “hybrids” on the metabolic system is still being studied, and there is already evidence of their ability to cause malfunctions and accelerated weight gain. And although in general reviews about Orsoten tablets speak of him as a drug with low effectiveness in terms of weight loss (not more than 10% of the total weight in three months), it can be more useful in fighting against obesity provoked by trans fats. other means.
Indications for the use of "Orsoten" do not relate to weight loss just to lose weight a little. Manufacturers see it as a drug designed to treat serious metabolic disorders, rather than mild imbalances, resolved by increasing physical activity and dietary restrictions. It is prescribed to the suffering:
- Obesity
- prediabetes (decreased glucose tolerance);
- cardiovascular disease.
Main effects
However, "Orsoten" is not suitable for the prevention of these diseases - only for their correction as part of complex therapy. Orlistat binds in the intestine with bile-split fatty acids and the enzymes involved in the digestion of fat, and then blocks them. All fat from food, including vegetable, animal and modified, remains in the intestine, since it cannot be absorbed by its walls into the blood. According to the manufacturer, this gives several effects.
- Decrease in calorie intake. It is not as significant as when blocking the breakdown of carbohydrates, but noticeable for fat lovers.
- Increased cell sensitivity to insulin. Insulin released in response to increased blood glucose activates glucose transporter proteins and corresponding cell receptors. As a result, cells become able to cleave this monosaccharide. This also applies to adipose tissue cells - adipocytes, which convert excess glucose into fat. At the same time, the number of adipocytes is growing, and they (especially fat in the abdomen) have the ability to synthesize adipocytokines - biologically active compounds that inhibit the activity of insulin and its receptors on the cell surface. The leading role in the development of insulin resistance is played by adipocytokine leptin. A decrease in the number of free triglycerides in the blood under the influence of orlistat leads to a slowdown in the growth of adipose tissue.Because of this, the concentration of “blockers” of insulin also decreases, and the sensitivity of cells to it is restored even with the previous level of human mobility.
- Lowering blood cholesterol. Due to the fact that fat is poorly absorbed in the intestine, food cholesterol also does not enter the bloodstream in full. Part of it is simply excreted in the feces. And although the liver in conditions of deficiency of food cholesterol can significantly increase its synthesis, the effect of the drug is considered positive in terms of reducing the rate of development of atherosclerosis. At the same time, some studies of atherosclerosis suggest that cholesterol deficiency is more likely to be harmful than useful, and edible fats have almost no effect on the rate of clogging of blood vessels.
Slim version
Answering the question of how “Orsoten” differs from “Orsoten Slim”, we can say that the active substance (orlistat) is the same in them, but its dosage varies. In "Orsoten" it is 120 mg of orlistat in each tablet / capsule, and in "Orsoten Slim" - 60 mg (half). Due to the difference in dosage, Orsotin Slim can be bought without a prescription, while the usual Orsoten Slim can only be prescribed by a doctor.
Restrictions on the sale of the drug in high dosages are associated with:
- the presence of serious side effects;
- poor knowledge of the long-term consequences of taking it;
- lack of improvement with increasing dosages.
The use of "Orsoten Slim" does not relieve people who want only a little weight loss, from the temptation to take more "pills." But in this case, the likelihood of serious side effects with an overdose is reduced.
Side effects
"Orsoten" binds enzymes involved in the breakdown of fats in the intestinal cavity, as well as ready-made "products" of their activity, preventing the absorption of both in the blood. Subsequently, fats blocked in the intestine are excreted from the body with feces, which increases its fat content, can create a problem of gases and increased urge to defecate. According to the manufacturer, the drug does not affect the work of other organs of the body, since it does not contact them. But all the organs of the body are connected with each other, and the scheme presented by the manufacturer is greatly simplified, as evidenced by the side effects of Orsoten.
Side effects of "Orsoten" most often and most clearly affect the work of the intestine, especially its lower parts. They appear:
- increased gas formation;
- increased urge to defecate;
- difficulties in delaying emptying (up to incontinence);
- oily discharge from the anus.
These symptoms are due to the direct action of orlistat, and their brightness decreases as the proportion of fat in the diet decreases. But together with Orsoten fats, it also blocks the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins from the intestines, including vitamins A, E and K, forming vitamin deficiency according to them.
Harm to the central nervous system, kidneys and gall bladder
The food cholesterol deficiency provoked by the drug harms the central nervous system and the synthesis of a number of hormones, which may result in:
- headache (observed in more than 30% of those taking Orsoten);
- dizziness and disorientation;
- unreasonable anxiety;
- sleep disorders
- slowing down tissue regeneration after injuries or sports.
With prolonged use, the means of manifestation from the central nervous system spontaneously decrease, and then disappear. There were no acute cases of damage to the central nervous system after losing weight on Orsoten. Drinking alcohol does not change the effect of the drug.But the list of its side effects also indicates more serious health consequences than transient swelling with migraine. Among them, gallstone disease and oxalaturia associated in some cases.
- Gallstones. Normally, bile acids, together with the fats cleaved by them, are absorbed into the bloodstream and returned to the liver. Reception of “Orsoten” breaks this chain, creating their deficit. Blocking cholesterol from food only complicates the matter, since the liver synthesizes bile from it. The concentration of bile acids in bile decreases, which increases the likelihood of stone formation. Most often - bilirubin. This dye is formed during the breakdown of red blood cells, it stains blood plasma, urine, bile and feces in tan shades. Excess bilirubin in the blood has a toxic effect on the liver, which processes it, and on the brain. Its excess in the composition of bile leads to inflammation of the walls of the gallbladder and the formation of stones.
- Oxalate stones. Oxalates are formed in the kidneys when oxalic acid metabolism is disturbed or if it is consumed in excess - with spinach, lettuce, sorrel and other acidic vegetables or berries. Oxalates are characteristic of supporters of a vegetarian diet or those who have been treated for atherosclerosis. Cholesterol-rich animal fats, blocked in the intestines by atherosclerosis drugs or orlistat, bind to calcium in its cavity. It ceases to interact with oxalic acid located in the same place from food, which begins to enter the blood in a chemically pure form. Normally, this should not be, since calcium is also present in blood serum. When oxalic acid enters the blood, it binds to serum calcium. Calcium oxalates no longer occur in the intestine, from where they are excreted through the rectum, but in the bloodstream, and accumulate in the kidneys when you try to filter them out.
Due to the irreversibility of certain side effects (neurological and intestinal symptoms disappear after it is canceled, but gallstone disease does not) and serious interference with metabolism, the use of "Orsoten" is prohibited with the existing ones:
- oxalaturia - because it will increase with the beginning of the course;
- gallstones - the drug will provoke a sharp deterioration in gallstone disease;
- malabsorption syndrome - violation of the general absorption of nutrients from the intestines into the blood, which can occur with a deficiency of digestive enzymes (Orsotena enhances these manifestations and can lead to complete digestibility of food components);
- chronic pancreatitis - especially arising as a complication of gallstone disease;
- nephrolithiasis - even if kidney stones are not oxalates, because metabolic disorders of some acids (like urinary with gout) negatively affect the metabolism of all the others;
- gout - Admission "Orsoten" can aggravate its course or add problems in the form of gallstone disease.
Contraindications to the use of Orsoten also include pregnancy and breastfeeding, although orlistat is not absorbed from the intestine into the blood, and therefore does not penetrate the placenta or breast milk. The official explanation is the threat of deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins in the mother and child. But to this one must also add the sharply negative effect of Orsoten on cholesterol metabolism in the mother’s body.
Instructions for use "Orsotene"
It does not matter how to drink Orsoten for the best effect, since this drug is still not very effective. The basis of excess weight (but not obesity) is "busting" on carbohydrates, not fats in food, which the drug does not affect the metabolism. In this case, an overdose of the drug can lead to side effects and increase their brightness, but it will not accelerate weight loss.
The daily dosage of Orsoten tablets is 120 mg (one Orsoten tablet or two Orsoten Slim tablets), three times a day. You need to take the drug with food. If it is fat-free, you can not drink the product. In the regimen of “Orsoten” for weight loss, there are three or more months of its use. The total duration of treatment can be up to six months, which also reduces the feasibility of its use if you need to lose weight quickly.
Other weight loss methods
Medicine considers excess weight as a problem of malnutrition, and relates it to pathologies in exceptional cases - with diabetes and other large-scale metabolic disorders. She does not approve and does not develop drugs for weight loss, since no medicine can be taken throughout life - everyone has dangerous side effects.
The measures proposed by her for weight loss are reduced to lifelong compliance:
- balanced nutrition;
- correctly calculated physical activity.
Doctors can prescribe a diet, drugs and surgery (suturing the volume of the stomach, injecting synthetic excipients into his cavity for the same purpose), only after a diagnosis has been made related to the physiological rather than psychological problems of the patient or his wrong eating habits.
Due to the lack of drugs to get rid of a small excess of fat in the absence of significant metabolic problems, healthy overweight people have to take drugs created to treat certain pathologies that are accompanied by obesity.
- «Reduxin». Drug based sibutramine. It stimulates the onset of a feeling of fullness, speeds up blood circulation and raises body temperature to improve glucose metabolism. Reduxin is strictly contraindicated in cardiovascular pathologies and at an age when the risk of their progression is already high (from 60 years and older).
- «Glucophage». And other drugs based on metformin biguanide, developed for the treatment of type II diabetes mellitus. Metformin blocks the absorption of carbohydrates into the blood from the intestines and the liver to break down other components of food (fats, proteins) in order to make up for its deficiency. Like the rest of the biguanides, metformin is extremely toxic to the liver and kidneys, can cause complications in muscle tissue, especially in combination with increased physical activity or taking statins.
- "Porziola." Carbomer based on polyacrylic acid. This gelling agent and a water retainer are used in the manufacture of creams for the face, body, and medicines where the presence of a thickener or emulsifier is required. Taking "Porziola" and other products based on carbomer 940 (an alternative name for the active substance) creates a false volume in the stomach.The feeling of satiety with it comes faster, and the place of high-calorie food is occupied by an indigestible gel, which is then excreted through the rectum, with the remains of the food mass.
- «Xenical». It is a complete analogue of Orsoten. Today, he alone is admitted to long-term therapy for obesity, but just for weight loss in order to improve the figure he is not suitable.
But most widely in the market of drugs for weight loss are ineffective or even dangerous to health fakes with a dubious origin and an unclear composition. Their depressing appetite, stimulating the central nervous system, can be explained by the addition of amphetamine, caffeine, ephedrine. Some of these “existing foundations” are available everywhere and at a much lower price, while some are related to soft drugs and are prohibited from legal sale. Among them, you can even find the usual laxative or diuretic.
Compared to similar products, Orsoten diet pills are not the worst choice. After all, caffeine and ephedrine are dangerous for people with pathologies of the heart and blood vessels (especially if you do not know about their presence in the purchased product). And drugs, even lungs, are addictive, can lead to depletion of the central nervous system and persistent anorexia.
Other medications
Reduxine Tablets
Neo-Penotran Candles
Candles Genferon